
Return from another world (Dxd)

Tells the story of a man who returns to his original world after more than 10 years of adventure in a different world. When he came back, the man realized that he had gone out to have fun. It was hard to believe that he was in a coma and woke up after 1 year. Now the man who has the body of his youth is facing something cruel from another world full of monsters that is the reality of the World.

Kamsurik_980 · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 2: Weird things happen

Somewhere, there was a middle-aged man wearing a gray kimono… sitting on the sofa in a dark room lit only by candles.

While drinking an expensive wine…a voice came from outside the door.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." The man said casually.


The door opened and there was a young man in a black robe that made others think that this person was a bodyguard.

"Have you found it?" asked the middle-aged man.

"Hnn... I didn't find anything, the coordinates you ordered to check are an ordinary hospital." The young man replied.

"Hmm... have you examined the patient there, maybe there is something strange about the hospital patient there?" asked the middle-aged man again.

"There's something strange about the patients there...they said 3 weeks ago there was a tremor in the building which made them think it was an earthquake...I think it was someone you're looking for" the young man replied.

"Ooh... really?, Then did you find that person?" With an interested tone the middle-aged man glanced at the young man.

"In one of the Patients which I find strange...they say that the patient has just received a miracle"


"Yes...The name of the patient is Tanaka Hiro, he was in a coma some time ago due to an accident due to being hit by a moving truck, according to what I heard the accident left him in a critical condition where he suffered severe bleeding in his brain and due to a collision which made his leg broken and aggravated by the problem of his spine causing him to be paralyzed "explained the young man.

"Oh...that's quite tragic." The middle-aged man said in an ordinary tone.

"Yes, it's tragic, but what makes it strange is that on the day he wakes up, his whole condition returns to normal which means he's healed"

"Huh?…he just recovered!?" The old man gasped as he poured the wine into his mouth.

"Yeah... I thought it might be normal for that kid to be of the supernatural society, but I think he's just an ordinary person." His next words made the middle-aged man widen in shock.

"I see... the Dragon Energy that was churning 3 weeks earlier was probably the cause of this kid"

"And...are you going to tell me to investigate him further?" The young man asked.

"No...Especially for he let me take care of him, besides the data you gave him that he lives in Kuoh and I happen to have interesting things there along with the devils who control the city" The middle-aged man said with a faint smile in the corner. her lips.

"Then..I'll go" Before the young man left the room.

"Wait...can you give this to Baraqiel who is in Tokyo?" The middle-aged man asked while handing him a file.

"Okay... is there anything else?" The young man asked as he took the file from his hand.

"No...you may go, Tobio-san" The young man called Tobio couldn't help but sigh tiredly from working for someone like himself.

"Yes Yes Yes... Then I'll go, Azazel-san" replied Tobio who called the name of the middle-aged man.

When Tobio was gone, Azazel looked intently at Hiro's photo.

"Tanaka Hiro, let's see what's up with you" Azazel said with a tone full of interest.


Elsewhere, a young woman with the most striking thing about her was Her bright red hair.

Was dealing with another young woman with short bob cut hair and glasses that made her a woman of serious character.

They wore the same uniform, which meant they went to school somewhere… and they were playing chess.

"Did we receive any news regarding the Dragon Energy that happened three weeks ago?" The red-haired woman asked.

"You... keep asking about that every time we meet!?, If you're really curious you can get someone from your family to investigate." The woman in front of her suddenly exploded with anger.

"Wait...I was just asking and also you know it's not my condition lately!?" Replied the red-haired woman.

"You!...don't you already have your pawn!?, isn't that enough?"

"It's not like that...he does have potential but my situation is getting more urgent!,I heard the news that my marriage was being pushed forward...they didn't even listen to my privacy first!"

Then the two women quarreled with each other which made their chess game a mess.

"Sigh...it's no use fighting with you, listen carefully Rias I've heard the news about where the turbulent Energy came from 3 weeks ago" The bespectacled women called their hair women Rias.

"Really!?...where did you hear that Sona!?" Rias asked the bespectacled woman who called Sona.

"My sister, she stepped in on her own...it was also talked about a lot by our superiors...which made the Council worry and made My sister investigate the traces of the Energy coming from" Sona explained.

"That's pretty bad...and?" Rias continued to ask about the sequel.

"The location where the energy surge occurred was from a hospital, and that's all I knew after that My Sister didn't talk much it seemed she wanted to investigate on her own without anyone helping her" Sona continued her conversation which made Rias make a desperate expression.

"Mah...you don't give up first, before they push you further you better train hard with your Peerage and also your Pawn has the greatest potential of all of you" Sona suggested.

"Ugh...it doesn't make me happy, but I really hate that wedding so I'll do it!" Rias said with a tired face.


<Pov Hiro>

It's been 3 days since I came home, nothing is missing in my room, everything is in good condition.

I'm grateful that my parents didn't throw away all the game Collections I've accumulated so far!

10 years!, the struggle I went through just to feel the sensation again when I play an electronic game!.

But I put aside my desire to play games, because I have to take care of some things at school that I meet.

This afternoon I faced an exam, where they would judge me whether I still deserved to sit in second grade or not.

And the test results showed eligibility, and I continued in second grade with several requirements that I had to fulfill.

I fulfilled these conditions because they were not too burdensome for me.

By the way my school is not the famous Kuoh Academy, my school is in the east of the academy.

Not too far, only takes 20 minutes by foot.

And why did I feel like someone was watching me?...are I being followed since this afternoon or is it just my feelings?.

It's not obvious I'm being followed by someone.

My instincts are never wrong if in some conditions that occur, for example, danger, the intention of someone and others.

But I ignore that, after all if there is a stalker he can't do much because I'm now strong above the human race.

If indeed it was a human stalking me, but this is different this guy is trying to blend in with a human but I can tell just by feeling him he can't remove the Negative Energy from my sight.

I'm currently in a cafe, I'm there because the coffee this cafe has is my favorite.

Before I was trapped in another world, I used to stop by here after school just for a cup of coffee.

Sitting at a table on the terrace, I glanced at a woman with twin tail hair style with a short body but full of her chest, of course.

Dressed in a dark green business suit, I could tell she was staring at me at a glance.

I can only watch her occasionally and after my drink is finished and I'm full I try to ignore the woman who has been stalking me.

Of course I won't take him home, I outwit him by walking into an alley and opening the Gate.

[Gate : A telepotation magic where the user can move to a place they have been before]

And headed straight home, I must have confused him…and so it was a pretty tiring day and tomorrow I should have started re-entering as a high school student.