
Reincarnated Into The World of Pokémon

A young man dies and gets the choice to reincarnate into the world of Pokémon. With this new life in this new world, he will carve his name into the world's history. The journey and choices he will make may just affect the world around him. The people he meets and Pokémon will either help him on his journey or hinder him. I do not own the cover or Pokémon.

Anomander_Adaar · Anime und Comics
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79 Chs


We walked towards Acuity Lake, which was west of Snowpoint City. Once there we saw the lake which was partially frozen all year. However, it was still a popular tourist attraction due to the possible sighting of Uxie. Uxie is one of the legendary trio Pokémon in the Sinnoh Region. 

"I always loved the lakes here," Cynthia says walking toward the partially frozen water as other people walk around the large lake. 

Unlike the anime or games, the lake was much bigger here. All three are as large as a city in the region, as they extend for several miles in every direction. With only a small island in the center of each that has an underground entrance to it. This is where each of the trio lives, these entrances are heavily forbidden. This is why several park rangers constantly walk around the lakes patrolling them. 

"We should see some of the other cool sites in the region. You'd love them they are amazing!" Cynthia says as we walk around the lake. 

Over the time I've gotten to know her, we've gotten much closer as friends and my feelings for her were slowly growing more. However, I didn't act on these feelings not wanting to ruin our friendship. Cynthia then goes on to tell me all about the places she loves to visit in the region when she has the time. 

"Sorry, I got us sidetracked with my talking… So where to now?" Cynthia says stopping herself from continuing to talk. 

"Well, there should be a heavily frozen Moutainy area northwest of here. If our discovery is under the main mountain, I can only hope and assume it might be there," I say looking at the map of the region. 

"What should be there?" Cynthia says giving me a confused look about what should be there. 

"A temple. The original one dedicated to the Statue we found in the one under the main mountain," I say while determining where we should head next. 

"Why do you think that?" Cynthia says as we begin walking in that direction. 

"Several reasons… One is that Snowpoint is one of the oldest cities in the region, another is the fact that the original temple there talked about the resting place of an ancient Pokémon," I say as she nods her head slowly. 

"Sure, but that is just an old rumor. One that was heavily looked into, and with nothing coming from it," Cynthia says dismissing my reasons. 

"True… But I have this feeling that they missed something. My gut feelings haven't led me wrong before. So are you coming with?" I say as she stops considering my reasons once again. 

"Sure, though I'd be amazed if your gut feeling is right about this," Cynthia says as I nod my head. 

We then walked deeper into the wilderness, after a week's travel we reached the area where I hoped to find the hidden temple. Annihilape and I were trying our best to sense any ancient energies that would lead us there. However, after walking around the area for several days we felt nothing. Cynthia was giving me a look of 'told you so', though I was determined that it should be here. 

"Lucas, we've been in this area before. There is nothing here, let's just leave and look into other places," Cynthia says as her patience finally disappears. 

"I know it should be–" I start to say as Cynthia yelps and I turn to see her falling down a broken part of the ground. 

Without a second thought, I jump in after her and catch her using my powers to slow down our fall. We then land on solid ground after about two minutes of slowly falling. I let Cynthia down as she calmed down from the sudden fall. Looking up I see we are several hundred feet underground. 

'It's here,' I hear Annihilape say to me as he senses an ancient energy. 

"Are you ok?" I ask Cynthia who just nods her head shaking off her panic. 

"Yeah… yeah, I'm good," Cynthia says now looking around at our situation. 

"How–" Cynthia says but I cut her off. 

"The temple should be ahead of us," I say making her stop and look at me confused for a second before nodding her head. 

I then light a flare and place it at the entrance to mark the area we came in. Then we take out our flashlights. We found ourselves in a very old-looking and untouched underground cavern. We walk through it and so far it is nothing but stone and ice all around us. 

As we went deeper inside the area we came across an old stone entrance with the ancient script above it. However, it was blocked off by a very thick block of ice. So I brought out Leo as Cynthia was recording the script and translating it. 

"What's it say?" I ask her as Leo is sniffing the area curious as to where we are. Though he just barely fits the place having to duck a bit so his head doesn't hit the icy ceiling. 

"Hold on… It seems to say, 'The resting place of the great giant'," Cynthia says while looking at me with extreme excitement. 

"Holy Shit!! Your gut was right! Does your gut have any other feeling?!" Cynthia says looking at me with an excited face. 

"Yeah, I have a few more places I want to visit in the region. Interested in tagging along then?" I say laughing at her excitement as she blushes a bit in embarrassment. 

"Sure, I love exploring the unknown, you know that. Now melt this already!" Cynthia says smiling at me and then gestures to the wall of ice blocking our way through. 

"Leo if you would please," I say patting him as he nods and breathes his Flamethrower at the wall of ice almost immediately melting through it. A thick cloud of vapor fills the area, making it feel like a sauna now. 

Thankfully after a few more seconds, he stops and steps through with us quickly following after him. Cynthia and both are shaking off the sauna feeling hot in an icy environment for the first time. Then we look around and see a huge camber that extends several hundred feet in a perfect square. 

The first thing we both notice outside the size, is the large marble boulder in the center of the room. Plus even with the environment being extremely cold, there appears to be several growths of moss on the boulder. Cynthia is staring at it confused, as my mind finally makes the connections and grabs her keeping her back. 

"That's the ancient Pokémon," I say in a ushed voice as Leo now stares at the boulder ready to fight. 

"Are you sure?" Cynthia says tensing up and staring at the unmoving boulder. 

"Very," I say nodding my head. 

We both then stare at the unmoving Pokémon for a few more seconds waiting for it to wake up. Nothing happens, so I reach out to Regigigas with my powers and prob the Pokémon slowly. As I reach it, an invisible barrier blocks me from effecting it something I have no hopes of breaking, let alone any Pokémon I've met. Not even Professor Oak's Alakazam could probably break the barrier. 

'This is what keeps it in a dormant probably. And the three golem Pokémon somehow are the key to breaking it down,' I think as I let out a nervous breath that maybe Regigigas would have awoken even without those three here. 

"What?" Cynthia says seeing me relax. 

"That is the Pokémon, but there is an invisible barrier keeping it dormant. I doubt there is anything we could do or even an extremely powerful Pokémon could do to break it open," I say walking over and taping Regigigas but an invisible barrier prevents me from touching it. 

"Weird," Cynthia says walking over and doing the same seeing there is a very thick invisible barrier in place. 

"I'm gonna make a few calls," I say as she nods and begins walking around the area making notes. 

"Lucas, found something else?" Professor Rowan says as I call him first. 

"Yeah, remember the statue in the unground city? Well, we found the ancient Pokémon, thankfully it is dormant and doesn't appear to be waking up anytime soon," I say as Professor Rowan goes quiet for a bit. 

"God damn, you have helped make a major discovery already, and now this… Your name is going to be one of the most well-known soon not only in the region but the world," Professor Rowan says as I chuckle. 

"So you coming?" I say after chuckling. 

"Send me your coordinates and I'll quickly gather another team," Professor Rowan says. 

I then walk around with Cynthia as we explore the place which has scripture written across the walls along with more ancient drawings. Though this time there are ancient drawings of what appear to be Giratina, Heatran, Cresselia, Darkrai, and Shaymin. Showing where each should be residing in the region. However, Cynthia is unsure what these drawings are chalking it up to ancient people's imaginations. 

As Cynthia is recording this all down, I walk back to the entrance when Professor Rowan tells me they are a few minutes out. Then he and the team appeared above the place we fell in as they saw the flare smoke coming out of the ground. 

"Lucas, everyone ok down there?" Professor Rowan shouts to me seeing me standing next to the flare. 

"Yeah, Cynthia is inside recording everything down," I shout back as he nods his head. 

"Gonna take us a bit to get down there," Professor Rowan shouts back as I nod my head and walk back to Cynthia. 

"They are here, though gonna be a bit before they can down here," I say to Cynthia who just nods her head not paying me much attention as she takes down everything she can. 

Finally, Professor Rowan and his team get down here and walk inside the area. They all look around at the place with excitement and awe. Then they see me standing next to Regigigas as they seem confused. 

"This is the Pokémon, though it has a very thick invisible barrier around it. Which I believe is keeping it dormant," I say patting it as they walk over and inspect it. 

"Interesting…" Professor Rowan says stroking his beard as he looks at Regigigas. 

Over the next few hours, the places become quickly crowded. Many researchers appear taking pictures and they build an elevator to get in and out of the temple. Once again more representatives come from the League and ask me about my discovery. Then they made this place closed from the public as it is now considered the home of an ancient Pokémon. 

The underground city is still being researched by the league. Though eventually once the league finds all they can about it, they will turn it into a tourist center. However, this place will forever be closed off due to Regigigas residing here. That and now they have to build several buildings nearby so they can house researchers and trainers to keep the area secure. 

Before all that Cynthia and I spend the day here with Professor Rowan going over the place. Then it is determined that for now Regigigas is in a dormant state and is ok to approach for now. However, there will be no heavy testing to not accidentally wake it up. Once again Cynthia, Professor Rowan, and myself are interviewed about the new discovery. But this time it is only the league reporter allowed here, no local news considering the importance of the site.