
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Status for al Companions/Characters Sheets

(A/N: A quick summery of how soldiers will have their own limits unless they level up to the max and upgrade to a new Tier. It's for both Noble & Common troop tree)

(A/N: I will be updating as they gain new companions or have officers promoted)

Common Troop Tree

T1 Recruits level, 1-10

T2 Footman level 10-20

T3 Trained Footman/Spearman/Archer levels 20-35

T4 Warriors/Shieldman/Spearman/Longbowman Levels 35-45

T5 Veteran Sword master/Vanguard/ Spearman/ Heavy Cavalry/Mounted Longbowman/ Veteran Longbowman/Naginata Master/Nagamaki Master Levels 45-65

Noble Troop Tree

T1 Musako Recruits level 8-15

T2 Kizoku Warriors/Kizoku Archer's Levels 15-25

T3 Kei Kihei/Kanabo Warrior/Yumi Kihei/Umbra Consul Levels 25-40

T4 Ju Kihei/Kanabo Master/Yumi Kihei Levels 40-55¾

T5 Kizoku Kihei/Tetsujin High-Oni/Kizoku no Ite Levels 55-65

T6 Kizoku Fire Archers/Blessed-Oni/Household Troops Level's 65-80







Name: Alexis Von Decker/Arekushisu

Race: Human

Health: 43

Current: Experience: 23,350

Experience until level Up: 17,750

Level: 15 -> 23

Party Limit: 128

Gold: 12,390 ->33, 730



STR: 9 (+4) -> 13

AGI: 9 (+4) -> 13

INT: 8

CHA: 8

Attribute points: 8 -> 0(+8) -> 8

(Strength gives you 2 hit points, makes you do more damage for every weapon)

(Every point in Agility gives you five weapon points and increases movement speed on the battlefield)

(Intelligence gives you one extra skills point)

(Charisma increases your party size limit by 2)



Iron flesh: 7

Power Strike: 4

Power Throw: 0

Weapon Master: 1

Shield: 0

Athletics: 6

Riding: 1

Horse Archery: 0

Looting: 0

Trainer: 2

Tracking: 1

Tactics: 1

Path Finding: 2

Spotting: 6

Inventory Management: 0

Wound Treatment: 0

Surgery: 5

First Aid: 0

Engineer: 2

Persuasion: 4

Prisoner Management: 3

Leadership: 4

Trade: 2

Skill Points: 0 -> 8(+12) -> 20

(1 Skill Point per Level and Intelligence raises that by every point there is in Intelligence)


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 135

Two Handed Weapons: 175

Polearms: 65

Archery: 28

Crossbow: 25

Throwing: 40

Weapon Point: 98 (+100) -> 198

(Every level up is 10 points and for every attribute point in Agility it gives an additional 5 points)






Name: Aoi Meishu

Race: Human

Health: 145

Level: 63

Current: Experience: 132,145

Experience until level Up: 135,500

Titles: 3rd Army General, Devil Oni, 2nd Oni Division Commander, Hanzo's Right-Hand



STR: 38

AGI: 39

INT: 34

CHA: 38

Attribute Points: 0



Iron flesh: 19

Power Strike: 17

Power Throw: 7

Weapon Master: 18

Shield: 5

Athletics: 15

Riding: 18

Horse Archery: 17

Looting: 5

Trainer: 15

Tracking: 13

Tactics: 8

Path Finding: 13

Spotting: 8

Inventory Management: 5

Wound Treatment: 8

Surgery: 8

First Aid: 8

Engineer: 7

Persuasion: 5

Prisoner Management: 8

Leadership: 18

Trade: 5

Skill Points: 0


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 750

Two Handed Weapons: 830

Polearms: 315

Archery: 755

Crossbow: 98

Throwing: 200

Proficiency Points: 0







Name: Katsuyori

Race: Human

Health: 55

Current: Experience: 23,350

Experience until level Up: 11,500

Level: 25

Party Limit: 120



STR: 15 -> 20

AGI: 16 -> 21

INT: 10 -> 17

CHA: 12 -> 19

Attribute points: 24 -> 0



Iron flesh: 8 -> 11

Power Strike: 8 -> 10

Power Throw: 0 -> 4

Weapon Master: 5 -> 10

Shield: 0

Athletics: 6 -> 10

Riding: 3 -> 6

Horse Archery: 0

Looting: 0

Trainer: 2 -> 6

Tracking: 1

Tactics: 3 -> 9

Path Finding: 2

Spotting: 6

Inventory Management: 5

Wound Treatment: 0

Surgery: 5

First Aid: 0

Engineer: 2

Persuasion: 4 -> 6

Prisoner Management: 3

Leadership: 4 -> 8

Trade: 2

Skill Points: 37 -> 0

(1 Skill Point per Level and Intelligence raises that by every point there is in Intelligence)


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 135 -> 256

Two Handed Weapons: 167 -> 265

Polearms: 65

Archery: 28

Crossbow: 25

Throwing: 40

Weapon Point: 219 -> 0







Name: Oda Nobunaga

Race: Human

Health: 145

Level: 45

Current: Experience: 65,400

Experience until level Up: 20,600

Titles: Oda Clan Leader, Demon king of the Sixth Heaven, The Unifier of Japan, The Cruel Tyrant, Fool of Owari, Demon of Owari, Usurper, Daimyo of Owari, Tetsujin Clan General, Great Tactician Oda, Beast tamer Oda,



STR: 25

AGI: 23

INT: 23

CHA: 30

Attribute Points: 0



Iron flesh: 13

Power Strike: 13

Power Throw: 7

Weapon Master: 17

Shield: 5

Athletics: 12

Riding: 15

Horse Archery: 10

Looting: 5

Trainer: 12

Tracking: 13

Tactics: 19

Path Finding: 9

Spotting: 8

Inventory Management: 5

Wound Treatment: 8

Surgery: 8

First Aid: 8

Engineer: 7

Beast Taming: 6

Persuasion: 13

Prisoner Management: 8

Leadership: 20

Trade: 5

Skill Points: 0


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 580

Two Handed Weapons: 240

Polearms: 158

Archery: 155

Crossbow: 98

Throwing: 100

Proficiency Points: 0







Name: Hayai Kaze

Race: Human

Health: 43

Current: Experience: 23,350

Experience until level Up: 17,750

Level: 25

Title: Kizoku Archer Officer, Tetsujin Officer



STR: 17

AGI: 16

INT: 14

CHA: 9

Attribute Points: 0



Iron flesh: 9

Power Strike: 7

Power Throw: 0

Weapon Master: 9

Shield: 0

Athletics: 10

Riding: 10

Horse Archery: 10

Looting: 0

Trainer: 2

Tracking: 9

Tactics: 1

Path Finding: 10

Spotting: 13

Inventory Management: 0

Wound Treatment: 0

Surgery: 3

First Aid: 0

Engineer: 2

Persuasion: 4

Prisoner Management: 3

Leadership: 6

Trade: 2

Skill Points: 0


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 135

Two Handed Weapons: 175

Polearms: 65

Archery: 298

Crossbow: 25

Throwing: 40

Weapon Point: 0






Name: Hanzō Hattori

Race: Human

Health: 125

Level: 60

Current: Experience: 106,345

Experience until level Up: 104,765

Titles: Hattori the Demon Hanzō, True Iga Ninja, Silent Killer, Leader of Iga-Ninja, Tetsujin Ninja



STR: 37

AGI: 45

INT: 30

CHA: 20



Iron flesh: 13

Power Strike: 12

Power Throw: 19

Weapon Master: 18

Ninjutsu: 25

Shield: 5

Athletics: 19

Riding: 15

Horse Archery: 9

Looting: 5

Trainer: 12

Tracking: 18

Tactics: 8

Path Finding: 16

Spotting: 15

Inventory Management: 5

Wound Treatment: 6

Surgery: 6

First Aid: 7

Engineer: 4

Persuasion: 8

Prisoner Management: 8

Leadership: 15

Trade: 5


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 450

Two Handed Weapons: 250

Polearms: 190

Archery: 200

Crossbow: 98

Throwing: 690







Name: Gosaku

Race: Human

Health: 245

Level: 103

Current: Experience: 153,890

Experience until level Up: 205,550

Titles: Saviour of the Common People, Strongest Spear user in the world, Gosaku the 1000-Man Army, General of Tetsujin Army



STR: 70

AGI: 64

INT: 52

CHA: 55

Attribute Points: 0



Iron flesh: 30

Power Strike: 30

Power Throw: 15

Weapon Master: 30

Shield: 5

Athletics: 28

Riding: 23

Horse Archery: 15

Looting: 5

Trainer: 25

Tracking: 15

Tactics: 14

Path Finding: 13

Spotting: 8

Inventory Management: 5

Wound Treatment: 8

Surgery: 8

First Aid: 8

Engineer: 7

Persuasion: 18

Prisoner Management: 8

Leadership: 25

Trade: 5

Skill Points: 0


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 958

Two Handed Weapons: 820

Polearms: 3632

Archery: 635

Crossbow: 98

Throwing: 330

Proficiency Points: 0







Name: Arashi

Race: Human

Health: 43

Current: Experience: 23,350

Experience until level Up: 17,750

Level: 25

Title: Tetsujin Arquebusier, First Arquebusier Of Tetsujin, Wolf Platoon Member



STR: 15

AGI: 16

INT: 14

CHA: 9

Attribute Points: 0



Iron flesh: 9

Power Strike: 7

Power Throw: 0

Weapon Master: 9

Shield: 0

Athletics: 10

Riding: 10

Horse Archery: 10

Looting: 0

Trainer: 2

Tracking: 9

Tactics: 1

Path Finding: 10

Spotting: 13

Inventory Management: 0

Wound Treatment: 0

Surgery: 3

First Aid: 0

Engineer: 6

Persuasion: 4

Prisoner Management: 3

Leadership: 6

Trade: 2

Skill Points: 0


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 135

Two Handed Weapons: 125

Polearms: 65

Archery: 120

Firearms: 220

Crossbow: 25

Throwing: 40

Weapon Point: 0
