
Revenant's Ascent System

This is the story of a human boy, who after having his parents killed by vampires was enslaved by them. During the next 4 years he bides his time, while planning his escape and learning their ways. After overhearing a conversation between some of the other slaves, he realizes his time is almost up. During his escape he's almost killed, and falls down a seemingly bottomless pit where he has a fateful encounter with a mysterious entity. As he lies at the bottom of the pit he can feel his life fading away when he hears a voice, both chaotic, and omnipotent, exclaim ["welcome to Revenant's Ascent System".] A.N: This novel has been stopped. Read the chapter named news for info on why.

David_Hill · Fantasie
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25 Chs

The Ravenlocke Clan / The Grateful Friend

Vexen already knew what he was going to Name his clan.

He then told the system to make his last name the name of the clan.

As soon as he finished naming his clan, Rufus stood up and decided to check out his new body.

He went over to the slave house wall because it was reflective like a mirror.

Rufus looked at his hair, which was now the same color as Vexen's, and thought that he looked weird, especially when he saw his eyes, which were now also just like Vexen's.

Rufus then realized he had no pulse, his heart was no longer beating, although, this didn't surprise him that much, when he remembered what Vexen told him about his transformation.

Rufus went over to Vexen and asked, "Vexen, what have I turned into"?

"You are now a powerful undead being called a revenant". Vexen replied.

He then told Rufus everything Ras told him about Revenants, as well as everything that happened to him over the time he was gone for.

Since Rufus had turned into a revenant, his mind had become more intelligent, so it only took him a couple minutes to process everything.

Rufus was very grateful to Vexen for giving him a chance to get stronger.

He knew it would be much easier to take his revenge now, and was glad he was still somewhat alive. "Thank you for Turning me into a revenant, and giving me a second chance at life. If you hadn't done so I would've died with many regrets, and now I am powerful enough to take out some of those vampires. But I'm guessing you want me to get the other slaves out of the city, so that they won't be caught in the battle going on in Valenhurst".

Vexen then replied, "Yes, they need to be led out of here safely, and since you are now a revenant, you are now powerful enough to escort them. Don't worry about the vampire lord, as you are now, you are still too weak to face him, but he will still get his due, because I am much stronger than him. I will make sure he suffers for all the pain he caused".

Rufus understood that he was not strong enough to face the vampire lord, and he knew that Vexen would make him suffer for all of the pain he had caused.

Rufus then said to Vexen, "I understand, I will make sure the other slaves arrive out of the city unharmed, Just make sure the vampire lord suffers".

The other slaves saw everything that happened, and even listened in on their conversation, so they knew that they were being saved by the strange individual that arrived, so they didn't even say anything and started following Rufus out of the slave house.

Hello everyone, I am only doing one chapter today, because I have been Exhausted and needing more sleep than usual. I will still publish two chapters tommorow as planned. I hope you all have a fantastic day.


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