
Starter Pokémon number 2?

The window appeared in my vision again as began looking over the features to pass the time while walking. I was slightly disappointed that it barely changed from the discord bot, it wouldn't be a true system like those fan fics I read. Eventually though I came across a tab on the window labeled "channel". Opening it I'm met with messages upon messages filling the window now.

It was a chat channel… A channel dedicated to the PokeTwo bot functions. Spams of copy pastas and single symbols were constantly being sent by hundreds of different users. Eventually a Pokémon spawned, a spheal, I immediately thought the familiar command "p!c Spheal". Only even then I was too slow due to the surprise and cursed under my breath.

I don't particularly mind Spheal, but catching it would have given me 35 pokécoins and that's definitely worth catching any Pokémon I can. Swallowing my annoyance I begin mentally sending a string of apostrophes adding to the spam of the other users.

After a few seconds of spamming a notification pops up on my screen.

"Congratulations Jaron!

Your Mudkip is now level 2!"

Realization dawned on me, of course I knew why I would spam in the servers in my last life. It helped spawn more Pokémon and it leveled them, but it was still too big a surprise to actually see him going from 1 to 2 in just barely 15 seconds. Shaking my head I begin spamming once again as I continue my walk to Oak's lab.

5 minutes later I'm standing in front of his lab, punctuated by a

"Congratulations Jaron!

Your Mudkip is now level 10!"

With a smile spilling across my lips I open the door and I'm immediately greeted by a research aid.

"You must be Jaron Winter! Come right this way, Professor Oak is currently giving Eve her Pokémon and Gary has already received his. Sorry, but you will have to pick whichever one they didn't take." The woman truly seemed sorry for me, but I just waved her off. I had a pretty good idea which one would get left for last based on my memories.

Gary will obviously pick Squirtle and from what this body knew about Eve she wanted to pick Bulbasaur like her mom. Which meant I would be left with Charmander, I briefly considered abstaining even longer to get Pikachu instead, but I don't want to steal his thunder. Following the aid through the hallway we reach another door and we hear a shriek of glee on the other side.

"Ahhh! He's so cute! He's the perfect Bulbasaur!" The doors opened and I was able to see a bright blond haired girl snuggling a smiling Bulbasaur against her cheek. It's vines wrapped loosely around her shoulders and unwrapped as she set the Pokémon back down to stare at him.

"I hope you'll accept me as your trainer Bulbasaur! I know we'll be great friends and become a strong team." She said as she squatted down and rubbed Bulbasaur's head, who grunted in approval with a nod. With a Pokédex and some Pokéballs she was on her way and stole a quick glance at me and offered a thumbs up. From what I understand it looks like she had a crush on the original Jaron Winters, but he was too dense to realize.

She's not bad looking either, blonde hair, striking green eyes and an athletic figure from her preparation for her Pokémon journey. She stood just a few inches shorter than me with her hair tied into a high ponytail. She strode past me and was led back out by the same aid that brought me in, and I turned to find Oak's eyes on me.

"Ah! Jaron you made it, usually you're early anytime you have plans. Are you alright?" His eyes softened as he examined for anything that could be wrong, but I returned a smile of my own and shook my head.

"Thanks Professor, but nothing is the matter with me. I was just taking my time and getting one last look at everything before I set out on my journey." As I returned his smile another Pokémon popped up and this time I didn't hesitate for a moment as the mental message was sent .

"P!c Starly"

"Congratulations Jaron you caught a level 28 Starly! Added to PokeTwo Pokédex. You received 35 Pokécoins!

Level 28! I felt my eyes widen before i could stop them, but thankfully Oak had already turned around. I went ahead and did the next thing that was ingrained into me.

"P!evolve latest"

"Congratulations Jaron!

Your Starly is evolving!

Your Starly has turned into a Staravia!"

I had to swallow my excitement at the thought of already having a level 28 and a level 10 before I even acquire my first official starter Pokémon.

"Well, that's good to hear Jaron. It's a big day when an aspiring trainer starts off their journey. Now, come select your Pokémon you wish to begin your journey with… At least that is what I would like to say, but as their is only one Pokémon left, there's not much choosing to be done." He said nervously as he scratched the back of his head. I just waved him off and stepped up to the machine holding the pokeballs.

I reach out and grasp the one sitting into a slot labeled


"I'm assuming Gary took Squirtle and I already know Eve got Bulbasaur, so Charmander is the only choice." Oak nodded his head at my words and looked on happily as I grabbed it and held the ball out in front and with a click a flash expelled. A bipedal orange lizard appeared in front of me with a coo.

"Char, char!" It cried and I crouched down in front of it and placed my hand upon its head as I looked into its eyes. It's skin was surprisingly smooth and gave off a faint heat that warmed my hand, but wasn't unpleasant. I smiled and brought my hand back to rest on my knee.

"Well Charmander, looks like your stuck with me for this journey. I don't know what this journey has in store for us, but I'll be glad to have you by my side." The Charmander's glowed in anticipation and let out a small puff through his nostrils and a fierce grin spread across his face.


With a smile I stand up with one last pat on its head and hold out the Pokéball he came in.

"We'll talk more once we get on the road, get your rest until then because we will be constantly on the move until nightfall." As he nodded with another puff from his nostrils he was sucked back into the Pokéball which shrank and I stuck it to a slot on my belt.

When I looked up Professor Oak was holding out the Pokédex and 5 extra pokeballs.

"Good luck on your journey, Jaron. Not that I think you'll need it, you were one of my brightest students after all." I smiled at his words as I grabbed the items from his hand, the Pokédex going to my left side pocket and the extra pokeballs going to the free slots on my belt.

"Thank you Professor, I hope to live up to your praise." With a brief goodbye, I left the room to find Gary on the other side leaning his back against the wall and his arms crossed. Turning his eyes to me he pushes off the wall with a smirk.

"Well, well if it isn't Jaron. I was surprised to see you being almost as late as Ashy boy. You may have done better than me in class, but I won't lose to you now. You'll see that tests and quizzes are different from the real deal, and I look forward to defeating you." His gaze had hardened as he spoke, but I just shrugged past him in indifference.

"Sure Gary. I look forward to our battle." He scowled slightly but didn't pursue further, even the previous Jaron wasn't one to argue either so Gary knew he wouldn't get anything out of me. With him behind me I continued out the lab and back down the hill that connected to the route that leads to Viridian City.

As I turned to the route I peek at the PokeTwo window, during that whole ordeal I had minimized it so that it wouldn't distract me. I could only facepalm as I mentally typed the words.

"P!c Weedle"

"Congratulations Jaron! You caught a level 36 Weedle! Added to PokeTwo Pokédex. You received 35 Pokécoins!"

36….you have to be kidding me, a fucking Weedle is level 36?! Ugh oh well let's get this over with.

"P!evolve latest"

Doing that twice I now had a level 36 Beedrill in my party and I hadn't even left Pallet Town. My current team was:

Charmander level 5

Mudkip level 10

Staravia level 28

Beedrill level 36

"Haaaaah." I sigh as I look up at the sky. Free Pokémon is free Pokémon I suppose and not to mention the coins. Might as well start walking and truly get this journey started.


Author's note

Chap 2 done.

Just to let everyone know these Pokémon are picked at random by the actual PokeTwo bot in a discord server I'm in. There's no particular reason I picked Weedle or Starly. Also I don't want to spam it, so I'll just kind of do it ever so often. Sometimes getting the Pokémon and sometimes not like with the spheal.

Hope you enjoyed.