

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



As we landed in Canada, Cathy's sister is waiting for us in the airport. We three ran to her like a little kid who got saw an ice cream truck in the street. We four were hugging and jumping like we met after years but also six months is long right. Then we started our journey from airport to Cathy's house.

When we entered the house we are welcomed by sweet aroma (hmm… mom's magic)... I and Eva also always call Cathy's mom as she treat us like her own daughter. And I'm so lucky to have such a mom. We entered the living hall mom ran to us and give each of us a motherly hug.

Mom: Welcome my sweet hearts.

Me, Cathy, Eva: Thank you mom (we all bend in front of her in Korean manner).

Mom: So you only got time to meet your mom now.

Cathy: You know mom right, about our life style. We barely got some free time.

Eva: Yes mom you know yesterday she only came home at 10 p.m.

Cathy: what can I do? That devil gave so much of works. Thank god today he left the office in the afternoon. So only I got early today. Otherwise, we should have missed our flight.

Me: Ok Okay. Stop talking about that devil here too.

Cathy: yes. You're right. I came here to enjoy this weekend not to think about that devil.

Mom: So no talking about work here.

Sissy (Cathy's sister): Yes guys stop talking and come we have lot of things to do in this weekend. But first we have to fill our stomach.

Mom: Yes. By the way rose you look too week. You have to take care of you. Girls I think you both should take care of her.

Eva: Yes mom. We made sure she'll eat when she is with us. But I think now I have to make sure is she's taking her lunch or not.

Me: Nothing like that mom. I'm all fine. And Eva, I'm taking my lunch daily and on the right time.

Mom: If you say so.

Cathy: Don't worry mom and Eva. I'll make sure that she's taking her lunch without fail.

Me: Cathy.... (I whined at her)

Eva: What she's correct. Her lunch time and your lunch time are same. So I think this is the better idea.

Me: I'm not five years old...

Mom: Okay. Okay now come and eat and start you weekend today itself.

(Then we all ate our dinner and started to enjoy our weekend with sleepover today).

As we are in half of the film, suddenly Cathy's mobile started to ring. She took her phone and looked at the caller id. Then she yelled

Cathy: DEVIL...…..

Eva: why is he calling you this time in the night?

Me: I think today also he have some for you.

Eva: Oh. I think Cathy, you should go back to New York today itself. We will enjoy our weekend here and come. What you say rose.

Rose: I think this is also the good idea.

Cathy: Shut up. You both... Traitors.

(Then she lowered the TV volume and attended the call.)

Cathy: Hello sir.

(But suddenly he hanged off).

Cathy: what the hell.

Eva: I think he called the wrong number.

Cathy: Yes I also think so, but I should call him and confirm.

Me: Then call him. Otherwise he'll eat your head on Monday.

Cathy: okay.

(Then she again called him).

Cathy: switched off.

Eva: Leave it. Let's enjoy our weekend.

Me: Yeah, don't think about that devil now.

Cathy: Okay. I wish he'll kill me on Monday.

(Then we literally enjoyed our whole weekend without any doubt). But sometimes I miss that boy who is Cathy's colleague. I want to ask her but I didn't. I know he is stranger to me. But also somehow his eyes came in front of me. So today is Sunday, our flight back to New York is in the evening. I wish I'll see him again.


I think this weekend will be a normal one like all these weekends in my life last 8 years. But it's hell worse. I'm missing her like crazy. I want to see her now, Or at least to hear her voice. I just saw her few hours ago. But it's like I know her since a long time. I feel so comfortable and content when she is around.

I'm pacing all around my bedroom for more than an hour. What if I call Ms. Joseph now and asked her to meet me tomorrow morning, then her friend also will back in the New York right. Then I'll able to see her.

Yeah this is the good idea. But my Tesoro already hate me (I mean Ms. Joseph's boss) now if do that my Tesoro will surely hate me to the core. What can I do now?

Urghhhhh… why I'm behaving like a teenage boy, who is missing her crush during summer holidays.

IDEA.. This is already late night. What if I call Ms. Joseph now? If I'm lucky my Tesoro will attend the call just like yesterday.

So I called Ms. Joseph's number after 8 to 9 rings the call is connected ,I'm jumping in happiness but all my happiness vanished when I hear Ms. Joseph's voice from other side)

Ms. Joseph: Hello sir.

(I immediately cut the call and switched off my mobile phone as I know Ms. Joseph will call me again to check why I called her).

I think this is my first failure in last 6 years. I don't know where she is or anything about her but Oliver know all the things about her as I asked him to keep tabs on her. I think this will be the worst weekend for me. I can't able to sleep the whole night. I don't want to do anything. I just want to see her.

I spend this whole weekend by immersing myself in work just like all these years.

This is already the end of the weekend. I think she'll be in New York anytime soon. I just wish tomorrow I'll able to see her.