
Return of the Dragon King"

Stanley_Chidobendu · Others
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22 Chs

Season 1, Episode 13: The Return of the King

Page 1

Panel 1: With Li Mei and General Hao defeated, Jin stands victorious in the throne room.Caption: "The Dragon King reclaims his throne."

Panel 2: The people of Tianxia, hearing of the victory, gather outside the palace, cheering.Crowd: "Long live the Dragon King!"

Page 2

Panel 1: Jin addresses the crowd from the palace balcony, his six spiritual pets by his side.Jin: "Together, we will rebuild this kingdom."

Panel 2: The people cheer, hope restored in their hearts.Crowd: "Long live the Dragon King!"

Page 3

Panel 1: Jin, now fully recognized as the Dragon King, sits on the throne, looking determined and hopeful.Caption: "With justice restored, a new era of peace begins."

Panel 2: Mei Lin stands beside him, a trusted ally and advisor.Mei Lin: "The future is bright, my king."

Season 1: Conclusion

Caption: "Season 1 ends with the Dragon King reclaiming his throne and setting out to rebuild his kingdom. But new challenges and old enemies lie ahead..."