
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

New Start

[ Host are you awake?]

Who is that voice that is calling me? I better get up if it is important...

???: Who is it...?

[Nice to see you awake host, I am inside your mind and real]

???: Did I drink too much last night or what..?

[No host, although you died from suicide. You are not crazy hearing me]

???: WAIT WH- How did I die!?!?!?

[Overdrinking from a sad situation you came upon]

I slowly started remembering about last nights events and made me tear up slowly. Now I know why I was overdrinking before smiling sadly thinking about my last moments.

???: Guess I really died and it was because of that woman...

[Would you like for me to give you an update in your situation or how you can hear me?]

???: Tell me both please, especially where I am at currently...

[You can hear me because you were chosen as the only one that completed the most mods in your most favorite game. You also had a kind & ruthless personality that inclined with the creators wish]

???: You mean Mount & Blade II...? The game was truly spectacular, especially the different mods that have potential but overlooked. And did I truly have a ruthless personality...?

[You did have a ruthless personality, you were ruthless in game & in real life but only used that bad side of your to help others or go against others to prove a point]

???: That's interesting, but being picked because I am too inversed into the game...Whatever I might as well stop complaining especially when I have nothing holding me back.

[Indeed Host, The place you are currently in is a fantasy world that humans have fantasies about and every race they dreamed about is living in.

???: That's nice, and I guess there will be female monsters or something...?

[Indeed there are, but before you can go anywhere to explore. Would you like to choose a type of mod you want to start with?]

???: Oh? Never though I would actually be able to choose, then let's go with the Ronin Mod.

[Searching for Ronin Mod....Ronin Mod found... Acquiring Ronin Mod from archive... Tetsujin Culture chosen...]

[Would Host like to open Starter pack & Quest reward?]

???: Sure, but call me Alexis, I would get irritated if I am called host all the time

[Yes Alexander, Opening Starter Pack & 2 Quest Rewards]

Soon a blue screen appeared before me and it started showing what I received as rewards.

[Tetsujin Leather over heavy cloth armor

1x Fine Steel Katana

1x Leather Jingasa over cloth

1x Tetsojin Leather shoulder armor

1x Tetsojin Common plate armor

1x Wrapped Leather boots

5x Tetsujin Recruit Musako

2345x Gold coins

1x Town Hall]

I was shocked from the notifications and started reading it slowly before saying it again in my head.

Alexis: So it is real huh? Wait how the hell do I equip the Armor, don't tell me I will need to get naked!?

[Don't worry about it, you can just go to the main tab and see your status. The empty spots next to your Model is where you equip the armor you get from any battles. Or you can do it as you regularly do but the main tab is the fast option]

I nodded before I touched the Main tab button and the screen changed and showed me my model with the empty slots to the left of my model.

I touched the headgear tab and it showed another small screen like an inventory. The Leather Jingasa with cloth showed up and I touched it before I felt something on my head.

I looked at the Jingasa ontop with fasciation before I started placing the other armor onto my body along with the wrapped leather boots.

Alexis: Guess this is fine with me, At least I have some protection from whatever comes my way...

[Would you like to accept your first Quest?]

Alexis: Yes...


Type: Monster Hunting

Time Limit: None

Difficulty: D

Total amount of Goblins: 30

Regular Goblins: 26

Special Goblin's: 4

Description: Kill the goblins in the surrounding area and the Hobgoblin Leader that have been attacking weak Adventurer groups & the passing trade caravans on the road.

Rewards: 10x Tetsujin Recruits, 5x traveling supplies, 3x Tetsujin Recruits Musako, 2340x Gold coins, 1x Companion Summoning Card




Alexis: So I need to kill them huh? This should be easy then, can you direct me to them?

[Your ruthless personality is coming out Alexis, but I will do as you say. They are 50m to the west and their nest should be 46m to the east]

Alexis: Alright, I guess it is time for me to see the goblins and kill em off.

Alexis: Also, how do I summon or get the Tetsojin Recruit Masuko that I have?

[Look at the Units Tab on the top of the screen and it shall show you the soldiers you have currently. They are Loyal and will follow orders so don't worry about betrayal only focus on buying food and taking care of them]

Alexis: Alright, but will they be realistic or just simply follow rules?

[They will be realistic and the reason why you will receive Supplies once you finish the Quests you accept]

Alexis: Interesting, Might as well just summon them and see their appearance.

I looked at the image of the Tetsujin Recruit Musako and they looked like they had Tier 2 armor & weapons already, which makes things more easier.

I touched the card and a prompt appeared saying if I want to summon 5x Tetsujin Recruit Musako which I agreed. There was another message that showed and it was to let me summon the units on the card without saying Y/N every time.

I agreed and soon a golden light flashed before my eyes, I shut my eyes before looking back at the new people in front of me.

When I looked at them their unit names showed and made me smile before I wanted to test something.

Alexis: It is nice to meet the soldiers who will be under my banner, our first mission is to hunt down Goblins and their leader.

All of them nodded at me and waited for my instructions. I smiled before walking towards ether area that the system had pointed out.

20 minutes later

We arrived at the place and I took out the fine steel katana from the inventory of the system. I took it out of it's sheath and wondered at how it looked.

Alexis: It's a...nice looking weapon...

I was genuine in my words, the fine steel katana had a certain black tint in the sharp edge of the blade. The handle wrap gave a smooth feeling in my hands and the handle guard fit perfectly with the Katana.

I held the katana with my right hand and had the scabbard held on my waist by some white cloth wrapped around the handguard.

I looked around before stopping and sniffing the air, I looked back at the Tetsujin Musako and signaled them that there were things up ahead.

They nodded before going forwards with me, I walked forwards 14 meters before I pulled up the katana and had blocked a sword strike from above.

I looked at my attacker and sa it was a green goblin that I've seen in games. I tilted my weapon and moved it forwards as the blade slid across the goblins blade and through it's neck killing it.

I looked at the Tetsujin Musako recruits who were fighting against two or three goblins each. I swiftly moved to the left and slashed diagonally through a goblins body before blocking another strike in front of me.

I tried to move back but three of these small goblins appeared from the bushes and trees. I heard the blades of my soldiers clash with the iron daggers these goblins had.

I kicked the goblin in front of me before I moved my elbow backwards and hit a goblin on its nose sending it flying somewhere. I swung my katana in a wide arc and split off the body of a goblin and cut through another goblins head.

I looked behind me before I hung my head down avoiding a swift swing from a sword. I punched forwards with my left fist hitting a goblin straight in it's face. After sending it flying I rolled to the left before holding my katana over my head avoiding an overhead strike.

I felt my body be hit by a sharp object making me grit my teeth in pain before I grabbed the head of the goblin who was about to stab me, with my left hand and squeezed it head before I crushed it.

I moved my right hand to the left with some strength before I swung it to the ground cutting off the head of the goblin that did the overhead strike.

I looked back before elbowing the goblin who stabbed me on my back. I turned my body before swiftly thrusting my bloodied katana into the goblins stomach.

I slowly twisted the katana and let it shriek before I twisted it upwards pointing to it's head. I lifted my katana upwards through it's body and felt the blood flow everywhere.

I got up quickly before looking back at the Tetsojin soldiers who had four to five goblin bodies laying beside them. I smiled before telling them to spread out and kill the goblins around the area.

Tetsujin Musako: Yes Alexis-Sama!

I blanked out before sighing and went around the nearby area the System had marked and there was a ton of them everywhere.

I encountered multiple groups of goblins and was kinda difficult because of their numbers & their height but I won with some wounds but nothing serious.

(Protected by the Mount & Blade logic that will make him be alive even if he has 3% or 10% of his HP which is crazy thinking about it)

I met up with the rest of the Tetsujin Musako recruits and we all found ourselves filled with blood or guts on our armors. I quickly checked how many more but saw there were only three more goblins left and I looked at the minimal before seeing their last cations deep in a cave.

[26/30 Goblins Killed]

I led the group of 5 towards the cave where we had encountered a weird goblin that had a strong physique and was the size of a regular person which is alarming.

I looked at it's left hand that was holding a Spear and saw it wore some broken parts of chainmail armor and had markings around it's arms.

Alexis: Well, time to truly test ourselves against an evolved goblin.

All of us took a defensive position and I was in th middle of the formation. The fist Musako Recruit charged over and slashed diagonally surprising the goblin and making it bleed.

The second Musako recruit went up ahead and jumped to the side of the humanoid goblin before sweeping his legs and blocked a powered left fist but a third Musako arrived just in time and smoothly sliced the weird goblins left hand and a blood curling screech was released from it's mouth.

I moved forward covering the distance before bracing myself for something I would never do back then. The other two Musako came forwards before they chopped it's right hand & arm simultaneously as it's heavy club fell to the cold floor.

I gripped my fine steel katana before swinging it in a wide arc chopping it's head off and blood sprouting out it's neck and amputated body parts reaming the inside of the cave with blood.

I held in my stomach with the condensed smell of blood and how bloody this is compared to the other goblins I killed before.

I slowly breathed in and out before gripping my katana tightly and looking at the determined faces of the Trained Musako made me feel better about this before leading them deeper into the cave.

[1/4 Special Goblins Slain]

[890 XP Gained]

When we arrived at a crossroads of tunnels which I looked at the tunnel we arrived in before I had started drawing an X shaped mark on the walls of the rocky tunnel we came from.

I looked at the other three tunnels before making some marks like C,V, W reminding me of myth old pals that I was friends with.

Musako Recruit: This will help in case of an ambush and if we retreat. But the tunnel with the V marking has a bloody smell and danger. The Tunnel with the the W mark has a putrid smell coming from it and believe it to be their...breeding grounds....

I stopped and looked at the Soldier who said it and had a shocked face while looking at him. He did not just say breeding grounds right? Because If he did this takes things to another level...

Alexis: Wait..Wait..Say that again will you?

Musako Recruit: Yes, the smell coming from the tunnel is that of putrid smell and a scent of blood and something I wish to burn.

Alexis: Then Fuck it, Since this isn't a fairy tail of goblins just fighting humans but even having their breeding grounds make me realize that I need to finish them off...

Alexis: So, all of you will go in groups of two in each tunnel and kill the remaining Goblins I'll go to the dangerous tunnel and kill the goblins.

They nodded and soon after I went ahead with the last Musako With me to the dangerous tunnel leading deeper inside the cave.

The Musako recruit had gone ahead first to guard me in case something happened to which I agreed.

5 minutes later

While on the way we saw some broken bones, skulls, skeletons, and rusty weapons laid before us. Once we reached a big opened space, we saw a 2 meter goblin with a muscular body filled with scars and a carved Club that had spikes on its edges ready to tear apart anything in its way.

I held my katana with both hands tightly before the Musako recruit told me to be behind him and ready for anything. I looked around the open space and saw decomposing human bodies with their guts splattered everywhere and some racks holding what seems to be peeled off organs making me want to throw up.

After I calmed myself down somehow , the buff Goblin charged at us with immense speed and swung it's club downward doing an overhead strike to the Trained Musako that had backed off quickly and slashed at the goblins thigh which pierced it's flesh but didn't make it flinch.

The Musako soldier charged forward again before he started slashing the goblins body avoiding swing after swing but he was tiring himself quickly.

I moved forwards before I slashed at the goblins right hand but the goblin tried to grab it while swinging his club at me.

The Musako recruit had circled up behind him before dealing an Overhead strike cutting a part of his arm off and the goblins flesh peel down with the katana that had struck it.


Taking this new opportunity I swung my Katana vertically towards his right hand with the intent of chopping his hand off.

The Musako recruit had retrieved his katana from the goblins torn flesh and dropped down quickly dodging a swing from the club the goblin is currently holding.

I move to the right before having a torn up fist heading towards me. I instinctively raise my katana up before gripping it tightly and it had gone through the bone of the goblin as it screeched once more and used the rest of it's force trying to squash me with it's remaining strength.

I forced myself to pull out the katana and swing it with the strength I have towards it's neck that had successfully slashed it's throat making it gargle in it's own blood but not before it swung down it's club towards my body that was inevitably going to be crushed under the club.

I had stopped and looked at the club going straight towards me and I could not move just paralyzed with fear of death.

Musako: I won't let you kill the young Lord!!!

Then suddenly the Musako Recruit I came with, had jumped onto the buff goblins back and swung his katana downward cutting apart the arm that held the heavy club and had used his katana and held a tight grip on it before it clashed against the club and it had pushed it beside me.

I smiled a bit before I gripped my Katana and sliced the buff goblins neck cleanly as it started spewing out blood from it's slashed neck as it rained blood once again.


Once it's body fell down I slumped down to the ground and started breathing heavily before I crouched down and started vomiting and the Musako recruit that came behind and pat my back.

[2/4 Special Goblins Slain]

[890 XP Gained]

Musako Recruit: It will be fine young Lord, this is the first time you have seen such a gruesome sight. But I congratulate you on your fighting against a tough opponent even for me.

I wiped my mouth with my hand before the Musako Recruit had taken out his leather Water pouch and popped the top off before I washed my hands with him pouring the water.

I got myself together and thanked the Recruit and soon after we could hear the sounds of fighting and the cave walls trembling.



The cave walls were trembling and the thumps of the rocky floor was heard throughout the cave even to where we are.

Musako Soldier: Lord, We should loot this Brutes Lair and take what they have.

Alexis: Ugh, alright....Let's...Loot the...place

I slowly followed The Musako Recruit and started looting the barrels and crates filled with vegetables or weapons.

Alexis: ugh, System can I take all this stuff into my inventory?

[Yes Host, counting everything in the caves will take 6 inventory slots and if your inventory is ever filled up, the Soldiers you have summon have their own inventory space of 10 and may increase according to their level and strength]

Alexis: Good to Know, then I guess I should start looting and placing this barrels with me.

I touched the barrels and Crates that dissipated once I touched it and when I looked at the Inventory space there were 2 Inventory slots containing the things of what I looked. In total 2 out of 100 Inventory slots were containing something from this single cave

Alexis: Let's meet up with the others and get out of this place and summon the other soldiers.

Especially that Companion which I don't know from which mod or if I can choose from the good mods. I wonder if I can get some characters the YouTubers/roleplayers use and man will they be amazing to use especially their stats.

Musako Recruit: Let us meet with the others Lord

Alexis: Let's go then ...

To be continued