
Reincarnated with Villain System in Indian Movies

As Raj Nair slowly regained consciousness, his mind swirled with confusion and disorientation. The sterile scent of the hospital room filled his nostrils, and the soft hum of medical equipment echoed in his ears. Blinking against the harsh glare of the overhead lights, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Amidst the fog of his awakening, another voice pierced through his thoughts, crisp and clear. "Installation is completed," it said, sending a shiver down Raj's spine. He knew instinctively that this was not the time for such cryptic messages, not when his mind was consumed by worry and uncertainty. "Doctor, doctor," he called out, his voice strained with desperation. "Where are my parents? Where's my big brother? Where's my sister?" Moments later, a white-coated figure appeared at his bedside, their expression solemn and sympathetic. Raj's heart pounded in his chest as he awaited the doctor's response, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. "I'm sorry, Raj," the doctor began, their voice gentle but firm. "Your parents...they didn't make it. They passed away in the car accident."

DattaDhebe · Filme
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51 Chs

Formidable Eyes

Raj instructed the system to display events related to Sub Inspector Daya, the destined child. Upon hearing Raj's instruction a video started to play with the title "Temper" on the screen.

[ Daya, an orphan with dreams of a cop's easy life, becomes a corrupt Sub-Inspector in Vishakapatnam, aligning with local don Waltair Vasu. He crosses paths with honest constable Narayana Murthy and woos Saanvi, a Blue Cross member.

When Vasu's men mistakenly abduct Saanvi, Daya saves her, earning Murthy's respect. Saanvi asks Daya to rescue the actual target, Lakshmi. Daya agrees, learning Lakshmi's sister Deepthi was abused and murdered by Vasu's brothers.

Lakshmi entrusts Daya with evidence against the brothers. Feeling responsible for Deepthi's death, Daya fights for justice. Despite facing threats, he stands against Vasu and fights to expose the truth.

In court, Daya sacrifices himself to ensure the brothers face justice. Lakshmi's revelation saves him from death row. The brothers' attempt to escape leads to a deadly confrontation with Daya.

Daya emerges victorious, clearing his name and reconciling with Saanvi and Murthy, his journey from corruption to redemption complete. ]

After two and a half hours later, "These guys are despicable, abusing and then killing that poor girl—it's too low, even for me. Before this happens to her, I have to save that girl first. But first, I need to figure out where I fit into this movie's plot. And after kidnapping, how much time has passed? As per the movie, it shows that Daya arrived the same day Vasu's brothers caught her, so she's already been facing abuse from Vasu's four brothers for some time." Raj thought.

"Boss, we found out that he was transferred here 3 days ago, the day before Krishna died, on the recommendation of the MLA. The MLA used his connection with the Home Minister under the order of drug lord 'Waltaire Vasu', who is also one of the powerful figures here. Daya is also a very corrupt officer. And about the MLA, he is the same MLA we let go when we saved Krishna and his family," Vikas reported.

Raj got confused in the movie he was transferred by Home minister of Andra Pradesh. Raj also thinking about this fact that both looked similar so both are the same person just diffrence in there post.

Raj found himself in a state of confusion. In the movie, he witnessed Daya being transferred by the Home Minister of Andhra Pradesh. As he pondered over the situation, he couldn't shake off the uncanny resemblance between the Home Minister and the MLA he had encountered earlier. After receiving Vikas's report, Raj's suspicions were confirmed: both individuals were indeed the same person, holding different official positions.

This revelation raised the possibility that the characters in the movie could have the same face in reality, or they could have different appearances. Additionally, their positions mentioned in the movie could also vary. However, the most important aspect was whether the plot and behavior of the characters remained consistent with the movie.

Today marks the fourth day of the movie event. Yesterday, Daya returned Saanvi's dogs also vikas mentioned that 3 days ago he was transferred, indicating that four days have passed since Deepthi's kidnapping and the movie plot beginning. With the leverage gained from the MLAs I have secured, I now have enough power to make my moves with some freedom.

With the political influence I've gained through the MLAs I've secured, I now have the power to act more freely. I'm considering seizing control of illegal enterprises in this area, starting with Vasu's operations. My goal is to establish a monopoly and simultaneously build the Asura identity by taking over Vasu's business.

"Vikas, I have an important task for you. Gather our men and track down Vasu's four brothers. Find out there hideout so that you can find the girl named Deepthi they've kidnapped. Ensure her safe return, and if she's injured or suffering, take her to the hospital immediately. And one more thing, maintain utmost secrecy-don't let anyone see your faces. Also, bring those four brothers to me alive. If they resist, you have my permission to eliminate them," Raj instructed Vikas sternly.

Raj contemplated Saanvi's role as the heroine of the movie and acknowledged that she likely possessed numerous destiny points. Her innocence made her susceptible to manipulation by Daya, whom she believed to be a sincere police officer. As it was the fourth day, Saanvi remained engaged, and Daya had yet to break off the engagement. Raj recognized that Saanvi's primary concern was her pets, indicating that she wasn't motivated by money. This realization prompted Raj to consider alternative strategies to influence her. Raj was thinking is she innocent or dumb that she fell for Daya who uses trash logic to win over her, saying that he will became dog for her. She did not even listened to her innocent fiance and believe a stranger she met 2 days ago.

Raj was overcome by a severe pain in his head, causing him to lose consciousness while seated. Suddenly, he found himself in a state of weightlessness, surrounded by darkness. For days, he floated aimlessly, losing track of time in the void. As he drifted forward, he suddenly felt a force restraining him, preventing further movement. In the darkness, two immense eyes opened, their gaze piercing through Raj. They seemed to encompass the entirety of the universe, exuding both charisma and intimidation. Raj was gripped with fear at the sight, paralyzed by the presence of these formidable eyes.

[ Do you truly think you forgot about those hospital cameras? You're too naive to believe that ]

the voice echoed in Raj's mind, instilling fear within him. After gathering his courage, Raj responded,

"Who are you, and what is your intention? Why have you brought me here?"

Raj's voice quivered with apprehension as he questioned the eyes, recognizing the voice's source.

[ It doesn't matter who I am, What matters is that destiny is manipulating your thoughts. It's starting to affect your thinking process. In her eyes, you are an anomaly. ]

The voice continued,

[ Right now, she is doing it unconsciously, but soon she will become aware of you. Your luck is very low; you have to increase it, or else destiny will find you, and you will die. ]

[ You are to weak, Pathetic ]


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