
Revenge of the Snow White Villainess

Poisoned by her stepmother, betrayed by her stepsister, and abandoned by her fiance, Eirwenn dies swearing revenge under their smug victory. A remorseful fairy gives her another chance to live her life. Gifted with tools that were locked away before, She won't let them steal it from her again. Let them take anything of hers again.

Vivimon · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Death of the Villainess

His hand slipped out of mine as the moon reflected off of the grey bars in between us. A promise to meet again in the next life fading in the air. The prison door creaked openly slowly, light and the sharp clacking of heels coming from it. I shuffled back to the other side of my cell, curling up into a small ball.

"Open her cell."

The door swung open as three people walked inside, smugness pouring off of them.

"Bring her here."

A guard grabbed my arm and flung me onto the stone floor. The breath was knocked out of my lungs as the pain from my cracked ribs and a broken wrist radiated through my body. I looked at them with confusion, sitting up carefully.

" Mother? What's going on?"

My stepmother grabbed my face forcefully and pushed me onto my back.

"In a few days, I will give up my throne to your sister and her husband, Reinhard. And to celebrate, we'll have a bonfire that you will be a part of. "

Pain and shock welled up in my heart as my eyes shot to him. Manicured brown hair, striking blue eyes, and a smirk full of pride stared back at me. He crouched down to my level and stroked my face gently, wiping the silent tears off my cheek.

" Eirwenn, I'd apologize but that would be me lying to you. I think you're beautiful but entirely too stupid to be my wife. I wanted your empire and I got it. You may have made it easier but Leviah was more useful. I love her where I never really saw you as anything more than a means to an end."

He nodded towards the man yelling at him to leave me alone. Pulling his sword from his waist and standing up, he cut off the hand outstretched into my cell.


Emmerich groaned in pain, backing away to nurse his missing hand.

" He was in my way and now I'm going to get rid of him just like how Feya helped me get rid of my father and other brother. I could have never ruled a country like this with you by my side."

Leviah laughed and pulled him back up to their level, kissing him deeply. She bent down and smacked me across my face, leaving deep scratches. I saw blood on her nails as she pulled her hand away. Touching my cheek, I felt it covering my hand.

"I've always hated that pretty face of yours. Eirwenn is so kind, Eirwenn is so smart, Eirwenn is so beautiful. Thanks to me and my mother, you're less than trash to everyone and your own country is celebrating your execution. I wanted your life and you gave it to me. For that, I'll tell you a secret."

She leaned down to my ear and smirked.

" Your prince gave me the one thing you wanted the most of all. It won't be very long until Auralux has a new prince or princess to fawn over."

I pushed her away with my remaining arm and spit in her face

" Couldn't even wait until you were married before climbing into bed with the first guy who ever looked your way."

My stepmother rushed towards me and grabbed my hair, throwing me to the ground and kicking me in my side. I felt one of my ribs break under her foot.

" You lousy bitch. I didn't pay those dwarves to teach you disrespect. "

I coughed into my hand, seeing a bit of blood as I pulled my hand away. Smiling at her, I started to laugh. Reinhard held Leviah tightly, Feya looking at me in surprise and hatred.

" Are you going to kill me? That's what you came down here for right? That's why you're spilling your guts like this."

Feya called for the guards to hold me down. I felt hands grab my body and pin down my arms.

" You're right. I'm going to kill you. Just like I did your father and that prissy slut of a mother you had. Just because she was born first, she got the prince, the crown, and a pretty little princess to keep her there. "

She snapped her fingers and in a flash of light, her appearance changed. The ring on her finger glowed red as her blonde hair turned stark black and her blue eyes changed to a light green. My memory flashed to a portrait of my mother. They were similar but my mother was much more beautiful.

" Now this country will be mine and you can join your family. "

Twirling her finger above her ring, a small vial appeared in a flash of red light. She ordered the guards to hold my mouth open. Bitterness poured down my throat under her careful eye. The guards released me and she stepped back.

" Eirwenn…"

Emmerich screamed my name as I started to cough and choke. Sharp pain stabbed my insides, blood coming out of my mouth. I looked over at the three people responsible for my fate.

" I swear… If I ever have the chance… I will take everything away from all of you… You'll suffer as much as me…"

My eyesight started to fade as the pain slowly ebbed away. A flash of red crosses my eyes and Emmerich's voice stops suddenly. I turned my head to see his slumped figure against the bars, in the dimly lit darkness of the torches, I could make out a steady stream of liquid flowing from his lips.

" Just die already. He is. "

Her voice faded as the darkness and cold closed in around me.

Blinding light filled my vision as I felt myself dragged through emptiness. A red room decorated in a foreign fashion appeared around me. A low bed with silk curtains, pillows, and sheets was against the wall in front of me. Brushes and pots of ink sat on the table to my left with parchment scattered across it, a large mirror in front of it. The room reminded me of the paintings brought by emissaries of Huaxia when my father was still emperor. Anger flooded my reins as I thought about the father that was taken from me.

" Eirwenn?"

A woman's voice called my name. Standing a least a few feet taller than me was a very fair woman with platinum hair and golden eyes dressed in clothing from Huaxia. It was like staring at a doll made of the finest china. She walked up to me and dropped to her knees, tears of diamond dropped onto the ground at my feet.

" It's all my fault that you're like this. I wasn't strong enough to get out of here and protect you. Can you ever forgive me?"

"What is this place? Who are you?"

She stood back up and bowed deeply.

" My name is Cessair. I was asked to protect you by your mother but I failed horribly. A more powerful fairy trapped me in a mirror and forced me to serve your aunt. I used her vanity against her to acquire jewels to increase my power. I broke out and killed the fairy who trapped me. With the power I took from her, I'll be able to finally do my job."

" What do you mean?"

Cessair pulled a wand from her intricately done coiffure, the mass falling down to her knees. Mumbling a few words under her breath and swirling her wand in the air, a small hand mirror appeared and landed gently on my lap. The mirror had a golden lattice pattern on the sides, roses made of rubies climbing up vines of emerald, and a handle made of exquisite crystal. The very top of it had the emerald vines swirling around a large diamond in the center.

" This mirror can see any person at any time. Inside the mirror are two other magical items. A corset that can change your appearance and a stopwatch that can pause time. Each item has a incantation to use them. Go to the desk to write them down."

I placed the mirror carefully on the pillow I was sitting on and rushed over to the desk, preparing to write.

" To open the mirror say, Briar rose on the vine, help me claim what is mine. It should glow and you should be able to pull either item out. To hide its appearance say, Briar rose hide your bloom, I'll request your fragrance soon. "

I hurriedly copied down her words. She picked up the mirror and recited both phrases. The glass of the mirror shined white and she put her hand inside, pulling an embroidered white corset and a stopwatch carved out of an apple. The mirror shrunk before my eyes, turning into a golden bracelet with a diamond in its center, three rubies on each side, and an emerald beside the rubies.

" To use the corset say, Corset of pure white, hide me in plain sight. And for the watch, you need only pull the button at the top and time will stop but you only have a few minutes. If you move it backwards, you can go back within an hour and only once a day."

I wrote the rest of her instructions down and she checked over them.

" As my final gift to you, I'll send you back. I'll be trapped in the mirror as before but I will always be on your side. "

She opened the mirror and put the notes inside before turning it back into a bracelet and placing it on my wrist. I wrapped her into a hug as best as I could. She bent down and kissed my head gently. Tears fell from her eyes which she placed into my hands.

" Close your eyes."

I heard her murmur under her breath as a bright light hit my closed eyes and finally a warm darkness enveloped me.

" Your highness? Your highness?"

The darkness around me slowly drifted away as a soft voice called me. My eyes shot open, staring at the person next to me. She jumped and squeaked, bowing her head.

"Your father is returning from his business trip, your highness. We need to get you ready."

A curly mass of red hair, freckles covering every visible part of her skin, shining blue eyes accentuated by small crow's feet.

" Yes Ancille."

I slowly came down from the bed, pushing the diamonds underneath my pillow and steadying myself before subtly rushing over to the mirror. My cheeks were much rounder, the floor-length hair I'd chopped off as a teenager only hit my mid back, and my skin wasn't tanned from working outside. The bracelet hung on my small wrist, sparkling gently in the sunlight

" Ancille, how old is Father this year?"

" 43 your highness."

"Oh alright."

She sat me down in front of the vanity and started to comb out my hair while going over the day's schedule. I glanced out of the window, frowning. Flowers bloomed on the Maglangeana outside my window.

"Your highness, if you make that face, it will stay there."

Fixing my expression didn't quell the anger I felt. This was the trip that brought my wonderful stepmother and sister from their country home with my lovestruck father taking his first steps into his grave. If I remember correctly, he starts getting sick a few weeks after their marriage later this year. She must have used a long term poison to do it. I'll need the help of a fairy if I'm going to save him. But which one?

Alcmene. The daughter of the moon fairy. She got captured by my stepmother when I was 14 and held as a hostage so her mother would do my stepmother's bidding. To attract the attention of the moon fairy will be difficult but not impossible. Ancille tugged my hair into a carefully braided bun, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the wardrobe. My face soured in disgust at the amount of fluff and ruffles that filled it. I forgot how childish my sense of fashion was when I was this age. No wonder why the rest of society took their rumors seriously. I dressed like a child everywhere. I put a hand on Ancille's shoulder and stopped her from pulling out a bright yellow monstrosity of tulle and golden colored sapphires.

"Can I pick out my dress today?"

She nodded and stepped back. I rifled through the overfilled wardrobe and pulled out a more conservative purple bell shaped dress. With a sash of small diamonds sewn into lace across the bodice and an ankle length lace hem, it was a much better choice for the first meeting of my enemies. After all, Leviah wants my life so why not show her what a princess truly looks like. I spent too many years dressed in rags and cheapening myself on the meager allowance given by my stepmother while she looked of her status. Ancille pulled a velvet rope and another servant walked in shortly after.

"Namita, help me put her highness in her dress."

"Yes ma'am"

Namita started to undo the buttons on the dress as Ancille looked for a complimentary pair of shoes. Namita's short dark brown hair accented her deep brown eyes and tanned skin. After Feya made me disappear, she disappeared as well. I was told that she ran off with another servant into the country but I know it was just another rumor. Ancille put my shoes on and Namita helped me step into the dress. They tied it up together, stepping back and looking over their handiwork.

" By the time you finish breakfast, your father's carriage should be arriving."

I was led down to the dining room where a quiet breakfast of eggs, bacon and slices of buttered bread was laid out. It looked just as delicious as I remembered. The current kitchen staff was sent away after Father died. Some nonsense about the food being terrible. The ones after made sure I had the worse while the rest of the family had fine, exquisite foods.

" Namita can you ask the kitchen staff to bring me more food and plates?"

" Of course your highness."

She rushed off to the kitchen. I pulled out the chairs beside me and sat down, nodding for Ancille to sit beside me. Namita came back with a few of the kitchen staff carrying plates and more servings of the breakfast.

" Just put it down. Namita sit down next me. Would any of you like any?"

Her eyes widened and hurriedly sat down. The staff bowed and shook their heads

" Your highness, we're fine."

" Do you eat the leftovers from when I eat?"

They looked between each other nervously. They weren't supposed to eat the same food that I did because of the cost. They could get fired.

"I won't tell. Be careful though. I have a sinking feeling that the castle will infested with rats soon. " The staff nodded and thanked me before returning to the kitchen.

Ancille and Namita looked between me and the food in front of them.

" Eat before it gets cold. "

They both started to eat slowly, eventually relaxing enough to truly enjoy their food. Ancille wiped her mouth before reaching into her pocket to check her watch.

" Thank you your highness but we must go. Your father should be here momentarily. "

" Yes Ancille. "

As we walked through the halls, I relished in the paintings and antiques covering the walls. Most of which were sold or gotten rid of once the witch had done away with my father. I was too wrapped up in grief to do much of anything about it. The walk from the dining room to the front gate reminded me of just how large this palace truly was. The grand entrance had pillars of pure white granite, grand crystal chandeliers, and every surface from floor to wall was made of marble inlaid with gold. The sun beat down on my head, unobstructed by clouds as a cool breeze flowed through my dress. The sound of distant carriage soon reached my ears. Two carriages appeared at the front gate. One covered in bags and the other bearing my family's crest. Both stopped in front of us as the horseman climbed down and opened up the door. My father's brown hair was combed back into a ponytail reaching his shoulders, light brown eyes staring down at me in joy.

" Winny! I've missed you!"

He picked me up and swung me around. Tears starting pouring from my eyes as I held onto him tightly. The smell of evergreen and his favorite cologne filled my nose. The last memory I have of him is his withered corpse being shut into the royal mausoleum. The strong man holding me was barely able to lift his head when he died. I swear on my life that I won't let him suffer again.

" I missed you too Father. I missed you so much."

He placed me down gently and wiped the tears from my eyes. Smiling at me, he crouched down and pat my head.

" You haven't cried like this since you were a little girl. Are you alright?"

"Yes. I was just worried about you."

" There's nothing to be worried about. I'm fine. We're you alright here while I was gone?"

"Yes. I just had the most terrible nightmare last night. There were two giant rats spreading disease and destroying the country. "

I felt him pull me into a tight hug, kissing my hair.

" I'll sleep with you tonight and chase all those dreams away alright?"

"Thank you Father."

He pulled away from the hug and took me closer to the carriage. Letting go of my hand, he put his hand out at the door. A gloved hand took his, slowly revealing the woman who ruined both our lives and our country. Feya Mork, soon to be Kenneway after their marriage. Her light blue floor length dress was of the older style with a skirt that started at the ribs and flowed down to her brand new shoes, embroidered and embedded with flowers and cheap jewels. Blonde hair was tied into a neat bun with a portion falling to her waist and the green eyes that she shared with me were hidden under a dark shade of blue. Leviah stepped down behind her in a dress similar to mine but much plainer. Her bodice only had a belt of small inexpensive gems and the fabric was quite obviously cheap. The shoes covering her feet were new but as simple as a commoner's. The stare of pure amazement as she looked me over filled me with pride. I saw her jaw set as it changed to one of jealousy.

If you want my life so bad, I dare you to take it. Let's see how far you get.

" Winny, this is to be your new stepmother Feya and your stepsister Leviah. "

In the past, I accepted them with open arms and shared everything I had with Leviah. A rabbit just waiting in the meadow to be slaughtered. I won't make the same mistakes again. Tears welled up in my eyes and I sunk to the ground, crying pitifully as I stared at my father.

" Why do I need a new mother and sister? I thought you loved me and my mother?"

My father immediately dropped down to comfort me, instructing the servants to take them both to their rooms. I continued to cry until I knew they were far enough away. I wiped my eyes and cleared my throat. He looked at me in confusion as I stood and fixed my dress.

" Father, that woman scares me. Her eyes look so unnatural."

I leaned in close to him and whispered softly.

" Don't take anything she gives you to eat or drink. "

" What?"

" I don't trust her. "

He stood up and grabbed my hand. We started on our way back into the palace.

" I trust her but you are my daughter who hasn't steered me wrong yet."

As long as I can keep his trust, she won't ever win.

I love villainess reincarnation stories but I wondered about ones based in fairy tales. To me, Snow White seemed like a good choice since in the end she truly does get her revenge on her stepmother after finding her prince. I hope you enjoy my first chapter and I will be posting the next one as soon as I finish it. Thank you.

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