
Reincarnated Into a Godlike Xenomorph

Okay before anything happens and before you give me all of your hate you’ve been warned. Most people you see here besides the MC will die by the MC’s hands since well... he’s a fucking Xenomorph. Anyways, his girlfriend left him for another whom beat him until death, his family abandoned him. Bullied in school. His prayers we’re never answered he cursed every single god under the alphabet that didn’t answered his prayers. Now? He’s given a second chance by someone unknown. Given a system and only rage to his name; he’ll make all living being serve under him... one way or *a chestburster comes out of a person* GODDAMN IT NOW I HAVE TO CLEAN THE FLOOR AGAIN!!!!

Cruddiest_Spider · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: Building an Army

Okay so Shadow of War won which I wasn't expecting as las I checked Fate had 8 and Shadow of war had 3 but now it's completely flipped. Anyways - I was so ready for fate winning that I had no back-up plan if Shadow of war won.

Anyways - if you haven't played the Middle earth series, do yourself a favor and pick one of the two games up, you won't regret it.

Now to answer some questions!


No harem…

Apparently you didn't read the synopsis correctly… Allow me to quote my synopsis.

"Most people you see here will die by the MC's hands since well… he's a fucking xenomorph." By most people I mean people that are too powerful for him to kill.

Also allow me to elaborate on the voting, after we have Middle Earth conquered we will move on to another world.

Also finished the game yesterday and by god!

Anyways with that over…

Enjoy yourself.


Dalimus smiled inwardly as he saw his first drone or worker facehugger hug it's host. He smiled even more when he reflected on how far he came.

[Name: Dalimus]

[Job: Xenomorph Emperor]

[Status: happy]

[Level: 26]

[Hp: 5,670]

[Mp: 1,250]




[Intelligence: 130]

[Wisdom: 120]

[DNA: 450]

[Stat points: 40]

Glee was all that Dalimus was feeling except for his almost nonexistent humanity. Oh apparently his job will take one time to evolve, unlike the other jobs that have a lot more flexibility his job doesn't, by the system's words it'll take several years to evolve his job.

This is his third day alive and he is already on the path of great success, another thing was that any humans that his Xenomorphs kill will give him DNA which is a huge relief. Also there was one Xenomorph that he wanted but…

[Crocodile Xenomorph]

[A rather large and slow Xenomorph but very deadly up close. Works best in Wet environments!]

[Apex Xenomorph - unlike Queens or Empresses, this Xenomorph is an Apex which means that Drones or Workers will come to defend it when called.]

[Cost: 750 DNA]

But it's too large! If the system is correct then this Xenomorph is 45 Meters long! That's more than half of the space that he has now!! Space is another thing he has to manage…

On a brighter note he has gotten a lot stronger by going off his stats. Dalimus sighed as he saw multiple Child-like Xenos around, he wants to put them to work but is rather scared to do it as what if they get caught and killed? And have their existence known? He isn't mentally prepared yet.

But nothing is gained without a risk, but to minimize or nullify any consideration he might send out multiple at once in case anything happens. He knows a warehouse nearby that has a couple of workers after hours… he might send a few there…

If he remembers correctly, there are a total of five in the warehouse after everyone is left, three security guards and two managers. How does he know this? Simple he just explored, and if he's correct, the warehouse also houses some more illegal products. Good to know that drugs and guns exist.

Now he currently has a total of 17 Child-like Xenomorphs and soon to be 5 Drones or Workers… he might send two Drones and three Child-like Xenos. How complicated is this going to be when he has more numbers? Those questions are reserved for his future self, now to send out his Xenos.

However just to be safe he's going to send one more Child-like Xeno just in case there's an unexpected visitor.or two… Dalimus sighed as he looked around once more… is there any use for empty eggs?

'System, is there any use for empty eggs?' Dalimus questioned as he approached an empty egg.

[Host, you can collect them and refund your DNA however you only receive half of your DNA that you spent.]

'Ah so there is a purposeful…'


Alissa sighed as hot steam came from her mouth, hot chocolate does taste good when it's late out. She opened her eyes as she glanced through the screens that showed the warehouse. She loved her job, 25 per hour? In sector X? Sign her up!

Even though some questionable things happen here like her gay managers fucking in the break room but eh, money is money. She took another sip as her blonde ponytail touched the bottom of her neck.

Her other coworkers are at their stations, John being at the west, Herself at the north, Kass at the East, both her gay managers at the south probably on their tenth round. She swears those girls are always horny.

Alissa sighed in bliss at the hot chocolate settled in her stomach. She looked down at her body… even though she's twenty seven her tits haven't gotten any bigger than A cup. She wasn't happy about that but hey! At least she has a fat ass!

She sighed again as she drinked from her hot chocolate once more. She then picked up her radio and tried to contact John.

"Hey John, come in, it's time for the regular check-up"

John yawned "yeah, yeah… I'm good, nothing over here, now let me sleep."

Alissa smiled wryly as John was a very old man, she's cutting him a lot of slack since the man's nearing 80; the man should retire but he simply refuses. But personally? She thinks he hates his wife, sighing she then changed channels and then proceeded to contact Kass.

"Hey Kass you there?"

There was no answer She didn't like Kass mainly because she was caught fucking her boyfriend in her office last week. The fact that she hasn't been fired is astounding, and the fact that he brought her boyfriend in is another astounding fact. But that doesn't mean she can't answer the goddamn radio!!

Alissa sighed as she grabbed her flashlight and stood up, grumbling to herself as she opened her door and walked along the silent hallway. Her footsteps were loud to her but that's just probably because of how quiet it is, at least the air conditioning makes a low hum.

Walking along near the wall she sighed once more, oh how she wishes that she doesn't have to do this… maybe she should ask the managers for a remote alarm system… they'll probably deny her and invite her to a threesome again.

Continuing on she didn't notice her two managers being dragged away by four Child-like Xenos, it takes more as the Child-like Xenos are not strong enough to take a fully grown human to the nest but the workers and Drones are!

Alissa sighed as she finally reached Kasss' room she opened the door she found…


Wait, nothing?

There's nothing here! Literally nothing! Not even a desk, just an empty white room and a light buzz from the light overhead. Confused, she looked at the door number on the door then realized that she had the wrong room.

Laughing to herself silently she blamed it on her tiredness she backed up but was met with a wall… well what felt like a wall.

Turning around she was met with something not of this world, skin blacker than night, body shape not even remotely human. It's head was long and sleek… she would be wrong if she said if she wanted to touch it.

She didn't have more time to analyze the life form as she was grabbed by the shoulders by the life form, she was picked up by inhumane strength. Words got stuck in her throat, no matter how much she tried to speak, fear kept it down. She couldn't move either her chest felt tight and her breath seemed to suffocate her.

Then she was thrown against the wall and darkness consumed her, it wasn't even a fight; not even an ounce of resistance.

Alissa awoke but not in a place that she'd like, she'd thought she'll wake up back at her desk as her brain played a twisted and horrible joke; sadly however, her hopes didn't come to fruition.

When she woke up she felt cold, really cold. She looked around and saw several of those alien life forms, she tried to move but found her body submerged into a black hardened… thing… that stuck to the wall.

She looked around some more and found one alien that seemed to be the leader… if physical appearance is anything to go by, she looked around and saw her other coworkers have a strange organism stuck to their face.

She looked back to the grey alien who seemed to approach her as if examining her, but for what? Will she share the same fate as her coworkers? Will she die? Will she get away? Can she get away?

Alissa will never admit but tears started to come out of her eyes, her heart seemed to beat loudly, so loudly that everyone from sector A could hear it; it's either that or it's just her. She gulped but roaring pain from an incredibly dry throat assaulted her. That's also when she realized how sweaty she was. She whimpered in fear underneath the size of the Alien.

Dalimus examined the human, mainly to see her reaction to him, which was expected: fear. So much fear in fact that the woman was sweating waterfalls, if anymore sweat came out then Dalimus might think the woman was an actual waterfall that took human form.

Dalimus also wanted to get stronger if his system is correct then each time he reaches level 100 he'll evolve and be brought back to level 0 but a lot more stronger, and bigger.

And another thing that made him happier was that his subordinates kill, capture, or impregnate a human he gets Xp, although not as much as when he does it, he still progresses so it's fine for now.

Dalimus smiled on the inside as a Drone egg hatched and a facehugger started to crawl towards the human. The facehugger managed to hug the humans' face before she noticed which Dalimus wasn't that happy about as he'd like to see the fear in her face a little more.

Which felt weird…

He's still human right? As in mentality? Or is he enjoying killing his own kind… well his previous kind. But still he used to be a human!

But how? How could he feel so merciless?

Words: 1,753