

"So where to now partner?" Cynthia asks me after we spent a few days here at Regigigas's hidden temple. 

"I believe there are hidden Pokémon on Newmoon and Fullmoon Islands. Or we can head over to the Battle Resort area, as I feel there are also hidden Pokémon there too," I say to her with a shrug. 

Cynthia goes quiet with a thoughtful expression on her face. Then she looks to me like she made a choice. 

"The battle resort area is constantly being flooded by more people every day. The chances of them finding the Pokémon you think are there are higher… While Newmoon and Fullmoon Islands are closed from the public… So I think we should head to the Battle Resort," Cynthia says giving me her reasons. 

"OK, I agree. Let's go," I say nodding my head and we make our way back to Snowpoint City so we can get on one of the many ships that head to the Battle Resort area. 

Returning to the City people are constantly looking at us and gesturing to us. As it seems the recent discoveries and my fame as a trainer are spreading across this region now too. A few get the courage to come up to us and ask us for pictures and autographs. Though most give us space due to Cynthia's Garchomp and Leo making people hesitant to approach us. 

"I'm not sure if I like the fame or not," Cynthia says as we board the ship headed to the Battle Resort area. 

"Either way, you'll get used to it," I say shrugging since now it doesn't bother me. 

"Maybe," Cynthia says giving me a tired look from the people who approached us on the way here. 

On the couple-hour ride to the Battle Resort port, Cynthia fills the time talking to me about our discoveries and her theories on the Pokémon we found. I just add my knowledge from what I know here and there trying not to draw too much attention to what I know. Though we have bonded a lot since our journey together which now has been a few months.

Unlike the anime or games, the Battle Resort port was huge. With several large fancy hotels scattering the local area. With a large Pokémon Center/ Market in the center of the hotels. In the distance, we can see a large Villa which is the place where the Battle Resort Manager and staffed Pokémon Trainers reside. The place was also filled with palm trees and other tropical plants throughout the small resort/city. 

"This is more than I was expecting," I say looking around at the place which is very crowded with Trainers going about their day. 

"I've only been here once before. Follow me I know the perfect place for us to stay while here," Cynthia says as I nod and follow her. 

"I thought this place was the 'Battle' Resort. Doesn't seem much battling, more like a luxury relaxing resort," I say as we walk to the hotel Cynthia is recommending. 

"Well battling here is off limits as this place is for gathering supplies and just relaxing on the island for trainers only. While once you leave the resort's area it is a free-for-all on the rest of the island with people battling each other every chance they get or trying to find powerful Pokémon that live on the island," Cynthia says explaining why everyone is going about their business without bothering anyone else. 

"Ok…" I say nodding my head while looking around the place. 

The hotel she brings us to is one near the beach side and walking inside I can see it seems like a luxury resort one would find in my old life in Mexico or the Bahamas. There were many staff members walking around constantly taking care of the needs of the trainers and their Pokémon here. While the trainers and their Pokémon were just enjoying the relaxing atmosphere. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" the receptionist asks us as we approach the front desk. 

"Can we get one of the suites here for… Lucas, how long do you think we'll be here?" Cynthia says and then asks me. 

"Not sure… though let's just book it for a month for now. Can we extend our stay at any time?" I say to Cynthia and ask the receptionist. 

"Sure I can book you for one month and yes you can extend your stay at any time. Just come and inform one of the receptionists here. 

"Thanks," I say while handing over my card to pay for us. 

"Lucas, you–" Cynthia starts to say. 

"It's fine, I have more money than I know what to do with," I say dismissing her chance to say I didn't need to pay. 

"Here are the keys to your room," the receptionist says handing us cards to the room we will be staying at making me confused for a second. 

'Room…' I think while looking at Cynthia who didn't seem to mind that we would be sharing a room. 

'I mean we've been traveling together for a while now… Maybe I should take this chance to ask her out,' I think as we get into the elevator to the top floor, this place is so fancy it has that person who pushes the elevator button for you. 

'I wonder how much– Holy Shit! One million for one month!' I think looking at my bank statement. 

However, it didn't even put a dent into the amount in my account which was now approaching one billion soon. Seems the discoveries I made added bonuses to my account as I saw several extra deposits outside the usual monthly one. I can only imagine how rich someone like Professor Oak is considering he has been around for a long time now and is one of the most important people in the League. 

Then we walked into our suite which was the most luxurious place I've seen in this world or my old one. The place felt like I entered the royal palace of the richest monarch in the world. Everything was made from the finest materials available along with luxuries like an indoor sauna that could house all my Pokémon and Cynthia's Pokémon, while still having room for more. The whole place was made so that we could let all our Pokémon out without the worry of overcrowding it. 

'Ok this is worth the one million,' I think nodding my head while looking around. 

"So are we gonna jump right into work… or can we relax for a few days?" Cynthia asks me while giving me a hopeful look that we can relax. 

"I definitely could use some R-n-R," I say as she nods her head excitedly. 

"Awesome! Then I'm gonna change and we can head to the beach," Cynthia says running upstairs. 

'Bikini time,' I think to myself smiling at the thought. I then change in one of the bathrooms. 

"Let's go!" Cynthia says coming downstairs wearing a two-piece white bikini which shows off her body perfectly. Along with a white hat to block the sun, sunglasses, and a thin cover-up that was white as well. 

"Something wrong?" Cynthia asks me as I must have been staring at her for longer than I should have. 

"Uhm… No, let's go," I say clearing my throat and trying to play off my stupor at her appearance. 

We then headed to the beach and found a spot that was open enough for us and our team members. Mamoswine and Milotic immediately headed to the water, as Mamoswine was using it to keep himself cool. Milotic was just enjoying her natural habitat. Ralts stayed beside me just relaxing on the towel I placed down, Ralts like Annihilape didn't like leaving my side. Annihilape like usual just stayed hidden in my shadow. Leo dug up some of the sand to lay down in while enjoying the sun. 

Cynthia's team was released at the same time as mine. With her Milotic also going straight to the ocean playing with my Milotic. Her Spiritbomb stayed beside her keeping in the shade of the umbrella. Porygon-Z just stands in behind us observing the area with a neutral expression. Togekiss flies into the air, she then enjoys flying above both Milotics and playing with them from the air. Lucario just sits down near Leo and looks to be meditating enjoying the relative silence. While Garchomp walks over to Mamoswine and sits with him in the water talking about whatever it is they are talking about. 

'Should I ask her now?' I think to myself as we are lying down on the beach. 

'Fuck it, nothing ventured nothing gained,' I think and push down my panic at asking this beautiful woman out on a date. 

"Um… Cynthia," I say clearing my throat a bit feeling my nervousness increasing. She just looks over to me with a curious look. 

"I… I don't want to make our friendship weird or anything… But would you be interested in going out to dinner with me?" I say to her feeling my nervousness spike after saying my thoughts and looking at her. 

"Definitely! I was wondering if you were interested in me, I was gonna ask you the same thing too!" Cynthia says to me making my nervousness completely disappear after her statement. 

"Awesome!" I say as we are both smiling at each other happy that we both are interested in one another more than just friends. 

"Can you help me, I don't want to get burnt," Cynthia says showing me sunscreen and lying down on her stomach. 

"Sure," I say then walk next to her while eyeing her body before applying sunscreen. 

The rest of the day we relax on the beach while talking, though this time there is this tension between us that wasn't there before. Finely the time came when I made reservations with the fancy restaurant in the resort we are staying at. Cynthia came downstairs wearing a one-piece dress that was a deep red and hugged her body tightly while showing off her assets very well. I wore a fancy suit that I had tailored a while back and cost me a decent amount. 

"You look beautiful," I say as she smiles at me. 

"You also look handsome," Cynthia says as I smile back at her. 

We then link arms as we walk to the fancy restaurant. There we had some small talk, though that tension from the moment I asked her out was only growing with every minute that passed. We both could feel it, though neither one of us said anything instead we ordered drinks which dampened the tension enough for us to enjoy ourselves more without feeling completely on edge the whole time. 

"Lucas…" Cynthia says making me turn to her right as we walk back into our suite. 

Cynthia then stares into my eyes for a few seconds, trapping me in her beauty, and without thinking we kiss passionately. Then things quickly turn heated as the tension from earlier comes back but this time we both know it is sexual tension. We then quickly made our way to the master bedroom. There without any words or much thought, we undressed one another quickly. 

The night became a very long one as we lost ourselves in one another for the next several hours. We then fell asleep in one another's arms, waking up the next day I looked over to see a still sleeping and naked Cynthia cuddled up next to me. My thoughts became very jumbled up as I contemplated last night and how quickly we went from friends to lovers. 

'No regrets,' I think while looking at her perfect body and thinking about her perfect personality.