
Reincarnated in demon Slayer as my first world (rewriting)

this is about the MC who originally have the power to duplicate anything except a living being he's name is Akira a lazy guy who is an anime lover not in the level of Otaku but he knows important things in anime and because of his karma he got too op that he's always bored because of his overuse of ability he got noticed by the government and killed him - logic? what's that - The mc will not face any hardship since he's too op - there are some mistakes so don't read this if you don't like mistakes - this is just created out of pure will, I mean I don't gain anything from creating this - pictures are taken from Google - this is only alive because some people want it so I continued creating more, what I mean by this is I once decided to stop this or drop this since I am not a free person I am always busy and I only continued because some people looked forward to the story Warning: This is my first fanfic or novel it's my first time writing and I'm a student so I'll try my best to upload more chapters and don't expect good grammar here and I don't have a writing accent so it can destroy your brain cells trying to understand this in this story I created what I want I'm not gonna follow the original plot I make some changes like someone who should be dead is alive and don't be afraid to request from me minimum of 500 words every chapter and it would be good if someone rewrites this or added some things like making the reader feel what is happening cause I am having a hard time thinking of something like that cause English isn't my first language and if someone really rewrites this, then it will be nice just say that you rewrite it cause the original author said

Wang_Ling_6598 · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Kanao Tsuyuri

After he finished bathing, he teleported back to Asakusa


A guy is walking around the crowd trying to find a rich boy/girl to steal from, Akira is Walking to the crowded place looking at his back he saw a place with a smell of nice fragrance it was like a flower, Which he recognized

Akira: (maybe it's Tamayo) Akira thought as he continued walking through the crowd

After walking for a while Akira finished seeing the whole Asakusa, so he planned to go back to lolo mo inn, but he saw a guy bullying a kid which he recognized

Akira: "Kanao Tsuyuri" Akira said with a shocked expression since he didn't expect to see her in this place

He thought of possibilities, the only thing that comes into his mind is maybe it's because of him changing something to the story so the future changed

Seeing Kanao getting beaten Akira jumped to a roof

Akira: "lucy, give me the Airsoft weapon"

An Airsoft gun appeared in Akira's hand, he then saw a light in front of him with words saying what type of ammo he wanted [visible] [invisible]

Akira touched the light with the invisible word on it, he aimed the gun at the guy who is bullying Kanao

Akira fired the gun 3 times which hits the guy's ball 3 times, seeing that the man was crying and screaming very loudly that his scream can be heard through the whole Asakusa

Seeing the man die Akira jumped down then took Kanao Tsuyuri who looked like 7 years old, but Akira didn't notice it since she's small even in the cannon, it's just that she's covered in dust

Akira walked towards the inn which Kanae is still sleeping

|lolo mo inn|

A girl woke up then she raised her two slender hands and started stretching her body which a sound can be heard on the door with Akira knocking on it

Akira: "Kanae" Akira shouted normally

Kanae then opened the door and saw Akira with a kid

Kanae: "who's that kid?" Kanae said while looking at Akira strangely

Akira: "Let's go in first" Akira said with a wryly smile on his face

Akira, Kanao, and Kanae goes inside the room and seated in a chair

Akira: "She's an orphan which I saw getting bullied without even a hurt expression nor anything like a smile"

Kanae: "So?" Kanae said with a serious look on her face

Akira: "I saw potential in her, so I want you to take care of her from now on"

Kanae: "fttt, you're the one who picked her, and yet you want me to take care of her?"

Akira: "yes, by the way, I think the name Kanao Tsuyuri will fit her so that will be her name from now on"

Kanae: "Akira, why do you want me to take care of her?" Kanae asked Akira

Akira: "because I can't, I don't have enough strength to protect a kid, but you have" Akira replied while flinching his eyes (he's a liar)

Kanae: "ok" kanae said with a heavy sigh

Akira then I'll go now have fun you two

To be countinue