
And So Our Journey Begins…

Quick Author's Note: So I felt like the way I had been doing things might be a little confusing because I'm having so many use quotation marks (""). So I'm going to try changing that.

System= {Congratulations Jaron! Your Mudkip has reached level 100!}

Human speech= "Go Mudkip, use Mud-slap!"

Reading signs/words written down= 'Welcome to Viridian City'

Considering making Jaron able to understand and speak to Pokémon but haven't decided yet. If that happens it would use= *I wouldn't go that way master. When I flew above the trees I saw a swarm of beedrill*

That should be it. Again if this is too confusing I'll just go back to the way the first 2 chapters were written. Enjoy.


And So Our Journey Begins….

20 minutes into our journey I stopped to look around and seeing the coast is clear I look down to Charmander who was walking beside me. We had battled several pidgeys and Rattatas but he was beginning to grow fatigued from the battles and walking with no rest. The system said that he was level 8 now and I sighed, leveling up the old fashioned way was not the quickest, that's for sure.

"Alright Charmander I think it's time you meet the rest of our team. Sorry for hiding them until now, but i haven't decided how I want to go about their existence yet. Anyways let me just bring them out."

With a mental command 3 Pokéballs appeared in my hand, with a press 3 flashes gave way to 3 different Pokémon. Mudkip was sitting down next to Charmander who eyed the new Pokémon with interest. His gaze shifted from Mudkip to Staravia that was next to the former and then finally the Beedrill who was hovering in the air letting off a quiet hum from it's wings.

"Char char?" I nod and wave my hand to the newcomers though technically they've been here longer than Charmander.

"The small blue one is Mudkip he's level 14. The bird next to him is Staravia and she's level 28, and last but not least is Beedrill and he is currently level 36." The fire lizards eyes widened as he took in the other Pokémon, though I doubt he knew what levels were he could probably feel the strength from each one and realized how far behind he was.

His eyes slowly narrowed and I could see a fire burning brightly in them as Charmander's competitive side began to show, causing a smile to form on my face.

"You'll have plenty of time to show your strength, for now you're tired so take rest and let the rest of the team have their time." Charmander didn't seem wholly convinced but he nodded his head and tapped the Pokéball on my belt that sucked him inside it and then shrunk again. Now for the thing that I wanted to try. With a mental command the Pokéball disappeared and Charmander's info appeared in my system menu.

{p!select Latest

You selected your level 8 Charmander. No 4. }

Nice! Now I can passively level Charmander up while we continue to Viridian City. It's a little annoying I can't level up multiple at the same time with this method, but this is already a huge boost. Oh look another Pokémon!

{p!c Chespin

Congratulations Jaron! You caught a level 5 Chespin! Added to Pokédex. You received 35 Pokécoins!}

Damn only level 5, but Chespin should be pretty good for my team actually. It's my only grass type at the moment, the only problem is I never used Chespin so I don't know his strengths and weaknesses. With his capture that means I know have 105 coins, since I get 35 with each one I catch. Now for the next thing I wanted to try, I send a mental command to convert 5 coins into real world money.

This Pokémon world does all its transactions through Pokédex's or other similar devices and when I looked at my balance I was happy with the result. Each Pokécoin equals 100 real world currency. Meaning I now had $723 as the original Jaron Winters only had $223 left after getting everything he needed for his journey. I'm quite happy with this exchange rate.

With another thought another Pokéball appears and out pops Chespin.

"Alright everyone, we're going to be helping Chespin and Mudkip here level up while Charmander rests. Beedrill and Staravia will scout around and corral weaker Pokémon our way and let them take them out. Once they get tired I'll let them rest and I imagine by then I'll have caught some more Pokémon from the system. Understood?"

My arms were crossed as I explained our plan of action and they all listened intently before giving serious nods. Staravia and Beedrill took off into the trees of the forest and brought back pidgeys, Rattatas, caterpies, sandshrews and Mankeys. Mudkip was currently battling a Sandshrew.

"Use water gun Mudkip and tighten the spread for more power!" Mudkip usual water gun was now smaller in radius but the force behind it sent the little Sandshrew rolling backwards, ultimately hitting a tree and knocking it out. Thinking it wouldn't be a bad Pokémon to add to my team I throw a Pokéball and capture it.

At the same time as I was catching the Sandshrew I caught another Pokémon through the system.

{P!c Swinub

Congratulations Jaron! You caught a level 22 Swinub}

Nice, not a bad capture either way and another decently leveled Pokémon in my crew. A pair of taloned feet landed on my shoulder and held its wing up to the sky. Staravia was telling me to look up and what I found was a storm. Hmmm I had expected to run into Misty before this happened, but I guess I was going slower than I thought.

Did Ash really go that far off the path that I didn't even see him or his horde of Spearow pass me? Oh well, I don't particularly feel like getting wet so I guess I'll see what kind of camping gear this bottomless backpack has. Opening the system window for the bag I find the tab labeled camping gear and select tent.

I was truly shocked at what happened next. I was expecting to at least have to put together the tent myself, but instead a fully formed tent popped out all on its own. Though "tent" wouldn't do it justice. It was like a small canvas shack, with zippers that could be undone to give way to windows and even had a smoke stack in the middle with a fan that would pull any smoke out of the tent.

This way you could have a fire going inside and not have to worry about choking on the resulting smoke. The size was ample enough to fit 5 grown people comfortably, and came with raised cots positioned in a circle around the tent. It even had a door that led to a secluded part of the tent labeled bathroom and also had a fan system like the smoke stack. This tent was just too much, it almost wouldn't even feel like camping except that it's made out of a canvas like material.

"Well looks like this will be our home when we're on the road. Honestly I'm considering never paying for a room as long as we have this." I speak out loud mostly to myself but also to the Pokémon. Not a bad start to our little journey. Mudkip was now level 15 and one level away from evolving. Chespin grew 4 levels to level 9 and Beedrill and Staravia each managed to snag a level a piece.

Charmander had grown from 8 all the way to 14. Not a bad day at all, and I couldn't be more excited. I get the thrill of not knowing what Pokémon I'll get next from the system and the thrill of battling and leveling up Pokémon right in front of my very eyes. That was one gripe I had had with the discord bot, the battles were buggy but now I'm battling for real. What more could you ask for?


Author's note: how did you like the new writing system? Was it okay? Not too confusing? I hope so.

Anyways probably gonna skip to them entering Viridian or maybe I'll have him come across Misty as she's carrying her damaged bike. Haven't decided yet as I don't really want to join Ash's journey and I don't particularly want Misty to join me either. Just want to at least have that interaction I suppose. The only person I might would have join is Eve, but I kinda want Jaron to go solo for now.

I guess we'll see when the time comes.

Hope you enjoyed.