
Return of the Dragon King"

Stanley_Chidobendu · Andere
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22 Chs

Season 2, Episode 1: Shadows of the Past

Page 1

Panel 1: Jin, now the Dragon King, oversees the reconstruction of Tianxia.Caption: "Peace returns to the land, but shadows linger."

Panel 2: A mysterious figure watches from the shadows, plotting.Caption: "New threats emerge from the darkness."

Page 2

Panel 1: Jin receives reports of dark magic spreading in distant villages.Mei Lin: "Something is stirring in the east."

Panel 2: Jin, determined, prepares to investigate the new threat.Jin: "We must root out this evil before it takes hold."

Page 3

Panel 1: Jin, with Mei Lin and a select group of warriors, sets out on a new journey.Caption: "The Dragon King's quest continues."

Panel 2: They travel through the rugged terrain, encountering signs of dark magic.Jin: "This darkness feels familiar..."