
Waking Up & Duties?

I woke up but didn't open my eyes immediately. I could tell I was surrounded, but didn't sense any ill intent. Cracking my eyes I looked around while moving as little as possible. I noticed Godzilla was sleeping next to me, this immediately calmed me down. Lifting my head and looking around I noticed Battra and Mothra on the ceiling also sleeping. I now realized just how massive my cave was.

Getting up quietly, so as to not wake anybody, I stretched and walked over to the entrance of my cave to catch the first rays of sunlight. Laying down to have a dog nap in the radiation given by the Sun I asked the System 'How long was I out?'

'Just a few hours Host, your regeneration healed your body almost instantly. But your energy levels were dangerously low. Battra carried you back to Godzilla after finding you, then Godzilla personally carried you back to your cave with Battea and Mothra following. After getting you into position, they all lay down with Godzilla keeping and eye on you til he fell asleep.' System informed me

'You always know exactly what I need to hear System. Thank you.' I said

'That's what I'm here for Host System said

'System, do I aquire points for just fighting Kaiju?' I asked

'Yes Host. Would you like to know your current number of points?' System asked

'Yes please' I said

'Host currently has a little over 4 million points saved up' System told me

'1 million points just from fighting King Ghidorah?' I asked

'Yes Host, although Host was unable to kill King Ghidorah, Host did defeat him single handedly at the end. Host also gains points during long sleep sessions. Plus after almost 200 million years, Host has only bought 3 items, thus the seemingly high number of points' System said

'Very well. I haven't checked it in awhile, Shop'

I said



High Grade Items

1 Extra Tail 250,000 points

Lycan Form 500,000 points

Perfect Sharingan (Evolvable) 1,000,000 points

Mid Grade Items

Minor Pocket Dimension (Evolvable) 10,000 points

Low Grade Items

Soft Pads 80 points

Flexible Skelton 60 points

Music Payer with All songs from Hosts previous life 1 point

Unique/Godly Item

Asexual Reproduction 5 million points

'Wow, not opening the shop really increased my luck on the draw. Besides the Unique/Godly item, I'll take everything. Even if I had the points, I really don't want to give birth, I'm a male for crying out loud.' I told the System

'Host wouldn't have to worry about that. As a U/G item, it allows Host to regurgitate eggs through the mouth instead of changing the Hosts gender. Also, this ability doesn't just give birth to identical copies of Host. They could be male or female, and they could even breed with each other due to having different DNA.' System informed me

'Oh, then we'll definitely hold onto that.' I said

'Ding. Host has purchased a total of 6 items. Updating Host body.' System stated

First, I noticed my eyes were itching. I only got these because i wouldn't have to worry about going blind with them, but still had to level them up myself. Then my skeleton started aching, like growing pains. This ability allows me to basically swim through human cities without having to worry about running head first into a building because i couldn't bend enough to get around it. Finally, my paw pads became softer, but not more sensitive. This ability allows me to move quickly, without causing massive tremors with every step. I didn't want to be knocking down human high rises just by walking around them. And last but not least, my third tail finally came out. I was able to get my second tail about 50 thousand years ago.

My new Polet Dimension wasn't impressive right now, but I knew the more I used it the faster it would grow.

After all that, my music player came in. I'd play with that later. For now, I head back inside to wake everyone up, so they know I'm fine. Walking up to Godzilla I looked at him for a few minutes making sure he was healed. After confirming that he was good, I said "Good morning my friend."

Waking with a start Godzilla said "HuhWhoWhat" all in one go. I didn't laugh because I knew he was worried about me and ready for a fight if something did happen

"I'm just letting you know I'm awake and back to full health. Go back to sleep, I'll take first shift." I told him as I started to walk out of the cave

I noticed Mothra crawled a little closer to Godzilla before settling back down. And Battra started following me outside the cave. Turning my head I whispered "You don't have to go with me, you can sleep some more."

In a hesitate voice, as she's still getting used to speaking "It's my duty to follow you and help you with anything you need. I'll be very helpful to you if you get into another fight."

"Hmm, I won't stop you. But you don't have to follow me all the time. I even leave Terra for long periods sometimes." I said

Realizing what I was meaning Battra asked "Are you leaving Terra now?"

"Not right now, no. Maybe after Godzilla wakes up." I said

"Then I will follow you while you are on Terra. Mother made me to be your 2ed in command, just as my sister was made to be Godzillas 2ed in command." Battra said

"Huh, good to know. I'm just going to fly around and make sure everyone is keeping the peace. I can sense alot of Kaiju came into being during the fight." I said

"Yes. When Mother made us the residual energy awoke many species from the Pseudo rank to the true Kaiju rank." Battra said

"Hmm, things are going to stop being boring I guess." I said as I flew off towards 3 fighting Kaiju in the distance "It's time to go to work. These children don't know how to control their emotions. I guess it's time Godzilla and I started to put these pups in their place. There's not any room on this planet for an Alpha that can't control its baser urges."

Battra followed me into the sky to start doing our duties diligently. Over time many Kaiju would be imprisoned in Middle Earth so they could fight to their hearts content, but they wouldn't be able to leave without both Godzillas and my permission. This was agreed between the two of us in case someone tried tricking one of us. Others were told to stay within territories that suited what they needed to survive. But these territories started to shrink when Humans started to evolve. Godzilla could see their potential and knew they had to be protected. I agreed completely and said we should probably sleep unless something is going on, they were so small we'd kill them just by running by them to fast.

So we slept. For almost 60 million years, we slept.

One day, I woke up. But I felt off, something was restricting my movements...