
Reincarnated to a fantasy world as a girl

"Reincarnation? So that shit is actually real and not some stuck up theory?" Not some stuck up theory indeed. Meet Kylexsis Dakota, a gay twenty year old guy. After being killed by a runaway truck, he is reincarnated into a world of fantasy. A world of Magic, Supernaturalism, witchcraft and of course many many handsome Prince's and noble men. And guess what? HE'S A GIRL!!!!! And not just a girl, but the only surviving dark faerie in the entire world with highly overpowered abilities, a complimentary gift from the "Goddess above" who gave him a mission to help the underdeveloped world by bringing it up to thrive and saving it from the imminent danger it would face. Follow Kylexsis as he plunged into a new, crazily adventurous life of daring and dangerous missions and of course love. Being a chosen one of course..... ------------------------------ If you are an anime fan this story is for you. This story is inspired by" reincarnated into another world with my smartphone. Hope you enjoy. Bye. Oh and go "ISEKIA"

Gift_Benedict · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter Seven: Bad Impressions

Kylexsis POV

I woke up to the sound of muffled voices outside of my room door. The sun was out and the stream of light was shining on my eyes. I sat up slowly and stretched with a yawn. In all the life that I had lived, both old and new, past and present, this was one of the best sleep that I had ever had.

The sound of the muffled voices came again. I rubbed my sleepy eyes groggily and turned towards the door, my ears twitching as I tuned in to listen.

"Should we wake her up, Arry?" The hushed tone of Arya's light voice said, making me smile." Arry, you should wake her up."

"Me? Why don't you wake her up!" Arry's voice snapped back at her.

"Eeeee,sh, sh, shhhhh, you'll give away our position Master Arry." The sound of Azolla's panicked voice came after.

I smiled back and shook my head. If this was what they called stealth then they had a lot to learn. Cerulean opened one eye to watch me get out of bed and silently creep towards the door. The hushed tone of voices sounded higher as I got closer and none of them seemed to notice my presence nor could they comprehend anything when I grabbed the knob and swing the door open.

Two small bodies fell forward into the ground with a loud thump that I was sure could be heard downstairs, their daemons stood behind them staring guiltily at me." Children...." I drawled with a raise of my left brow.

The twins looked up at me, Arya's nose in particular, red, from having fallen straight on her face. Arry just gave an innocent smile." What are you four doing here this early in the morning?" I tried again, much more calmer than the last.

"I'm sorry if we disturbed you Miss Lexi, but we were asked to call you for breakfast." Clovert explained craning his head to get a better look at my face. My eyes twitched in annoyance from the sound of that word, Miss.

"Zeymah-da, was suppose to do so but he has busied himself with cutting firewood for nightfall in the backyard garden." Arya whimpered and pulled her lips into an adorable pout. Her eyes was beginning to water from the pain.

Zeymah-da? Who is Zeymah-da? I heard that word yesterday. Or is that some kind of word for someone in their language or something? Because surely they did have one, just like our stone age did, just like their stone age does.

"Then you could have knocked." I reasoned and bent down to help both of them to their feet." I could hear your voices even in my sleep."

"Sorry." Arry blushed and itched his head nervously." You were asleep for a long time after daybreak and we thought that you were very tired."

"I was, actually. But I'm okay now." I informed them with a small smile, and rearranged Arya's faded brown skirt that had been patched at too many places than I could count." Why don't you four go downstairs while I get ready, okay?"

They nodded quickly and scurried down the hallway and away from sight, with their daemons trailing behind them too. I closed the door behind me, smiling to myself. They were so innocent and gentle, just like Caramel and Israelis back at home. Before everything went to shit. Before Caramel used me as her practice for being a bitch and before Israelis used me as his dummy for martial arts practice. And the worst thing was, I still wanted them to recognise me.

Would they even care if I died? Do they know that I had died? Did Clarke tell them I died?

All in all, I was here now. The life of the male version of Kylexsis River Dakota is over. This is a new phase. I'm gonna have to make the most of it.

"And you will." Cerulean's voice interrupted my thoughts. I turned around to find him sitting upright with his eyes on me. Calculating, brilliant." You will make the most of it because this mission isn't only about Tundran. It's about us. You and I. We'll find our people, I'm certain of it." He said and looked out the crack of the curtains blocking the view of the window." And who knows..... maybe the Broywnes are part of your people."

I cocked a brow in disbelief.

"What you don't believe me?" He scoffed turning back to me again." You can stay for as long as you wish, they say. Eydis is afraid to do anything wrong that would make you shorten your decision to stay, the look in Arya's eye is like the look of a little sister looking at her elder sister in awe and with time, that same look in Aryas eyes is what would be in Arry's. And then Sebastien he's.....stoic. I can't really read him much. Eyes are too stormy most of the time."

"You.....you noticed all of that just yesterday?" I questioned in surprise.

"A daemon is meant to be observant when their master is not." Cerulean shrugged." A daemon is meant to be everything when the master is not. We are meant to guide, protect and hold a part of your soul that bonds us for eternity. It is our duty to be your forever companion,yeah?"

"Well I'm glad I got you. You're an awesome teacher ." I smiled and sat down to reach for my shoes under the bed." Although there is so much more to learn. I understand that I have learned the basics of lightening magic but I know that there is still more. Then there's cast spells, fire magic, water, earth, dark, astral, spirit, mind, jeez I wonder if I would ever learn it all."

"You will. Patience is a virtue, master, let me worry about that for you, you just need to worry about how this world works. For example, if you are going to blend in completely, I think it is best if you don't act like a fool when someone speaks Vladimir to you."

"Vladimir?" I cocked a brow.

"That word that young Arya spoke, yes that was a word in Vladimir." Cerulean nodded slowly lying back down on the bed with a stretch." It's common Vladimir though! Spoken in broken language, you will also have to learn the high Vladimir, the more uniformed one that high Born's speak. It's imperative."

"Cool. I'm great at learning languages. I currently know, Japanese, German, Arabic, and so many more with some ancient languages too." I informed putting on my Snickers over my socked feet and reaching out to grab the other one under the table. From the corner of my eyes I caught Cerulean staring at me with a look of disbelief." What! My dad used to be in the army and knew so many languages and then quit and became a part time historian so yeah, I liked to learn every language he learned. It was like a competition we had. And plus my parents were so elegant that they had us learn a lot of languages and other stuffs and cultures. It was fun....as least till shit went south and I got kicked out for being gay."

I looked away and began to untie the knots on my shoelaces trying not to sulk." Not that it'll give me some help in this place."

"It could. Hold on to it though." Cerulean replies after some seconds of silence.

"Like I could forget about it." I hummed putting on the second snickers and beginning to tie it expertly." It's been burned to my brain like a hot poker on a slave's skin. I've got some questions though."

"Ask away."

"What's with the stinging I get when you experience negative emotions." I questioned, sliding down in the warm floor boards and wrapping my arms around my legs." Why did you say that its unhealthy to feel such things."

"It's not unhealthy to feel negative emotions, but it is when you let it completely consume you." Cerulean explained moving to join me on the floor. He stretched out comfortably again, mewing in the process and rolling over on his back." It's like when you sense grief and you blame yourself to the point where you have panic attacks and die in the process. That is extra. It's okay to feel sad, sorrow, grief, anger, but it is wrong to let it consume you. Master and daemon share a mind and body, so the pain from negativities goes both ways in a kind of sense. It can kill a soul just like it can kill a person, it is unhealthy because it could darken the bond between us, bend it till it breaks. It's how we learn to always trusts and lean unto each when ever we need it. So you need not worry alone... I'm hear for you."

"Thank you." I smiled, feeling my heart well with joy and tried to blink back the tears. I didn't want to cry I'm front of him, I was an ugly crier when I got emotionally happy. Snots and all running down my red nose and pink in the cheeks. Bleh! I allowed myself to rub his belly smoothly, liking the way he purred contentedly to my touch. We really were something similar and I thank you Ekhanto for giving me a chance to experience all of this.

"We better get down for breakfast." Cerulean finally said but made no move to move away from my touch.

I rolled my eyes." Says you you lazy cat. I still have the question about this connection I have with the greens though. What is it?"

"It's like priests having connections with God. God tells you things and give you visions. But here, only few have connections with the gods here. The woman Ekhanto gave the title as the goddess of nature, Nadar, is who you have the connection with. You can feel the pain and joy of the greens, talk to them, understand them, it's a gift too. There is also the goddess of wind , Aura. The goddess of the fire Lasair, the god of water Laeghan, the god of the dark, Dorchadas, the god of the light Solas, the goddess of the spirit, Spiriora, the god of death, Bas.....now there are many more but I am starving yeah? Let's eat." He finally got up and walked to the door. He paused and looked at me expectantly, abandoning my thoughts I got up from the floor and headed towards the door.

Breakfast time!

As I walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen, the tantalising smell of fresh bread invaded my nostrils making me completely forget about everything and imagine what held for breakfast today. Surely, Eydis was already in the kitchen dropping a tray of cream coloured bread with a kind of greyish topping on it." Morning Eydis." I chirpped happily.

Eydis wheeled around to find me lurking at the entrance of the door. She was stood at the kitchen window where the sunlight shone on her smoothly pale skin and dark brown eyes. She seriously looked much too young to be a mother of three children

"Oh, good mornin' Lexi dear, I trust that you slept well last night?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side and smiling so wide that her eyes were almost closed.

"Like a baby." I replied, bobbing my head to her question. She smiled back and gave me a nod before turning to peel off her brown knitted mittens and throwing it beside the tray of small round loafs." It smells delicious." I commented.

Eydis turned towards me again with a raised brow." Huhn?" She asked.

I gestured towards the tray." The bread. It smells delicious."

"Oh, thank you. It's the tuffle cream. It adds flavour and scent, and it's very expensive. I managed to get some for a good price of 45 silvers this mornin'. I was plannin' to sell some, on the market,it'll get me good coin." She answered with a smile staring proudly at her work. I was also beginning to notice the way she pronounced her words that ended with an 'ing'. She kept missing the 'g's' out, although it did more to suit her.

"Mother makes the best bread in Lockheed and the demand belittles the supply." Arya chimed in from where she was perched on the dinning table popping her mouth with some kind of black spiked berry, Clovert was nestled in her lap enjoying the small strokes she made on his back." We'll surely sell. We always sell."

"Well, I'm not the best there is I just -" Eydis began to say, her cheeks going red.

"Mother we've always told you to stop being so modest." Arya moaned rolling her eyes.

Eydis mirrored the move and walked over to her with a smile." And I've always told you not to sit on the dinnin' table." She said tucking her hands under Arya's armpits and lifting her into the floor, ignoring Arya's pout." Now go help Arry with finishin' up feedin' Pantomime and hurry back for breakfast."

"Geh, Monah." Arya mumbled and jogged out of the kitchen, the sound of her feets filling the room.

"Kolos" Eydis yelled after her with a loving smile that made my heart ache. There was so much affection that I never had in my old life. I wanted something like that, and even if I still convinced myself that Cerulean was enough I know I needed more than that. I needed a real family, people who would love me like a daughter, people who would love me like a sister or a lover or a bestie. I swallowed and pushed those thoughts away wishing not to burden Cerulean with them, although there would be no doubt that he was listening in on my silent pity monologue in my head. I was yet to ask him to teach me how to do read his mind and mind link perfectly.


After breakfast, the moment I'm in my room, I'm going to check it out and listen to I'm good by Bebe Rexha a bit.

"Um..." The sound of Eydis voice drew me out of my trance. She was biting her lips as if to contemplate telling me what was at the tip of her tongue.

"What is it Eydis." I coaxed gently taking a step in to the warm atmosphere of the kitchen.

Her brown eyes looked at me for a moment, before looking down at the bread, the hearth that had fire and a pan hung over it sizzling with something." I'm sorry, you are our guest b-but you don't mind if I can trouble you with the task of informin' Sebastien that breakfast will be ready in two minutes?"

"Of course!" I chipped a little too enthusiastically. I didn't like the idea of her feeling so obliged to make me comfortable. I had never been treated with so much respect and gentleness before, nor did I have the luxury to have such a dinner and a good night sleep. I wanted to help, I wanted them to feel comfortable with me if I was going to stay here for a few days. Before I went out the door, I paused and turned to Eydis." Eydis, I hope that you don't feel so obliged to satisfy me."

She looked at me sceptically, eyeing me from head to toe." Why? Shouldn't I? You are our guest and not to mention your attempts to save our life I should be treatin' you with more respect and -"

"Eydis!" I cut her off and took hold of both her hands. They were pale and a bit rough from the hard labour of a commoner. It seemed to work because she shut up and looked at me." I saved you all because I didn't want anyone hurt. I wasn't expecting you to invite me into your home or give me dinner or a place to sleep. I wasn't expecting your generosity or your respect. I only said I wanted a friend right? I don't want a follower. So I want to you treat me like you would Sebastien, or Arya, or Arry, or your daemons because I feel so alone when you treat me differently because I am different. I only want to help, so as long as I'm here, I'm a friend. Okay?"

She didn't say anything for a while. Her brown eyes looked into mine. I almost felt self-conscious but kept the gaze for her satisfaction. Eventually she closed her eyes and shook her head, her rough palms finding my cheeks tenderly." You are somethin' else Kylexsis. I hope you stay longer. I enjoy your company. And I will do as you request, I will treat you like I would my children. I would treat you like I would a daughter of mine. Okay for you?"

My heart leaped and my tummy did the dance of joy at the sound of her word. She had no idea what effect that sentence did to me. I felt like tearing up but held myself back. I didn't want her to think that what she said made me displeased or sad or something. Plus, like I said before, ugly crier, snot and all.

I nodded in response, mirroring her gentle smile." Very good then, mind if you inform Sebastien about breakfast?" She requested with a raised brow.

"Sure thing, Eydis." I said and turned to leave.

"And oh!" I crane my head to looked at her, she stopped in her tracks towards the hearth and stared at me." I would love to learn your language Vladimir during my stay here, I heard from Cerulean that it was a good idea if I wanted to fit in."

"Vladimir? I thought you didn't remember anything? How do you know of Vladimir then?" She asked suspiciously, allowing a glance at Cerulean who looked at her with bored eyes.

I shrugged." I didn't. I guess it just felt a bit natural to me since Cerulean figured it out. Maybe muscle memory either way I would love to learn it."

"I'll see what I can do." She nodded and moved away from me and towards the pan at the hearth.

Nice save there, I wouldn't have been able to think that fast, and it all felt natural to. Cerulean said to me through mind link. I looked down at him with a raise of my brow.

"Watashi wa uso o tsukimasendeshita. Sore wa shinjitsudeshita. Matte, soreha shinjitsude wanai"( I didn't lie. It's the truth. Wait is that not the truth?) I spoke to him in Japanese then froze realising that he didn't understand Japanese. I didn't even know why I decided to use it as a means of conversing with him in secret when I couldn't mind link when people where not out of ear shot. I guess it just felt natural. I looked down at him with a smile." Sorry you don't understand Japanese."

Cerulean scoffed in disbelief."Watashi wa tengoku no sonzaidesu, Kylexsis. Watashi

wa anatagata jōmyō no mono ga sakusei shita subeteno gengo no chishiki o motte imasu. Sōdesu, watashi wa nihongo o hanasu koto ga dekimasu. Soreto wa betsuni, watashitachi wa onaji kokoro o kyōyū shite irunode, anata ga shitte iru koto mo subete shitte imasu." He replied in my language making me drop my mouth in shock. His reply meaning;I'm a being of heaven, Kylexsis.I have the  knowledge of all languages you mortals created.So yes, I can speak Japanese.And apart from that, since we share one mind I know all you know too.

"Oh, well then. It's perfect." I shrugged in reply liking his somewhat infinite knowledge adding a great resource to my advantage." But I still need to learn how to mind link though, and fast."

"Hmm, agreed." He hummed as we stepped out of the back door of the house and into the small luxurious garden. It was quite spectacular, filled with so many flowers and vegetables and fruits of exotic shapes and various sizes. At each sides were pink and purple flowers that led a path to a big round circle where the small land was divided in three sections. One for vegetables, one for fruits and one for inedible flowers. There were a few trees providing shades and swings hanging down from them. The garden was buzzing with life and bugs that came to suck it's sweet nectar from the flowers. It looked like it hadn't had a bad day in forever.

The sun sort of blinded my vision for a moment, it was pretty bright but it was only comfortably warm. I didn't understand how exactly the atmosphere of Tundran worked. The air was much more different than that of earth. The air was clearer and the wind more gentle probably because no mankind pollutants filled the air. The atmosphere was filled with magic and life. I could feel it. The plants mostly. It was like I could feel their heartbeat, their body dancing in response to the push of the wind, their life flowing through the soil and roots and stem and leaves when I allowed myself to touch the soil within my feet. Then I felt it. There was a powerful hum vibrating through the earth, creating a rhythm, creating a music. The feeling was ecstasy, it was powerful and dominant, like a fire scorching the forest, a water soothing the skin, a light lighting a path, a dark taking over the day,the earth vibrating at its core, the wind singing the songs of nature, and a soul dancing along. I closed my eyes, humming to the hum of the earth, getting ready to reach out my mana to grasp some of that feeling before the sound of something hitting brought me out of my trance.

I jolted up in a flash,the feeling of the earth's vibration gone from my fingertips in an instant. It was like I felt a loss of something.

"Whoa-" Cerulean gasped, the hairs at his back had risen at the sensation and his eyes were wide in shock. He looked away from the ground to my hand, thinking about something.

"Cerulean, what was that?" I whispered yelled, hugging myself as a cold shiver racked my spine.

"I...I don't think it is fully impossible but if it is what I think it is then I think that you felt the-" he was cut off by the sound of chopping. He stopped and looked ahead of us, towards the left where Sebastien was stood chopping firewood for the hearth." Well talk about this later, and act natural, you're too pale."

I nodded silently and took a deep breath, preparing myself to go over to Sebastien and act like I hadn't just almost connected with something beneath the earth.

His brown hair was down and glistening, he had his head up to the sky as he took in the morning sun. Besides him was a couple of perfectly cut down logs arranged in a neat pile to be taken inside the house. His six foot frame stood sturdy and strong– well, according to my 5'7 frame, I was pretty short.

He must have caught on to my footsteps because he wheeled around instantly, brows furrowed and hands gripping tightly to his axe as if ready to throw it at an enemy intruder. He paused for a moment, eyes widening when he saw me, before a gentle and somewhat apologetic smile crossed his handsome face.

"Oh good morning, Lexi." He greeted rather cheerily and not like the alert person I saw in him before.

I could only smile because if Cerulean thought that my face was too pale then it would have blossomed to a big red the moment my eyes zeroed in his unbuttoned tunic. A definition of well defined six pacs on his slightly tanned and smooth skin that looked like it hadn't seen a bad day at all, the sweat running down his torso giving additional sheen and beauty did nothing to help my situation.

Mamma Mia!

"Lexi get a hold of yourself you pervert!" Cerulean's slightly irritate voice rung in my ear snapping me back to reality and looking back at him.

He cleared his throat and gave me a worried smile as his eyes searched mine. I blushed." I.....uh....yes, good morning to you too, Sebastien."

"Apologies for the alertness." He sighed tiredly and dragged his hand indolently through his long brown locks." I'm only used to my family walking steps, and you see, when ever someone else comes here to talk it doesn't always end without conflict. So I have to be ready for an intruder at all times."

"That's okay." I smiled waving him off." But why would  someone want to cause conflict without reason?"

Sebastien scoffed and slammed his axe into the trunk of the tree he was using to cut the wood on and shook his head." When my father was the mayor our family was protected, and now he's gone and we're outcasts."

"Was?" I pressed on, craning my neck to find his eyes and find some emotion.

"He died during the great war, when all of Vladimiria and some of the other empires were plunged into peril." He explained bitterly and turned to fix me with a dead mirthless stare. I almost rose my brow at the show of no emotions in those eyes that shone bright hazel at the lighting of the sun." I was thirteen then, when the soldiers came for all the families here. They needed strong, young and sturdy boys and men to fight the war. They were going to take me, but my father took my place to protect me. When he came back he was different, distant, reserved, cold, feared, in shock. He would get seizures, episodes, the doctors said that it was a stress disorder from the aftereffects of going to battle. There was medication, but it got better to only get worse. Eventually after through examination we found out that my father was infected by one of the dark plague from a dark user. The royal family heard of this and took action. He killed himself Kylexsis, hung himself in the isolation containment they put him in for everyone's safety. And now everyone avoids the family that had harbor a cursed for so long without notice. Some were even convinced we have the curse, some still support us, and those that doesn't often pick fights"

My heart sunk as I listened to his story. It wasn't as graphic as mine was, and I knew that I wasn't the only person to experience such sadness, but hearing a side of a story like this always managed to touch my heart because I knew how it felt like. To lose a loved one. To lose a family.

"I'm so sorry, Sebastien." I consoled softly.

A small smirk appeared at the edge of his lips." Thank you, but the time for sorrys are over for me. After that day I grew up, and I vowed to become a knight of the Avalonia Order and take part in eradicating every rogue dark user so that no one would ever get infected like my father did. That was why I was so afraid to die yesterday, because my promise to him before he left was that, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep it and make him proud. So thank you, truly."

I nodded, showing home a wide happy smile." It's no problem." He nodded and moved to pick up the axe to continue chopping. I stopped him." Um..... Eydis said to call you in for breakfast. So....."

"Oh, thank you." He said discarding his axe again and leading the way back to the house but not without buttoning his shirt much to my disappointment and tying his brown hair into a half ponytail. Sebastien crossed the small distance to the kitchen in a heartbeat and headed straight for the dinning where everyone was sat for breakfast." Monah-" Sebastien greeted his mother bending down to peck her cheeks and shuffling his siblings hair before taking a seat.

The breakfast consisted of eggs, bread and that black spiky fruit that Arya had been munching on earlier. The bread was better than last night. It wasn't as buttery or as soft or as milky as the bread I was used to eating back on earth, but it was an upgrade from last night's. And her fried eggs were delicious too. The black spiked fruit however...

"Um..... what's this called?" I asked no one in particular, holding out the fruit for them to see. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the berry in my hands.

"Well that's the Paopu berry of course!" Arya answered as a matter of fact and with a small grimace." It's my favourite, don't you know of it."

"Of course she doesn't, she has no memory Arya." Arry scoffed and rolled his eyes at her.

"Don't start." Sebastien warned lightly fixing his siblings with a glare.

"That reminds me!" Eydis banged the table with a gasp." I can't believe I almost forgot. Lexi dear wants to learn Vladimir. And who is better at teaching her than you Sebastien."

Sebastian paused in his movements, a fork of eggs an inch away from his opening mouth. He pulled back and frowned, giving his mother a questioning look." Me?" He asked pointing a finger to his chest." You want me to teach Lexi, Vladimir? You know I'm not good at that kind of stuff."

"So are  your siblings and their daemons. I'll help as best as I can but I personally want you." She added.

Sebastien sighed and slumped on his seat, looking defeated." I guess you're not going to change your mind mother?" He said and Eydis shook her head to confirm. He turned to look at me."Hi lassdilok new clothes. Hi'll draw more attention ko aan outfit med tol."

I stared at him, mind blank to what he just told me. I cocked my head." Huh?" I said dumbly.

"He said that you need new clothes or you'll draw more attention in an outfit like that." Eydis interpreted for me." Hi for you, lassdilok, to need something. Understand?"

I nodded slowly trying to process it. I looked down at Cerulean who had abandoning his plate of milk and was listening too.

"Do you have any money on you for any knew clothes?" She questioned raising her brows.

"Um yes, I currently have three gold crowns at the moment." I bit my lips as I told them.

All their eyes bulged out and mouth fell at the mention of the amount of money I had with me." Holy Tundra! That's enough to stock our kitchen for almost a year!" Eydis screamed covering her mouth with her slender fingers." And fix the repairs, and buy some of the things we lack."

" If you're out of food I could always buy something for you." I offered popping the fruit into my mouth and chewing. It tasted of vanilla and wildflower having a pleasant effect on my taste buds. I hummed in satisfaction and grabbed some to put on the floor beside Cerulean bowl." It's great you have to taste some." I whispered with a smile.

"Dear, you don't have to!" Eydis stopped me in panic, chuckling nervously and itching her head." You really don't have to. Plus you would need that money on your travels."

"I know I would, but I'm offering, you don't have to repay me for it." I smiled back and popped another Paopu berry into my mouth before looking back at the family. Their expression looked weird. Eydis had paled, Sebastien was looking at me like I had an ulterior motive, Arry was looking unsure and Arya was avoiding my gaze. I cocked my head to the side with a grimace." What's wrong? You really don't want my help?"

"Lexi--" Cerulean called. I looked down at him to find him frowning at the family, their daemons had stopped eating and was now staring at him expectantly.

"What is it?" I demanded softly with a confused frown. I looked at Eydis." Eydis? Hey what's wrong why do I feel like you are hiding something?"

"Look, Lexi, you can't expect to not be weary of you a bit." She began to say shifting uncomfortably in her seat making me raise a brow." You're a faerie, well, half a faerie and....."

"Everyone knows that to accept a gift from a faerie is having their fates sealed." Sebastien finished before Eydis could have a chance.

I frowned." What? What are you-"

"Kylexsis they are right." Cerulean voice in my head said to me." A faerie never gives something for free. Them accepting things from you means that they would always be in dept. You should know this, fantasy nerd."

I inwardly rolled my eyes at his comment." But, I helped you yesterday and you were fine with it." I pointed out.

Eydis shook her head." That was because we returned the gesture with lettin' you sleep in our home. And when you let my children ride on Cerulean, I compensated with food and a bath. And when I asked you to help with callin Sebastien in for breakfast I compensated with agreein to teach you Vladimir."

"What?" I breathed out in disbelief, shocked at their motives." So.....all of this was because you feared me? Feared that I'll ask something in return?"

"I'm sorry Lexi--" Eydis begun.

"For heavens sake, I just told you I woke up alone in a forest with no memory I would never do that to the first humans that showed me kindness." I cut her off sharply, feeling a wave of anger and disappointment rise in my. I took a silent deep breath and tried to clam my nerves. I didn't want the emotions to get the better of me and bring discomfort to both Cerulean and I." Okay, look, I'm sorry if you think you should be wary of me. I've heard how feared and powerful my kind is, I found out myself yesterday, but if the kindness you showed me was just out of uncertainty then what was the point?"

"I envy you all, you know." I continued on wistfully." When I woke up alone with Cerulean, with no memory I was confronted by gnomes who helped me out of the forest, and to a tavern where I could spend the night. I gave them names because I didn't like the concept of them being referred to as numbers. I set them free after that, then I got attacked and...."

I sighed shaking my head and pushed my chair back so that I could get up. I didn't think that I had the courage to open up about the incident of that night. Not now, or maybe not ever." I've been stared at, talked about behind my back, feared, alone because of my origin, something that I didn't want. I know I'm different, but I thought you all thought differently."

I set them with a hard glare." I guess I was wrong. Thank you for the breakfast Eydis, I'll be on my way to save you the trouble. Come Cerulean." I said and made my way across the living room space to the stairs. I didn't know why I just had to let my guard down and believe what Eydis told me. I had never been wanted in my old life, what would make this one so different. Cerulean was so convinced that they appreciated me from their hearts, I guess he was wrong. However, I'm not one to break down like this, it was expected. I was so caught to remember what faeries and elf were like, and plus I was acting a bit irrational.

"Kylexsis--" Cerulean began the moment I shut the door to the room I slept in when I stepped in.

"Don't Cerulean." I shut him up dryly striding over to the bed and plopping down on it." Because you were wrong, you were all wrong. Arya's eyes is like the look of a little sister looking at her elder sister in awe and with time, that same look in Arya's eyes is what would be in Arry's, my ass. Is that your wrong observation as my daemon? Really Cerulean?"

He was silent, eyes glaring at me in hurt and anger then I knew that I had struck a nerve. I regretted the moment I felt that stinging pain on my shoulder blades.

I groaned and ran my hand through my black locks." Shit I'm sorry Cerulean I just...I don't even know anymore." I took a deep breath and looked at him." I guess I really only need you, huh?"

He didn't still speak and so did I. He looked at me and I mirrored it, we indulged in the peaceful silence for a while before three gentle knocks on the door snapped us back to reality. I got up immediately when the door creaked open just enough for Taro to poke his green head inside. A smile cracked on my facial features, I hadn't seen the little guy since morning, not even during breakfast.

"Lexi....." He wined, voice laced with guilt.

The door opened wider to reveal Eydis standing at the door frame. The smile subconsciously disappeared. I hurriedly grabbed my bag and started towards the door not wishing to be here much longer." Kylexsis wait a minute, please." Eydis said, blocking the path to stop me.

I did so in reluctance and gave her an impatient look. I watched her let out a careful breath and chuckle nervously." Where to begin....." She muttered to her self avoiding eye contact through out. She laced her hands together and finally looked at me with indiscretion etching in her brown orbs." Look, Kylexsis, I'm sorry...for everything. But as you know, faeries don't exactly have a great history. It's normal to be cautious, you know that. My husband died and left me with three children Lexi, three children which I love so dearly. I would do anything to protect them for they are my world. They are all I have in this place and if anything was to happen to them I don't know if I can live with myself. I'm sorry if we hurt you in anyway, Faeys are always after one thing. And I don't know if I can trust you because believe me I want to Lexi, you are a good person and a good influence too. I just so confused, history has always left a bad impression on you kind so you can't expect us not to be cautious, we can hardly protect ourselves. So my questions is, what are you really after"

My heart melted after hearing what she had to say. I was in the wrong, I realized that. I couldn't just expect to be invited into someone's home like that without them having to think about their safety. I wasn't my fault that my kind was feared, and it wasn't their fault that they had to fear my kind. However, her question caught me off guard.

What did I really want?

All my life I had been treated differently because of my sexuality. And here it is not much different become of my species. All I ever really wanted to be part of people who loves me for me. To have a family, to be cared about, to be worried about, to be pampered, to be fawned over, to be scared for, so be spoiled, to be thought of. I just wanted to be someone people would always remember and love.

" Honestly, Eydis. I want what you have. I don't know if I ever had a family before I woke up in that forest. I don't know if someone's is actually looking for me, or worried sick for me, but right now I am all alone. I have no where else to go." I choked, my eyes get misty from the emotions. I sniffed praying to God not to cry." What do I want? I want to find my people, people that I can consider mine, Eydis. That's all."

It was after a few seconds that Eydis lips cracked into a bright smile, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath." Well then Kylexsis Dakota," she opened her eyes to look at me." Welcome to the Broywnes. I trust you enough with my life already, you are a part of us now, I'm sorry we lied to you, I'm sorry we didn't see reason and I'm sorry we made you feel like an outcast. I don't want to you to feel that way again, so if you are willin' to forgive, you can stay for as long as you want."

My eyes popped open at her words and happiness flooded me." What?" I asked completely dumbfounded.

"Believe it or not, whether we feared you, I still would be happy to have you here. I know where you are comin from. I was just like you too, it was actually how I met my husband. Halfbreed or not, outcasts are always welcome here. And plus, I believe Arya would be ecstatic if you'd decided to stay. You see, she's always wanted an older sister."

This brought tears to my eyes. Is this really what I had been waiting for, this exact moment where I would be accepted for me." Oh.....I.... I don't know what to say. I guess thank you. Thank you so much."

"Aw, come on now, dear, don't cry." Eydis cackled shaking her head.

"Does that mean you'll stay!" Arry's voice came from the door as it swung open to reveal the three of them listening in on our conversation.

"Does that mean briinah-da will stay with us?" Arya chimed in standing on her tippie toes to look over her brothers shoulder. She looked so cute.

I sniffed and wiped away a stray tear that slid down my cheek." Yes, yes I will apparently." I nodded and she jumped in delight running downstairs saying something about telling Clovert the news. I smiled and took a glance at Sebastien. He smiled at me warmly hazel eyes glinting softly in the dim lighting.

"Hey how about that change of clothes yeah?" He offered and gestured out the door with his head.

"I'll take that." Eydis said taking my bag from my shoulder and dropping it where it previously was." Go on dear, I'm sure by the time you get back lunch would be ready."

I nodded and dug my bag for my wallet. I stuffed it into my hoodie pocket. I made a mental note to remember to buy some groceries for them. If I was going to stay here for the time being, I had to at least help. The money would finish eventually if I went excessive but I'd find a way to get more. I was always good at finding an extra buck.

"I want to go with briinah-da." Arya shouted from the kitchen running over to Sebastien and I when we had walked down the stairs and towards the front door.

Sebastien shot her a panicked look, his face morphing into hesitation as he looked from her to me." Arya stop it, I don't think it's polite to call her that."

"Aw but why?"

"Because you just met Kylexsis, don't you think it's too soon?" Sebastien added.

" What's too soon, what's going on, what's briinah-da mean?" I asked looked at him for an explanation.

He fixed me with a sorry look." It means big sister. Apologies, she's never had the luxury to completely have one, and not much people have much likeness for her, or our family so.... she's sensitive sometimes."

I smiled, feeling my heart swell. Arya wasn't my sister by blood, I had one but she wasn't willing to call herself that."I have no problem with it Sebastien. If she prefers to call me briinah-da then she shall. I'm perfectly fine with it." I smiled at him before reaching down to pat her head. Her bright smile made me feel warm, even if this all seemed too quick to be true, Eydis welcoming me into her family with open arms after my words. Were they that effective?

"Here Lexi, you can have this cloak to cover up that attire." Eydis said to me as she strode away from the stairs and towards me. She put the bright red cloak around my shoulders and fastened it for me. Her brown eyes checked me out from head to toe before nodding in satisfaction. The cloak came together and covered my whole body." Ah, it suits you well."

"Mother...." Sebastien croaked with a hint of hesitation in his deep tone." Mother are you-"

She cut him off with a nonchalant wave of her palm, her eyes calm and happy." I know, love."

Confused, I turned to Sebastien at the hearing of his defeated sigh. He had this soft look in his eyes as he examined how I looked in the red cloak. He gave me a weak smile before gesturing me outside the door. I grabbed on to Arya's hand and followed him.

I guess what I really wanted brought me what I really wanted. All I have to do is wait this out and see if they actually keep me.


Stay tuned for more. Vote, share and give me some feedbacks please. Again check out my Instagram account for the pictures of the characters.https://www.instagram.com/the_agent_coco?r=nametag

yours truly
