
Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

After getting killed on the hands of the mighty nine-tailed fox monster, William found himself twenty years back in time. At this time, he was an eleven years old worthless kid, without spirit and weak spirit power. He worked as a porter in a famous academy, serving other disciples for living. But the one who returned back in time knew this wasn't the end of the world. William had ways unknown to many. So he'll train and get stronger, turning himself into the strongest spirit master in the world. Starting from such low point, he started his long journey towards being a real powerhouse. Despite using all his past life knowledge, he would be still faced with many challenges in the academy and in the world. Yet William will conquer them all. His main goal will be to not just be something in this world, but to grow beyond the limits he reached before in his past life. He wanted to get better prepared for the hideous and deadly enemy that killed him; the nine-tailed fox monster. In such world and time, he got many years to train and scheme for his revenge. He would never allow the past failure to be repeated once again. Join William's journey towards pinnacle and see how he crushes everyone else. ___________________________________________ Follow me on my social media: ++++Tiktok: @authorranmaro ++++Instagram: @authorranmaro ++++Facebook: /AuthorRanmaro ____________________________________________ It's written in UK English. It means words like 'Realized - Recognize - Meter' will turn into, [Realised - Recognise - Metre] And it's right English words not a misspelling or a mistake or something. Release rate: 3 up to 6 chaps per day.

ranmaro · Fantasie
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1282 Chs

You Failed!

"It's a technique that aims at using one's spirit power to channel it through one's fist…" William paused, while surprisingly shaking off his head, "but this common theory is all wrong."

"Wrong? You were doing fine just now," the master seemed to see a disciple saying something good before ruining it the next moment. He couldn't help but sigh when William added:

"It's not used to channel the spirit power at one's fist, or even arm. In fact doing this will take much of the technique's power. The right way to do it is by following the common way in channelling spirit power, throughout the entire body. Like this, the power will gather up more momentum and the fist will release mightier power."