
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime und Comics
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230 Chs

I have a dream~

With Mebuki and Kizashi sitting around the table having dinner with everyone else, Tsunade spoke up, asking Megumi something she wanted to know more about, "Megumi….what is that internet thing? What does it do?"

"Ah…-" Megumi was startled by the sudden question, so Sakura beat him to answering it by interrupting him.

"The internet is a really wonderful thing! It allows all people to communicate with each other at once in forms more than just speech! You can send a single image to the entire world and anyone can look at that picture as long as they have the means to access them, in this case our books."

"Oh….? Is that the new thing you and Megumi have been working on occasionally?" Mebuki asked, looking a little surprised herself.

"Hehe~ No Mom! Megumi did that all on his own. What me and Megumi are working on is something much more fun."

"Wait a second….." Tsunade interrupted, "You mean to say that I could use the camera seals we provide and show what goes on in front of my own house to the entire world?"

"Well….technically yes." Megumi replied, wondering where Tsunade was going with this.

"So what stops other people from doing the same thing!?"

"Nothing really." Megumi replied, seeing what she was going to bring up.

"WHAT! Then what if someone buys up a ton of seals and just sets them up around a village, wouldn't everyone know what's happening in that village!?"

"True. But it's not as bad as you think it is. Firstly, you'd need a lot of chakra to keep the thing running constantly. Having a person come to the same spot every day to refill chakra into a seal should become quite obvious quite soon, right? Especially when the recording seals we use still look so terrible and have the ability to become clearer only using physical equipment like glass lenses."

"True, but…what if someone just needs it for like an hour or two? What about cases where strict privacy is needed? For example, when a sensitive high-level meeting is going on and someone arranges a seal beforehand to send the entire information to a village that can take advantage of this information?" Mebuki asked since the new product almost guaranteed disruption in the markets, her mind turning gears at rapid speeds along with Kizashi, both wondering how they would actually sell this without ending up attracting bad attention from the people they shouldn't.

"Yes, that is where the second part comes into play and also the reason why I haven't already activated the internet yet even though all the groundwork for it is already set and ready to be launched. Second is where another product I will be making comes into play."

"What is it?" Kiazshi asked, looking interested.

"It's a way to detect all the seals present in the surrounding areas."

"How can you do that? It's not possible to detect seals…if it would be that easy….traditional sealing methods would've been dismantled a long time ago."

"It's a method I stole from Rura's work on our recent trip-"

"OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW DIDN'T I REALIZE IT COULD BE USED LIKE THIS!!!!!!????? MEGUMI YOU'RE SUCH A GENIUS!!!!!" Sakura suddenly exclaimed as she realized what Megumi was talking about, as everyone looked confused as to why she was calling Megumi a genius when he was the one that stole the method from her.

"-the work involved using the time in which a jutsus seal finished to detect how chakra was flowing through the atmosphere based on the consumption of nature chakra required to sustain that jutsu."

"But….the seals you make don't use nature chakra at all, do they?"

"Yeah, but that doesn't really make a difference now, does it."

"....?What do you mean?" Tsunade asked, her head tilted as she pondered about it on her own, until Kizashi suddenly interrupted by exclaiming, "Oh! You could just pretend it did and measure the time difference it took nature chakra to get through it than when it normally would."

"How do you know about that dad?"

"Because there is a similar method that used to be used during creation of weapons made using chakra metal!"

"Oh?" Megumi looked intrigued as he wondered what possible use Sakura's discovery already had in the world before in a way that caused her to only rediscover it.

"Obviously, you don't want random seals to be placed onto your weapon to reduce its efficiency and disrupt your techniques."

"Yeah…people could just place hundreds of seals that just made invisible or partially finished clones to waste the chakra emitted from the sword."

"Yep! The Uzumaki did exactly that while fighting opponents with chakra weapons, so 'we' the crafters had to find a way to figure out exactly how to stop that from happening and over the years, someone eventually figured it out, and it began getting passed around and essentially made that tactic useless in battle since every weapon is treated with this seal."

"Oh! That's cool to know…"

"But what is this seal about?" Tsunade asked confusedly, since she had never heard about this before.

"It stopped being applied after the Uzumaki village was destroyed since there were just not that many competent sealers around anymore who could use the tactic on both sides as the ninja who were trained to use seals were only trained in it because of the Uzumaki and to better understand their threats. That is probably why you've never heard about this seal, Tsunade-sama."

"I see…"

"The way the seal works is rather simple. Firstly, it is not a single seal but two seals that waste chakra by using a modified clone seal. The seals were placed inside the box such that once the weapon was placed into it, they'd touch the two opposite ends of the weapon that had a connection to all the chakra pathways inside it. Once the seals activated with the help of any remaining chakra in the weapon they'd begin first wasting the chakra inside the weapon, but what they'd cause while they did that would be to absorb more and more of nature chakra inside the closed environment to 'activate' the modified clone justsu."

"Oh! So the movement of nature chakra would disrupt the seals and turn them into simple ink that already existed by pulling the nature chakra used to create the single tenketsu jutsu or the seal along with them too!" Tsunade said in an excited manner.

"Exactly!" Kizashi agreed while he nodded his head.

"That's cool….wait what was I- Oh yes! Megumi what will you do if someone does end up posting jutsus?"

"I don't want to remove them. Because if you do it once, it will set the precedent of doing it again and again until it becomes common place."


"Yes. I know." Megumi said in a solemn voice as he looked somewhat seriously at Tsunade after the butler picked up his place and left since he was done eating. "Because of that, I need a little help, not just from you but from all the people you know too."

"Help?" Tsunade questioned back, since Megumi rarely ever did ask anyone for help and because of that everyone looked forward to what Megumi would ask of them.

"Yes. I want to change the mental perception of chakra among humans."


"Yes. Now that people have a platform that will allow them to speak to the entire world at once and that includes civilians, I want them to interact with chakra not as a weapon but as a way to enhance their lives."

A pervading silence persisted in the room, as Sakura became the first one to break it.

"What do you actually need us to do?"

"I want everyone here to contribute a jutsu-"

"-WHA-" Tsunade almost shouted, but Megumi interrupted her by raising his hand to stop her and continued.

"-that they make on their own, something that is not a weapon, but something that can be used for fun. For example, like this." Megumi completed his sentence by summoning a piece of paper from somewhere into his hands and making multiple hand seals beginning from the elemental hand sign corresponding to wind, as it folded itself into a paper crane origami in front of everyone's eyes.

"...so? What do you think about it?" Megumi asked.

".....I can do it." Sakura agreed.

"I might not be able to create a new jutsu entirely like you did, but perhaps something that can make everyone's life for smiting easier?"

"Hmm….I can make a simple jutsu that helps people clean their homes easier? Or maybe the pinwheel jutsu that I used to do for you when you were little! It helped you calm down so much easier!" Mebuki said as she giggled, bringing up his baby age, making Megumi embarrassed.

"I can contribute this jutsu!" Shizune exclaimed as if she had something just for this occasion, and began making handseals, and caused a clone that looked like an adorable littler version of TonTon popped up on the table as it seemingly looked around confusedly before Shizune vanished it away. "Wasn't that cool!!" Shizune asked with her chin tipped up as everyone laughed while Sakura praised her, "Yep! Amazing little sis!"

Megumi calmly waited for Tsunade to speak amidst all the chaos as she kept looking down at the table when she slowly looked at him and replied, "I'll…see what I can do. But I want you to promise me you'll not start this entire thing without informing me about it first. Is that alright with you?"

"....alright. I agree."

"*sigh* If you weren't my little brother, I'd have beaten you for even suggesting me such a thing….I'm getting too old…."

"Hehe….Tsuna-nee~ I think you forgot…..you really are ol-"


A porcelain bowl flew across the table and struck Megumi straight in his head, knocking him out for good, just as the table was cleaned under his face, before it crashed into the table, nose first, causing everyone to wince.


Nestling around, Megumi turned as he felt something soft press into his face. Recognizing what it was, Megumi opened his lips and pinched it between them, eliciting a low moan out of the owner and a light slap to his head.

The blanket above him was pulled open as green eyes peered down at him in annoyance and whispered, "I was sleeping…."

"And I was being suffocated…."

Sakura narrowed her eyes as she just wrapped her hands around Megumi and pulled herself to his level.

"Why am I inside the mindscape? I remember falling, being knocked out…." Megumi asked, a little confused.

"I don't know. I just tugged at the connection, and you just appeared inside the mindscape, but you were still unconscious, so I just put you to sleep on the bed and fell asleep while waiting."

"...I see." Megumi said as he hugged Sakura and began running his hands through the strands of her hair, lingering over her face, collecting them up and pushing them behind her ear.

"Megi….can I ask you something?"

Megumi just looked back into Sakura's eyes as he waited for her to ask her question.

".....Megi…..I was wondering…..what are you going to be doing now that you're going to be shaping the world?

Pecking Sakura's lips lightly, Megumi spoke in a low voice, "Make it a better place for both you and me."

With a slight smile, Sakura continued, "I know that silly. I'm asking what you will be doing about it?"

"Hmm…..my end goal is for all countries to make laws to hold their own leaders accountable to. I want to return the power to the people and not let someone rule over them."

Sliding her hands around Megumi's chest, and then stopping to look into his eyes, Sakura asked, "Why? Do you think we are stupid?"

"....well…yes. But if I really thought that, then my plan would be doomed to fail from the start, since people would never even agree to share power."

"What will you do if it backfires and only makes things worse?"

Pecking her lips again and pushing his hands into her tee from the back to feel a little warmer, Megumi pulled Sakura closer until their chests touched and replied, "Why will I keep doing things that clearly don't work? I don't have an agenda. I see a need….and all I want to do is further it along. All I want to ensure is that people aren't used like pawns in a game where everyone else other than them can protect themselves very well. I want them to be able to put their foot down when there is a war and say, 'No. We won't go to die just because your pride as a ruler was hurt.' I want people to be able to choose their own actions, at least a little more than what they can today. When I saw those people trapped in cages, in such a miserable state, just waiting to die, I couldn't take it anymore, it felt inhumane, it felt barbaric, it felt animalistic."

"You said there shouldn't be violence in actions, won't you end up having to kill people if you want to impose your ideas on them?"

"There doesn't need to be any violence as long as my actions are just life swinging back to balance itself when fools try to mold it to their liking. And I'm not imposing my ideals or something, so I won't go around killing people just because they think differently. What they think doesn't matter to me. All that matters to me is that people take charge of their actions."

"Isn't that the same thing as me?"

"No. There is one key difference. I don't want to dictate laws. I only want to show people that they hold the power to dictate them, not a random fool who pretends to sit above them and thinks he is on top of the world on a round planet. I only want to open their eyes to the possibility of something that already exists, something they have forced to sleep, simply because someone threatened them to. And if I take care to do my best to not force something imaginative upon the people, the rest that happens during this time is no longer violence, it is just the consequences of their own actions, it doesn't matter if it is me or someone else, life will find its way to be free. I want them to at least have the direction of their lives in their own hands."

"Aren't 'laws' just imaginations?"

"They are. Which is why I want everyone to hallucinate it up together. I don't want to make laws that everyone will follow. I want everyone to make laws that they will follow on their own. As long as everyone hallucinates it together it'll be something that everyone knows is made up, since no two people ever really want the same thing…everyone has their own little problems and inconveniences….their own little situations and contexts where the laws have to be applied….so everyone will know to never make the law a book that they mistake for reality and make changes to it as it seems sensible to them, one that cannot be controlled by a single man or a woman in its entirety."

"...sounds like a dream."

"It is. One that I will work tirelessly to turn into a reality."

"Megi…..can I join your organization too?"

"Hehe~ Sure…but I want to set up a few things before you are exposed to the other members. And neither of us are going to be revealing our identities, well except me no one will really know each other's identities unless the other person wants to reveal it first, so make sure to think up of an identity you'd like to act as in the organization!"

"Hmm…..can I get a hit for what theme I should pick according to?"

"Oh…a theme would be nice wouldn't it?"

"You haven't even done that yet!?" Sakura asked wide-eyed. "How are you going to turn that 'dream' into a reality then!?"

"Hehe! Well if you weren't part of creating it, then it wouldn't have been that much fun would it?"


"-WHA-" Tsunade almost shouted, but Megumi interrupted her by raising his hand to stop her while in another part of the world inside Konoha Shikamaru wondered out loud as he stared at his desk, looking in between his hands where he had been making a seal using some ink and with the help of the information he had gained from the 'Creator'

"Where did my paper go?"


'Am I inside a dream again?'

'I should just go sleep....I must just be getting tired.'

**Flashback Ends**


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