
Reincarnated In Another World As A Nobody

In the idyllic coastal village of Vanhelm, a young farmer named Aelred leads a peaceful life with his family. But their idyllic existence shatters when ruthless soldiers clad in turquoise surcoats storm the village, leaving a trail of fire and death in their wake. Witnessing the brutal slaying of his parents and siblings, Aelred is filled with rage. Just as despair threatens to consume him, a mysterious voice offers a lifeline - a chance for vengeance and a second shot at life. Driven by grief and a thirst for justice, Aelred accepts the voice's bargain, embarking on a path of power that will transform him from a nobody into a force to be reckoned with.

The_Shydeer · Fantasie
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3 Chs

The Voice In My Head

Then out of nowhere, a new voice echoed in my head the voice of a woman I did not recognize. [The requirements have been met. If you want to live you will do as I say. I can offer you a second chance at life, an opportunity to get revenge on those who killed your family. I can grant you power all you have to do is accept my offer.] Responding to the mysterious voice in my head I thought. I accept, grant me your power!

My eyes then suddenly opened wide as the smell of smoke filled my nostrils. I slowly stumbled to my feet a burning village surrounding me on all sides. I looked down expecting to see the sword wound in my stomach. But there was no wound just blood. I felt with my hand just to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me, and it was true there was not a single scratch. I slowly pulled my hand back. It was now dripping blood, my blood.

I looked around the village hoping to see someone alive but alas the bodies of my friends and family sprawled on the blood-soaked ground surrounded me.

Something had changed in me. Where I should have felt sadness and depression from the loss of my family, all I felt was a searing hatred and an overwhelming need for revenge.

Without a second thought, I started to drag the bodies of everyone but my family into a pile slowly one by one until I came to the body of one of the soldiers his chainmail was now riddled with holes his surcoat that once a turquoise color was now dyed red. Laying beside him was his blood-stained sword.

I slowly reached down to the corpse to take his belt and scabbard and tied it onto myself. I took the sword wiping the blade off on the leg of the soldier and sheathed it.

As I rested my hand on the hilt of the sword I thought to myself. I don't even know what the hell to do with this I've never used a sword before. I've only ever used a bow and spear for hunting wild game.

I then heard the voice of the woman in my head. [The skill swordsmanship level 1 has now been granted and the skill spearmanship has been raised from level 1 to level 2. The requirements have been met you have now unlocked the skill Rage.]