
revenge ~vengeance

Freesoul_300109 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

chapter 10

Author's Pov

Akira was shocked because of the sudden hug . When the person pulled out of the hug Akira was surprised to see Dhwani there .

Akira: dhwani you , what are you doing here???

Dhwani: yep me, and I am here as my parents came here to fix my marriage with your brother viraj.

Akira: omg !!!! , that means you'll be my sister in law.

But wait, did bhai and you agree on your own will or you are forced by your parents. If Yes, then I will not support you .

Dhwani : arey chill meri maa, me and your brother agreed with our own will no one forced us and you know na I have a crush on your brother (she whispered the last line )

Akira: oh my god, I am soo happy for you both . Did you tell this news to shree , akshi and vaibhavi.

Dhwani: no, I am thinking of surprising them.

Veer cleared his throat and said

: now if your girls talk is over , give our groom some attention too .

Akira hugged Viraj

: congratulations Bhai , I am sooo happy for both of you . This special news call for a celebration right .

So let's celebrate it in our style.

Dad: yes , you can but right now go and get freshen up you three and come fast to eat you dinner, it is getting cold.

Veer , viraj , Akira: okay dad.

Three of them went to their room and came back after 15 minutes wearing some casuals as they are planning for the party.

They all sat on the dining table and started eating their dinner.

Meanwhile all the elders were sitting in dining area . Discussing about dates and other important thing about marriage.

They all finished their dinner and took permission from the elders to go out .

They went for a walk and to eat icecream.

After walking about 20 minutes they reach their favourite icecream shop and ordered ice cream they wanted to eat.

Icecream they ordered

Veer and viraj




They all were enjoying their icecream suddenly amaira pulled Akira and veer .

And whispered.....

Amy : guys i think we should let this pair of lovebirds spend some time alone with eachother

Akira: great idea , let me think something so that they won't doubt us . Ummmm ... Yes .

Akira : Veer Bhai look , there is a claw machine. Can you please get me something from it . Pwease

Amaira understood her plan and joined her .

: yes Bhai please get mee something too .

Veer: okay let's go. Bhai you and bhabhi keep going mean while I will get them something.

They went away without letting Viraj or dhwani say something.

Both of them were getting awkward as they were alone.

They start walking and were talking about random things .

Veer and his two sisters were smiling seeing all this from a bit far.

They all enjoyed and went back home after almost an hour.

As they reached home , their parents stopped them and said

: so guys , it is decided that the engagement with be held next week and marriage with be held three weeks post engagement.

Dhwani and Viraj were blushing hearing this while others had a teasing smile on their faces

Amaira: i think we should start shopping for their engagement as we only got 6 days to prepare everything.

Veer and Akira: yess we should.

Then who will take care of which work decided it fast and tell us.

Amaira: I will see the dress part of the event.

Veer: I will take care of the catering work

Akira: I will take care of venue and decor.

Dad: I will take care of the guest list

Mom : I will take care of the jewellery part .

(Though she was showing that she was happy but she was not in reality. She hated the fact that a friend of that orphan girl will be her daughter in law but her husband has already warned her about creating a mess and she knew if she create a mess or start any argument. Her husband will not leave her)

Dhwani's dad : okay then we will take care of the remaining work and help you guys in your work .

Dhwani's mom : yess , and now we should leave as it is already 11:00 . We will reach home by 12 and we all have lots of pending work to do .

Dhwani beta, pls give the car key .

Dhwani: but why mom I will drive na .

Dhwani's dad: no beta it's already late Plus you would be tired from all the hospital work also so give me the key i will drive.

Dhwani Sighed because she knew her parents won't listen a thing from her , so she silently gave the keys to her dad .

After they left , everyone went to their rooms and slept except Viraj , amaira and Akira.

All of them were thinking something

Akira : I hope everything will get well after dhwani come as my sister in law. Oh god it's my only request keep my family always happy and healthy.

Viraj : I hope I will be able to fulfill my role as a husband, dhwani is a nice girl and I know she will never misbehave with anyone. I just hope my mother accept her with whole heart.

Amaira: oh god, just like Viraj Bhai got his happiness. pls give my dii her happiness too . I hope she gets out of this hell soon and live a love of her own, with her own rules and freedom. Bless my whole family with immense happiness.

Three of them kept thinking about it for a long time and went to sleep at almost 3 or 4 am.

They were happy thinking that finally a ray of happiness is coming in their lives not knowing about an unknown storm which is also coming and will cause great sadness and regret in the whole family.

The next day they all wake up while all the men and Akira left for their work . Amaira and dhwani went to shopping for selecting their outfits for engagement. They both enjoyed there day with each other and went back home after almost 5 hours. Akira and Viraj were very happy seeing them bonding soo well .

All ate their dinner and had a sleep over. They all discussed about the decor of venue, food and other things. They spent a great night will talking, laughing and playing never have I ever (obviously with juice and soft drinks because amaira was there too and she would insist to drink alcohol. )

Hii guys this is your author

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