
Oh It's On!

After Elaia left the coffee shop, Death stared blankly at the window.

He snapped his fingers calling for Akila and Vainos.

As the two loyal servants appeared, they bowed to Death symbolizing their respect towards the immortal God in front of them.

"Have you two found the books I've ordered for you to search?" Death asked.

Vainos stepped forward and reported "Yes, Master. The book of the Revelations is here with me right now."

"Good. Now hand it over." Death ordered.

The moment Vainos opened his right palm, a lightning strikes through it, then clouds were formed surrounding his wrist like a bracelet. The lightning was a confirmation from God in heaven that He allows Death to borrow the sacred book.

As the clouds in Vainos' wrist faded, the book of the Revelations appeared.

The book's cover is made up of gold. And the letter writings were made of silver and diamonds. The book seems heavy because it contains thousand of pages but in reality it weighs like a feather. The magic behind this book is so powerful that only the three living Gods were able to open it.

After Death received the book from Vainos, Akila stepped forward to present the book of the Unseen. He handed it over to Death. The book's cover was made of glass, and the letter writings were made of gold and jades. The book was also light to carry but is hot like hell, that again, only the three living Gods can open it.

Vainos interrupted, "That's it?! You just hand it over? It's nothing compared to how I presented the book of the Revelations to Death. God even intervenes for me in the form of a lightning, and even clouds were formed surrounding my wrist before the book appears to our vision."

Akila rolled his eyes and answered, "You think Lucy gives a shit about trivial things like that? Like oohh... look at my lightning. And oohh... look at my cotton candy-like clouds on my wrist. Death wants to borrow it, Lucy allows it. Lucy gave me the book, and I fuckin' gave the book to Death."

"The intervention of my God depicts power!" Vainos rebutted.

"Look, wolfie boy. Death asked for the book, I gave it to him. It's already a done deal. Get over it, and stop whining like a girlfriend on her period." Akila said.

As Vainos was about to rebut again, Death intervened.

"Enough! Vainos, I don't care about flashy things. You can hand it over to me in a thrash bag and I wouldn't even give a fuckin' care." Death exclaimed.

Hearing this, Akila chuckled.

Serves you right, Vainos.

But Akila's moment of triumph were interrupted when Death started talking again.

"And you, Akila! You don't even have a girlfriend!" Death blurted out.

After Death said that, Vainos bursts out laughing.

Death shook his head. Oh I'm getting a headache managing these two.

Vainos and Akila looked at each other as if saying,

"Oh it's on!"

It's definitely on! Hahaha. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I do. Feel free to rate and write a review about this book!

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