
Reincarnation of the Hidden Prodigy

The cold surface awakens her senses. The dark surrounding covers her entire self, without the presence of light. She grabs her head looking around the enclosed room, but her dizziness and the darkness of the room didn't help much. The metal door opened and the sudden flash of light blind her peachy eyes for a while. The sound of high-heels sounded in the empty room. "How are you sister?" A familiar voice sounded in front of her. Feng Wei Xia can't say anything. Her limbs were abolished, her tongue was cut, and her beautiful face in the past is no longer visible. Her face is filled with knife marks, making her look bloody and the blood dried up making her face look so hideous. If she can't still understand what's going on, her reputation as a genius is useless. She snickered, making her ugly appearance more ugly. Because she yearns for familial love, she settled far less more than she deserves. All she got is this. She was tortured endlessly for 3 whole years. They cut her tongue, her limbs battered to an extent, her beautiful face was disfigured and malnourished. She felt like she was living in hell for years but still believe that her 'family' are still looking for her. But the reality is different. She was schemed by those people for a petty reason. Her brilliance blinded them. Causing them to have a shadow. They broke off her wings before she could fly. ' Ah... She regrets. She hated the Feng Family to the core. If she were given a chance again, she'll avenge herself and her mother, making them feel that life is more painful than death.' Then, her eyes closed forever.

CosmicSnow · Urban
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8 Chs

Chapter 7: The First Encounter

" Xiao Yunxi, my name. " The cute milky voice gets in her ears. the little boys' ears are red like tomatoes and cheeks with a speck of blush.

The kid looks at the food, and peep at her before eating.

After eating, Xia Qin Yi washes the dishes and sat in the living room. She looks at the behaved child next to her seat.

" Sleepy? You go to the room on the left and take a rest. Tomorrow, I'll be calling the hotel management to call your guardian." She said to the child while taking out a notebook in her backpack.

" Okay, thank you, sister. "

Xia Qin Yi began to plan her next step. It is better to start the plans now than later. Time does not wait for anyone, including herself. The earlier she gets back on track, the faster her retaliation will be. She also wants to live her own life, and that will come after she makes her revenge. She planned to make Xia's family bankrupt.

Also, there's no need to recognize the ancestor. The original owner only has her mother a family, the rest are unfamiliar. She doesn't want to recognize those people that are worse than a beast. This is also the fastest way for her to revenge on her own life. Let them succumb to fame and wealth before I drag them down to hell. Because they love their face so much, let them be ruined in the limelight, where everyone can see their jokes. The Feng and Xia's are just the same. Whether to their actions and evilness just to grab something they did not own, loves fame and wealth. Feng's have a deeper background and a lot of secret channels to do business and Xia's development in their field requires their position in the underground market. This information about Xia's is all in the safe where I got the diary.

The whole night passed. The next morning, QinYi freshen up and set up the table after the room service serves breakfast.

She knocked on the room where the kid had rested and open the door slightly. The kid is still asleep. Xia Qin Yi walked in front of the window and opened the heavy curtain. The bustling city was reflected in the glass.

The kid starts to roll in bed a little bit when the sunlight hits his face. Xiao Yunxi opened his eyes a little bit and saw the scene where the beautiful sister is looking at the window peacefully. He stared there in a daze and snaps back when he saw the sister walks in his direction unknowingly. That scene was remembered by him where the sister who radiates coldness all over, stares at the bustling city without the coldness and indifference in the past.

" Well, time for breakfast. " Xia Qin Yi has already turned back to the usual coldness and walked outside the room. The doorbell rang and the room service arrived.

Xia Qin Yi prepares the table and notices that the kid is still not there. She frowned and walked back to the side room, and found that the kid is making the bed. The pillows were arranged neatly and the kid struggles to straighten the blanket. She approached the child and calmly took the blanket over and put the blanket neatly over the bed.

The kid looked over and hesitates a little. Maybe because of his red because of unknown embarrassment, Xia Qin Yi takes the initiative to ask what was wrong.

" I-I..., do you have a spare toothbrush? " The kid stammered while asking. So it's because of this, Xia Qin Yi thought.

" Follow me. " She walks to the living room and fiddles one of the plastic bags that she hadn't had time to set aside and found an extra toothbrush.

" Here. After brushing your teeth, let's eat breakfast. " Passing the toothbrush, Xia Qin Yi walks to the bathroom and urges the kid to start brushing his teeth. She put a stool in front of the sink and help the child opened the faucet. The child glances at her lightly and starts brushing his teeth silently.

With a small thank you that can't be heard because of the small voice, the kid trots towards the dining table swiftly. If Xia Qin Yi doesn't have her senses improved, where can she hear the voice as small as a fly? She walks to the dining table while shaking her head. She hadn't noticed the small upturn of her lips, obviously amused.

They finished their meal in silence and she starts to wash the dishes. The kid stares at her busy back and sits on the stool obediently.

After washing the dishes, Xia Qin Yi invites the kid to the living room and asked.

" Well, your family must be looking for you the whole day. Do you remember where you lived? " She asked.

" Remember. " The kid lowered his head and closed his eyes for a little while. Masking the cold glint in his eyes that a kid shouldn't have.

" Well, I'll send you or you can call someone instead to fetch you." Xia Qin Yi as she is taking a bath and thought about one more thing. She hadn't had time to enroll herself in school yet.

She walked out of the room refreshed, wearing a clean white v-necked shirt, black tight-fitted jeans, and a pair of white shoes. The hair is black and shiningly occupies her beautiful back and held her phone and a backpack on the other side of the shoulder. Her eyes were unusually black and shines brightly under the dense eyelashes.

" Let's go. " Held the key card in her hand, she walked outside and a kid followed behind her. Waiting in front of the elevator, Xia Qin Yi is browsing something on the internet. Looking for a school is truly a hassle for her. The past Xia Qin Yi did not receive any education since she was a child. After fleeing for her life and ended up dead, one of her regrets is that she wants to go to school to learn.

Now that she is the 'new'' Xia Qin Yi, she willingly took the task to heart. Now that Xia Qin Yi is in the legal age, she was eligible to enter college but the lack of a certificate is a problem. She is smart and the tests were surely the same as in her past life. She just had to review all the materials before taking a college entrance exam this year. A spot is difficult for anyone to have but she, Xia Qin Yi, has many ways in her head at this time.

She was lost in her thinking when a 'ding' in the elevator breaks the silence. The kid beside her is lowering his head unable to see his expression.

Xia Qin Yi walked inside without knowing that someone was there, staring at her and the child who follows her obediently.

The man exudes coldness all over like a distant ice mountain. The handsome face is beyond the imagination of ordinary people to imagine. The straight dark brows, tall nose and peach-looking eyes like it seems to flirt with people were covered with coldness and indifference at this point. He stared at the child who hadn't had the time to notice his presence, obediently following a girl inside the elevator. After pushing the button for the 1st floor, Xia Qin Yi noticed a cold breath beside her. She glanced at the man and move her gaze away calmly. Like nothing has happened, she starts to fiddle in her phone again.

" Xiao. Yun. Xi... " A cold voice sounded inside the already closed elevator breaking the thinking of the people who seem to have not noticed his presence at all.

The kid was shocked when he heard the familiar voice like a drop of a bucket of cold water. His body trembles and the little face is pale at this moment. He clutches his hands in his clothes tightly. Xia Qin Yi looked over the child who seemed scared all over his body. Before she had the time to ask him if he know the man. The child tremblingly shouted in a small voice.

" Uncle..."

It's been a long time since I updated this story. I truly apologize to those who had been waiting. This chapter is updated to thank the people who encourage me in private to continue the story. Thanks so much T^T hue hue.

Enjoy the chapter!~~

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