
Reincarnated in One piece with redo by death ability

Jump aboard the laughter ship with a hilarious fan fiction that mashes up One Piece with a hearty dose of humor! Meet Yash, a teenager who's about as clueless as a fish on dry land, and his mutt Buro, who's got more brains than his human. They're just taking a stroll in Delhi when—bam!—they're whisked off to the wacky world of the Sabaody Archipelago. And let me tell ya, it's weirder than a three-headed parrot! Yash: "Buro, did you hear that? I think we're not in Kansas anymore... Or, uh, Delhi!" Buro: *Woof woof!* Translation: "No kidding, Sherlock. But at least there's no shortage of fire hydrants here!" From dodging bad guys to tripping over their own feet, these two are in for a wild ride. But hey, at least it beats a boring night at home, right? Yash: "I swear, Buro, if we make it out of this alive, I'm never going for a walk at night again." Buro: *Tail wagging furiously* Translation: "You say that every time, buddy. But who can resist the call of adventure?" So grab your sea legs and get ready for a barrel of laughs, because with "Transmigrated Tides," every page is a treasure trove of fun!

WildYash · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 21: Yash got Saved? Will Luffy eat Sphinx

A hand grabbed Yash and pulled him inside a room before slamming the door shut and blocking it with a huge steel cupboard.

"Why are we helping him Jevad? Didn't we said that we will escape today. Why is so much trouble is arriving?" A deep voice said in the darkness.

"This man was injured. I don't want to see more men eaten before my eyes. And who knows he might help us escape." Says Jevad.

"What is going on?" Yash slowly calmed himself down before his head's dizziness settled.

"Looks like he is awake." Jevad exclaims as he scoots down to check up on Yash. "Hey! You okay?"

"I am alive." Yash replies.

"That's for sure you are." Jevad stands back up."Let's continue the plan then. The guards and Manticores are heading back towards the stairs to Level 3, we should use this chance to escape."

The room is filled with 10 to 20 people approx, many looked like degenerate criminals who have gone through many battles.

"No... I need to get back to my friends." Yash says as he struggles to stand up.

"I told you Jevad, this punk will be nuisance. We saved his ass and he isn't even grateful enough to follow back with us. But this is good too, let's leave his ass here." Says a bald man with a big bulky Built and a scar on his eyes.

"Well My bad that I was nice enough person to save his ass then. DONT FORGET THAT I SAVED YOUR ASS JUST LIKE HIS BLOKREY." Jevad's outburst tensed the atmosphere. With sweat dripping off Yash's forehead he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Don't fight like that, You guys are like in your 30s, solve it with your fists in the arena." One old looking man with wrinkled body said.

'How is that mature old man?' Yash thought.

"Jevad, I am truly grateful for you saving me but I have to get going. My name is Yash, I swear upon my name that I will repay this favor." saying so Yash gets up to leave the room.

"Oye! Where are you planning to go from here?" Asked Blokrey.

"5th level of Impel down."

Everyone is silent as Yash walks towards the door. Putting his hand on the knob and opening the door, Yash was encountered with lot of Manticores gathered infront of the door.

"AAAAAH" Yash quickly close the door in a panic and lock it, pushing the door with his weight instantly.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME?" Yash asked.

"And miss the show you just put on? Darara DARARARA." All of them broke laughing out loud.

'Thanatos you there? Help me out!' Yash tried to connect with Thanatos in his consciousness.'Where is this guy when I need him?'

"Come on Jevad don't be like that. Help this poor guy out in the time of need, I told you I will repay the favor in future." Yash asked sincerely.

"Our new friend here wants to head to his death by going to Impel down's 5th level. Who among this group of degenerate criminals wants to help?" Jevad asked sarcastically.


"I don't want to!"

"You are an Idiot if you want to go there brat."

"Looking for die? Don't be so stupid kid."

"Acting like you guys don't care about helping while trying to keep me away from danger." Yash says with a serious face,"You guys don't even know me! Why be so kind?"

"Because you are just like us when we started. We have lost many crewmates and don't want to see more people like us getting hurt." Jevad exclaims with a smile.

"You people are so ki-" Yash sentence was cut off as the the door broke down and many Manticores started to flood inside the room.

"Enemy attack. Be prepared " Blokrey ordered as everyone grabbed some furniture to fend off the Manticores.

"AAAHH" Yells a man when a Manticore tore off his leg with it's jaw.

"He..lp me..."

"I don't...want to die..."


Manticores continued to mimic the prisioners as they flood inside the room.

"This is bad." Yash says as he used last bits of strength to escape with Air walk. After running for a while Yash found a corner of a corridor to rest.

"This is?" A room with medical plus on top of it.

"Must be am infirmary." Yash opens the door and walks inside, the place is lonely but the shelfs are stacked with medicine, bandages, thermometer and every other supplies.

'This is God sent at this time.' Yash thought as he wrapped his injuries with bandages after taking his time to clean and apply medicine.

Prior to this Yash got up and walked out of the infirmary, heading back to the same place where he got scattered from the group.

"Luffy and everyone else must be on the Level 3 by now." Yash thought as he looks around the corridor of Impel down.

Dashing towards the way Luffy and other went, Yash quickly became tired. "Damn these injuries are slowing me down."

On the other Hand Luffy has been reunited with Mr.3, an ex-Baroque Works member, together with him and others Luffy has managed to arrive at the staircase to the Level 3 of Impel down but it is being guarded by the Sphinx.

The Sphinx is a gigantic human faced feathered lion. Significantly larger than the Basilisk and much more fearsome than the other beasts, it is considered the "boss" of the level and is charged with guarding the stairway that leads out of the level.

"Plain....Noodles" Says Sphinx as he strikes at Luffy with his paw.

"Chilli Noodles" Sphinx cause the ground of the entire Level 2 to tremble.

"This guy can only say Noodles dishes name?" Mr.3 gasped.

"Damn this is making me hungry. Sanji prepare some food. Uh he isn't here." Luffy talks as he Dodges the attacks.

"THIS ISNT TIME FOR THAT." Buggy yells at Luffy.

"But I am hungry. I wonder how tasty this beast is?" Luffy mouth waters at the thought of cooked up Sphinx image.