

Two persons who were in the same situations fell in love with each and was separated by time. Finally meet each other again.. Will they fall in love with each other again? That too without remembering their love for each other or worse they don't even remember each other. And also now they both are two different poles. But they have one thing in common : The feelings they are having for a long time which is none other than missing and longing. Let's see how Daniel Kings' and Rosalynns' souls are going to reunite.

PriyaAmour · Urban
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39 Chs



Ufff. It's finally Monday. I don't know how will I able to meet her? But I have this feeling that today I'm going to meet her. So I got ready as soon as possible. And leave for my office. It's already 7.30 in the morning. I'll reach my office at sharp 8.

As I entered my office I saw Ms. Joseph is already waiting for me near the elevator. She wished me but as always I didn't wish her back. After we got into my cabin she started to explain my today's schedule to me. But my whole mind is only thinking about my Tesoro. What if I ask Ms. Joseph about her whereabouts? But what I'll say if she asks me why I'm asking about her. I know I don't like to answer anyone. But she's my Tesoro's best friend. She has all the rights to question me about that.

So I didn't ask her anything, my whole morning went like as usual meetings, files, clients, projects. I don't have any work in afternoon, so I gave half day leave to Ms. Joseph. After sometime I also got up from my seat and started to leave. As I came out of my cabin Oliver saw me and started to follow me. We both reach the ground floor as I'm going towards the exit of the building I saw a figure near the entrance of the building. Immediately my heart beat started to reach high.

She stopped in the lobby, and took her mobile to call someone. As it's the lunch time there is no one in the lobby, I think all the employees are in the canteen. I silently got near her, Oliver also followed me silently.

I stand behind her and whispered in her ear "WE MEET AGAIN"

I think she got panic due to my sudden appearance, she immediately turned around and placed her hands on her chest and started to speak after taking some deep breathes.

She: You scared the shit out of me.

Me: I'm sorry. I don't know you'll get this scared.

She: Hmmm. It's okay so we meet again.

Me: Yeah, I think so.

She: Hm. Rosalynn. But all my friends call me rose.

(She extended her hand for handshake. I took her hands in mine, and I introduced myself to her. No not my full name)

Me: Daniel

Rose: Nice to meet you again Daniel.

Me: Same here rose.

(She smiled at me and looked at Oliver with a question mark. So I too introduced him)

Me: Oh yeah. Meet Oliver, my friend. You remember my friend whom I called that day to pick me up?

(I think Oliver really got a heart attack now. He is looking at me like I'm some alien)

Rose: yeah. I remember. Good to meet you Oliver. Is it okay if I call you Oliver?)

(She asked him while extended her hands at Oliver. He looked at me for permission. I don't want this at all. But I have no other option. So I signaled him 'It's okay'. Then he shook his hand with her)

Oliver: Same here Ms. Rosalynn.

Rose: No. You can call me rose.

(Oliver again looked at me for my permission. I nodded my head positive).

Oliver: Nice to meet you rose.

Rose: good.

Me: So, what are you doing here?

Rose: Actually, I came here to give this lunch box to Cathy. Daniel will you please do me a favor. Can you please drop this box at Cathy's cabin? I know this is your lunch time, and I'm disturbing you... But please can you do this favor to me. I don't know anyone here.

Me: Calm down rose. First , You're not disturbing me and second , I think boss gave Ms. Joseph half day leave as he gave me and Oliver half day leave also . Am I right Oliver?

(I asked Oliver, as he looking at her with wide eyes. I know what he is thinking. He is thinking that she don't know who I am or who is the boss of this company).

Oliver: Yes rose our boss gave us leave for half a day. And I saw Ms. Joseph is leaving her office 10 minutes ago. You can call her and ask.

Rose: Oh okay. I'll call her.

(She took her mobile and called Ms. Joseph)

Rose: Idiot. Where are you?

Rose: what are you doing in my workplace?

(Where my Tesoro is working)

Rose: I'm here in your workplace. I came here to drop your lunch. You forgot to take your lunch box today.

Rose: How many times I have to tell you. I'll have my lunch. You don't need to check on me. I'm not a five year old Cathy. Okay now come home. I also don't want to go work now. I will call Jacob and ask him to replace me.

(What Ms. Joseph is keeping tabs on my Tesoro whether she had her lunch or not. But who is that Jacob. Is he her friend or boyfriend? I have to find out)

Rose: No not like that. It's just Stella. I'll tell you once you and Eva are home.

(Who is that Stella? Is there any problem for my Tesoro? I also have to find out this. And the most important thing now is her health. She looks so weak. I have to take her to the doctor. I made myself a mental note and I also have to ask Ms. Joseph, about my Tesoro's health conditions).

Rose: Okay. I'll be there in 30 minutes. And no I think that your devil boss is not here. So you don't need to worry.

(She looked around to find someone. then she cut the call. What the hell, who will tell my Tesoro that she is only standing in front of the devil itself. )

Rose: Thank you Daniel and Oliver. I think you both also didn't have your lunch till now. Please join me and Catherine for lunch at home.

(I really want to join her. But how can I answer Ms. Joseph. But this is the best opportunity to know my Tesoro. So I accepted her offer)

Me: Okay. It's my pleasure to join you for lunch. Oliver will also join. Isn't Oliver?

Oliver: Yes.

Rose: Okay. Then let's go. I will call the cab.

Me: No. It's not necessary rose. Oliver has his car. We can use that.

Rose: Is it okay for you Oliver.

Oliver: its okay rose. We can use my car. Let's go.

(I'm really lucky to have such an understanding bodyguard. Then we all got into one of the bodyguards car. And Oliver started to drive. I'm in the passenger seat and rose is in the back seat. Oliver perfectly planned all the things. Other bodyguards are following with some distance).

Oliver: Rose can you tell me your apartment address.

(Rose told him her address and he saved it in the GPS. I know it's all the drama, he knows her address very long time. Then he messaged someone with one hand while driving with other hand. I think the security process in the apartment).

After solid 25 minutes we reached her apartment.....


Ufff. I hate this Mondays. I'm in no mood to get up from my bed. But….. I have to. I think all human beings hate the first day in the week. I woke up today at 4. 15 and started my daily routine. Then at 6.30 I went to wake up both Cathy and Eva.

After breakfast I leave our apartment after Cathy and Eva. Today Helen and Zoe will not be home at night. They are going to some of their friend's place tonight.

Today that idiot Cathy forgot her lunch box so I have to drop it in her workplace during my lunch time. As I'm working in the kitchen I heard a voice from my behind. It's none other than that Stella. What she wants why she hates me this much.

Stella: You know one thing Rose.

Me: what.

Stella: God will always give people the place they deserve.

Me: why are telling me that now.

Stella: Cause look at this.

(She raised her both hands which is holding a t-shirt. With the word MANAGER written on it. I guess she promoted from waiter to manager).

Stella: Now I'm the manager here. So You have come to work at sharp 7.00 in the morning and open the restaurant and clean the tables. Then you'll continue your work as a cook.

Me: Why I have to do that Stella. That is not my work.

(I will do that if she asks me politely. She only wants to give me a hard time). Then she suddenly grabbed my left arm and digs her nails deep in my skin. I winced as it is paining. And blood started to ooze out)

Stella: Because I say so. And my friends will not do that work. Only you have to.

(I have no other options)

Me: Okay. I'll do it.

Stella: Good for you.

(Then she left the kitchen. I cleaned my wound and applied an ointment in the wound).Its already afternoon .It's my lunch time. So I changed into my clothes, It's a full hand t-shirt so the wound will not be visible to anyone but its paining like hell).

After that I booked the cab and leave to kings empire. After 20 minutes I reached there, after security checking they let me in. They say I can only enter in the lobby. As I'm not an employee here.

At the entrance of the security guard looked at me like I'm from some different world. I know all girls here are wearing the professional dresses. Here I'm just wearing a jeans and t- shirt. Of course he'll look at me like that only. Then I entered into the lobby. As I'm calling Cathy, someone from my behind whispered something in my ear. I immediately turned around to look who is that. And it's none other than Cathy's colleague. After introducing, he also introduced his friend Oliver. He looks like a bouncer in some bar. After that Oliver said that he saw Cathy leaving the office 10 minutes ago. So I called Cathy.

(She attended the call in the second ring.

Rose: Idiot. Where are you?

Cathy: Where are you girl? I'm here in your workplace.

Rose: what are you doing in my workplace?

Cathy: I'm free this afternoon. So I came here to have a lunch with you and also check whether you had your lunch or not. Where are you?

Rose: I'm here in your workplace. I came here to drop your lunch. You forgot to take your lunch box today.

Cathy: Oh okay. What we can do now.

Rose: How many times I have to tell you. I'll have my lunch. You don't need to check on me I'm not a five year old Cathy. Okay now come home. I also don't want to go work now. I will call Jacob and ask him to replace me.

Cathy: what happened? You love to cook right. Is there any problem?

Rose: No not like that. It's just Stella. I'll tell you once you and Eva are home.

(She knows about Stella that she hates me to the core but she don't that she'll hurt me sometime. If Cathy or Eva came to know about that they will definitely allow me to work there. Then I have to search for a job. I also completed my degree in MBA just like Cathy and Eva But I love to cook that's why I joined as a cook in the restaurant.)

Cathy: Okay. Come home soon. Don't stand in my office for long time. The devil will may notice you.

Rose: Okay. I'll be there in 30 minutes. And no I think devil is not here.

Then I cut the call and asked Daniel and Oliver to join us for lunch. As they both accepted. We leave the office building. The same security guard saluted Daniel. I think he is in some big post in this company. And he looked at me with wide. Then we three got into some black car .I don't know anything about the car's so I don't know how much it cost or anything. After sometime Oliver asked me for my address as he is driving. Then in some minutes we reached our apartment. ...

But what surprises me to the core is the street is empty. It will be always crowded in this time. I got out of the car as soon as the car stops. Daniel looked at me and heaved a sigh then he looked around and got out of the car. He came near me and said

Daniel: Rose you have to wait till got out off the car and come to your side to open your door. You have to careful rose.

Me: Okay. Next time I'll try to wait for you but I can't promise Daniel. This is what I used to so it will take some time to change that habit.

Daniel: Okay.

Then Oliver also parked the car and came to our side.

Me: Okay let's go.

We got into the elevator. There is no one at all. Where all the people went at the same time.

Me: There is no one here and the street. Where all the people went all of sudden.

Oliver: I heard news rose that all the building including your apartment building in this street is bought by the kings' empire.

Me: What. How rich is that man. But why he brought these building. If he going to build any industry or hotel or something here.

Oliver: I don't know what Idea he has in his mind.

(He looked at Daniel)

Daniel: I don't have any idea about that.

My floor came and we entered my house and then suddenly someone started to shout my name.......