
Out in the universe

The same boring place, with the same boring people. Lucky for me it's my last day here. I'm not going to lie, I'm going to miss some of them. Like my friend Ellen. We met when I first started at this high school. Mike and Kate ended school last year. Lucky basterds. But I know he and Kate misses us. After I leave Ellen will be the only one left. Poor Ellen, I feel so sorry for her.

It's one week away from me starting my new adventure. I'm going to take a break from school and start going on a course. I will start finding who I want to become. Because to be honest, I have no idea what I want to do. What jobs do I want to apply for? Do I study or start working? I have no proper education, so I won't be able to get a good job.

A week later:

I lay in my bed falling fast asleep. A boy starts to appear, I feel like I know him from somewhere. We talk and talk for hours, not knowing that the time is flying by. His eyes shines up when he looks at me. It's an instant attraction. I have never felt beautiful before, but his eyes makes me feel like the most gorgeous woman alive.

Then from nowhere *Pip* *pip* *pip*

Huh? What is he trying to say?

*pip* *pip*

*a song is playing in the background*

Oh, my alarm. I wake up. Begging the dream not to end.

Then my new adventure awaits me.

I get in to the new building, so nervous. What am I doing here? Should I go home? No, I have to do this. I use all the stairs and walk in through the door.

Be brave, be outgoing, be you.

I take a breath realising I've already stepped inside. Shit, Im not prepared, I should have prepared myself.

A guy greets me.

Hey, I'm Luke.

I feel an instant attraction. It's him, I recognise him from my dream. It's not exactly the same person. I never saw the face clearly on the guy in my dreams but if I had to bet, I'd bet that he was him.

Oh, Hi Luke, I'm Toby.

Luke looks at my body and says that my name really suits me.

I thank him.

And then I start talking to everybody else in the room, forgetting in an instant what they tell me because wow, Luke is actually Luke.