
Reincarnated with Villain System in Indian Movies

As Raj Nair slowly regained consciousness, his mind swirled with confusion and disorientation. The sterile scent of the hospital room filled his nostrils, and the soft hum of medical equipment echoed in his ears. Blinking against the harsh glare of the overhead lights, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Amidst the fog of his awakening, another voice pierced through his thoughts, crisp and clear. "Installation is completed," it said, sending a shiver down Raj's spine. He knew instinctively that this was not the time for such cryptic messages, not when his mind was consumed by worry and uncertainty. "Doctor, doctor," he called out, his voice strained with desperation. "Where are my parents? Where's my big brother? Where's my sister?" Moments later, a white-coated figure appeared at his bedside, their expression solemn and sympathetic. Raj's heart pounded in his chest as he awaited the doctor's response, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. "I'm sorry, Raj," the doctor began, their voice gentle but firm. "Your parents...they didn't make it. They passed away in the car accident."

DattaDhebe · Filme
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50 Chs

Deal [ Part 1 ]

Raj was seated in front of Vasu, a playful smile on his face as he looked at Daya. "I didn't know you were friends with Brother Daya. This makes things a little complicated," he said.

Vasu questioned, "What do you mean by that? The deal is simple. I will give you properties worth 350 crore, and you will give me cash. What's there to be complicated?"

Raj's expression shifted slightly. "You might not know this, but he extorted money from me. Do you really believe I will make a deal with someone who is working with a person who extorted me? Also, there's another thing: he's hitting on my girlfriend Saanvi. If it weren't for the fact that you are a guest here, I would have already killed him."

When Raj mentioned Saanvi as his girl, Daya instinctively put his hand on his holster, a move seen by everyone. The MLA quickly stepped in, stopping Daya. Raj pointed at Daya and said, "See? I told you, he wants to kill me and get my girl. How can I tolerate this?"

Vasu, regretting bringing Daya, turned to him and said, "Brother, don't make it hard for me. You say that I am your brother, so my brothers are your brothers too. Don't you want to save them?"

Daya calmed down, thinking, "I can always make my move after leaving here."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Vasu turned to Raj, knowing his brothers' lives were at stake and that there was no other buyer he could find in such a short time. "Brother, how can I make this right?" he asked, desperation in his voice.

"Nothing much, you know I am a businessman, everything is negotiable, and as you know, Brother Daya extorted me before. So, it will cost 50 crore extra," Raj said, his voice turning more authoritative. "You can say that I am also extorting you."

Vasu retorted, "But he is the one who extorted you. Why are you charging me?"

"He is your man, and I know you are the one who used the MLA to transfer him here," Raj replied calmly.

Vasu was already desperate at this moment and wanted this deal to go through. After thinking for some time, Vasu said, "Okay, but brother, I want my money the moment I sign the property transfer certificate. And I want it all in cash."

Raj nodded. "Sure, bring me 400 crore worth of assets, and I can arrange the cash right now."

Vasu nodded and quickly made arrangements to have the property documents delivered. As the papers were being prepared, Raj instructed his men to start gathering the cash.

Vasu nodded and quickly made arrangements to have the property documents delivered. He hadn't brought any property documents with him, as that would be a risky move in his line of work. He had already instructed his men to prepare the documents, but now that he needed to add assets worth an additional 50 crore, it would take a few more hours to create the transfer documents. Luckily, he had recently acquired a property from Venkata Rao, which could cover the additional amount. He instructed his men to arrange everything as soon as possible.

Daya was fuming with anger, glaring at Raj, but he was controlling himself. Seeing Daya's expression, Raj, with a smile on his face, said, "You know, Brother, I thought we could become friends." Raj continued, "Until you extorted me. And so far, you are the first person to do so. You should be proud of yourself."

Raj paused for a moment, then said, "You know what, I can make an exception to build a friendship again. How about this? I know that you like Saanvi, and if she came into the picture, there would be no friendship between us, right? You know that I am a businessman, and for me, everything is negotiable. So, tell me, how much is Saanvi worth to you? If the price is right I can brake up with Saanvi and also help you with your advancement."

Raj paused for a moment, then said, "You know what, I can make an exception to build a friendship again. How about this? I know that you like Saanvi, and if she came into the picture, there would be no friendship between us, right? You know that I am a businessman, and for me, everything is negotiable. So, tell me, how much is Saanvi worth to you? If the price is right, I can break up with Saanvi and also help you with your advancement."

For a moment, Daya was stunned. He had noticed that Saanvi was avoiding him lately. He didn't know why, but he suspected Raj had influenced her against him. Knowing this was an opportunity to win Saanvi over, he said to Raj, "50 crore. I can give you 50 crore for her."

"Brother, I thought you loved her. I never thought Saanvi was this cheap for you. You have disappointed me," Raj said, making a fake sad face.

Daya clenched his fists and responded, "100 crore."

Hearing the number, Raj's smile returned. "Deal."

Daya felt satisfied with the deal. He had collected a lot of cash from various criminal activities, often performing double dealings. For him, spending 100 crore for his love was not much. Only from Venkata Rao's deal, he had collected 2 crore, and he had done similar deals multiple times. The first offer was to test the waters, and now he had gotten the best result.

Raj, with a mischievous smile, said, "I would have accepted 50 crore if you insisted further."

Daya smirked and replied, "And for Saanvi, the love of my life, I would have paid not just 100 crore but 200 crore for her."

Raj's expression became serious. "Then... it's 200 crore."

Daya's smirk faded, and he retorted, "But you just said 100 crore."

Raj replied, "What I said was how much is Saanvi worth to you? And now you just said you would have paid 200 crore for her."

"But... But..." Daya stammered, unable to find the words to retaliate. He realized he had played right into Raj's hands. Calculating his finances, he knew he had just lost two-thirds of his life's earnings. With a sad face, Daya said, "Deal, but I want you to break up with her in front of me. And I want to know the truth about why she is avoiding me."

Raj pretended to think, then with a smile said, "Brother, you really love her. Deal." For Daya, that smile looked very devilish at this moment.

Vasu, who had been listening to the entire conversation, felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was irritated because, due to Daya, he had to add 50 crore to the initial deal. On the other hand, he took some satisfaction in knowing that Daya had just lost 200 crore to Raj. At least he wasn't the only one taking a hit.

Vasu, who had been listening to the entire conversation, felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was irritated because, due to Daya, he had to add 50 crore to the initial deal. On the other hand, he took some satisfaction in knowing that Daya had just lost 200 crore to Raj. At least he wasn't the only one taking a hit. However, Vasu was surprised to find out that Daya had this amount of money. He thought to himself that police officers really must be earning a lot on the side. Should I become an inspector too? He brushed off the thought quickly.

"Brother, I never thought you would spend this amount of money for a girl. If you wanted just a girl, I would have provided you with lots," Vasu said to Daya, shaking his head.

Daya glanced at Vasu, a mixture of frustration and resignation in his eyes. "It's not just about any girl, Vasu. Saanvi is special to me. And I would give my life for her, money is just a small thing."

Raj chuckled, "Is that so... Then.."

Daya quickly interjected, "No, Brother, I was just making a joke..." He smiled nervously. Seeing this, Raj laughed as well.

"So, where is the money?" Raj asked, turning serious again. He knew Vasu was handling the property transfer, and his people were already working on it.

"About that, I'll do the money transfer online," Daya replied. "I have my money stored in a Swiss account." Daya had always been smart about his finances. He never bought properties with his illicit earnings because he knew that if the media discovered a police inspector with significant properties, they would declare him corrupt. So, he always transferred his money through the hawala system to his Swiss account.

Raj raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Smart move. Let's get it done then. I need to see the transfer go through." Saying this he ordered vikas to provide him with his account number.


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