
revenge ~vengeance

Freesoul_300109 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

chapter 6

Akira's POV

It's been two days since we last talked about the interview and today is my interview,I am excited as well as nervous. Like ofcourse why I won't be nervous even after being a CEO it's my first time when I will work in any other company, truly to say I wanted to inform dad ,bhai and amy about my company but I was scared that they will think I didn't trust them enough to tell such big news to them . Though I know they will understand but I can't fight my fear .

It is 5:00 am in the morning I don't know why I woke up this much early today

(Author: in reality it's the time I put my phone aside and goes to sleep)

I couldn't understand what should I do as I was unable to sleep, so i thought why don't I do all the house chores that can be done right now cause my interview is at 9:30 it's still much time left . I went downstairs and completed all the work that can be done as I checked the time I saw it was already 6:45 am so i thought to make breakfast for everyone and today I decided to make an English breakfast for my siblings and North Indian for my dad .

Pictures of the breakfast

Pancakes for my sister and me

Smoothie bowl for viraj

Avocado toast with poached eggs for veer

Matar ke parathe (peas stuffed parathe) for dad

Coffee for viraj and veer bhai and me

Chai for papa

Juice for my sister

As I checked the time after finishing all the work including breakfast making it was 7:30 am . I went upstairs to wake amaira and check whether my brothers are awake or not . As I knocked on amaira's door she opened it and was standing ready in her school uniform

Her uniform

Amaira: good morning dii , I was coming downstairs for breakfast. Today I thought to suprise you by getting up early and getting ready.

Akira : I loved the suprise baby , now go downstairs the breakfast is already on the table. If you want you can start eating.

As Akira said this amaira mad her way downstairs and Akira to veer and viraj's room. As expected viraj was ready for office but veer was still sleeping. Viraj and Akira thought to scare Veer. They came on each side of his bed and shouted near his ears .

Akira and viraj : wale up monkey, it's already 8:00 am

Veer woke up with a jerk and a scared look on his face . As he processed what had happened. He looked at both of his side to see his brother and sister laughing hardly while holding their stomachs .

Veer: you both are soo dead but first I have to get ready for office . He rushed towards bathroom with a fuming look on his face .

After 20 mins he came out fully ready and moved towards dinning area to see his father and sister waiting for him . He went towards his seat and sat to eat his breakfast. Everyone are their breakfast peacefully and quitely.

After finishing their breakfast her dad asked her

Dad: so nervous about you interview

Akira: truly , yes alot I am scared what if i said something wrong or inappropriate them what I will do .

Dad: don't be, I know my child will do the best.

Viraj: alright dad , we are leaving for the office,if you want come with us we will drop you on our way .

Dad: okay , I will be joining you and veer and princess you also come we will drop you off at school.

Amaira: alright dad ,I am coming in 2 minutes . My bag is still kept upstairs

Veer and viraj: all the best for your interview cupcake we know you will do your best and get this job.

Akira smiled seeing her brothers ' confidence...

Amaira arrived and said: all the best dii for your interview. You will surely get this job.

After this four of them went towards car and left for work and school

I cleared the dining area and saw it was already 7:45. I thought to go and get ready as it will also take time to reach there.

She went to her room and got ready.

Her outfit

She tied her hair in a high ponytail and applied a gloss as she didn't like makeup .

She picked up her bag ,wore her watch and left the house for office.

She reached office at 9:10 am . As receptionist asked her why she was there.

Akira told her about the interview ,them the receptionist called someone via telephone kept at the reception she confirmed her appointment for interview and sent her in Ranvijay's office. 

After the interview

Akira: oh my God, I can't believe it, I got the job. I should inform dad and bhai .

On call

Viraj: yes princess what happened???

Akira: you guess it what has happened.

Viraj: by hearing you voice ummm..... You got the job right.

Akira: yess i good the job ,I am so happy right now I can't express it and top of all I will be working with you and bhai .

Viraj: did you inform dad??

Akira: nope, I was going to call him first then you but I accidentally dialed you number first

Viraj: okay , you inform dad and I will inform veer .

Akira: okay Bhai, byee

Viraj: bye cupcake


fter ending her call with viraj  Bhai ,I called dad.

On call

Akira: dad I have a news for you but you have to Guess it first

Dad : ummm....you got the job right.

Akira: yes dad ,I am so so sooooo happy that I can't even express it.

Dad: I knew my princess will get this job . Since when can you join.

Akira: I can join from day after tomorrow

Dad: okay and princess don't forget to visit the temple. You are going to start a new phase in your life for that you should have god's blessings with you.

Akira: okay dad I will visit the temple but after going home as I am not wearing an appropriate dress for temple

Dad : okay princess, byeee and take care of yourself.

Akira: bye dad and you too take care.

Call ended

(Rehaan :God snap and insta ki generation mein kaun itni der phone par baat karta hai

Author: me ,when I talk with my sisters cum best friends)

I waited for an auto to arrive and went home.

After reaching home I went to my room to change my clothes as I have to visit temple

My outfit

After changing my clothes i decided to share this news with my friends also so I called them in a restaurant near temple


(Guys , plz ignore the people seen in picture)

I visited the temple and took blessings of the gods present there .

Author's pov

She was praying peacefully with hands joined and closed eyes not knowing that someone is staring her or you can say admiring her

Divyanka's pov

I insisted revika , ruhaan and rehaan to visit temple with me today. I reached there and took blessings i turned around to see only two kids of mine there the third one is missing (yk workaholic child of the family aka rehaan) I looked around for a bit only to find him talking on phone with someone while standing in a corner I sighed and looked at other side and saw a beautiful girl wearing a beautiful white frock suit standing there in prayer posture.

I was so mesmerized by her look and thought "I wish I could find such beautiful daughter in laws for my sons .

We then went to take prashad from pandit ji (priest)

And went away from there .  The thought of That girl was still roaming

Around my mind . I then heard revika whinning about something and showing puppy eyes to rehaan

Divyanka: what happened sweetheart??

Revika : maa I am feeling hungry and bhai is not stopping the car

Rehaan: haa toh kya tumhare personal driver hu ki jaha kaho wahi gaadi rok du

(Yes, so am I your personal driver that I can stop the car wherever you tell me?)

I shook my head and said

: maan jaa na bache nahi toh Ghar jaakar yeh dono mera dimaag khayege tu toh office chal jayega inn dono ko chod ke

(Pls do it , dear otherwise you will go to the office and leaving these two and  they will eat my brain)

Rehaan sighed and turned the car towards an hotel.

As they all entered the hotel. Divyanka was surprised to see someone standing at the reception as about something. And that someone was ....


ello guys it's your author sorry I couldn't post for these much days as I went into total shock after seeing my result and I have to prepare for my new session also (mf 10th class) and biggest of all those who have siblings would know this " teaching my siblings for their exam (while they don't wanna do anything)

So I will try my best to post regular and as fast as possible. Hope you all liked the chapter. Don't forget to vote the story and follow my page . Forgive me for the mistakes present above. Take care

Your author
