
Reincarnated In Another World As A Nobody

In the idyllic coastal village of Vanhelm, a young farmer named Aelred leads a peaceful life with his family. But their idyllic existence shatters when ruthless soldiers clad in turquoise surcoats storm the village, leaving a trail of fire and death in their wake. Witnessing the brutal slaying of his parents and siblings, Aelred is filled with rage. Just as despair threatens to consume him, a mysterious voice offers a lifeline - a chance for vengeance and a second shot at life. Driven by grief and a thirst for justice, Aelred accepts the voice's bargain, embarking on a path of power that will transform him from a nobody into a force to be reckoned with.

The_Shydeer · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Prologue: Birth Of A Nobody

In the North-West crest of the continent, a small farming village sits between the Ascaria and Vanhelm Kingdoms. This is where I, Aelred, was born. Tufts of platinum blonde hair sat atop my head; my eyes, a rich Cobalt Blue of a storm-passed sea, gave a stark contrast to my pinkish-pale skin. 

like the rushing force of a dragon's flight, time seemed to blur and pass by in a powerful gust. No longer was I a small child by any means, I was eighteen, already past the age of adulthood. My entire life I had lived on the farm with my parents and my younger twin siblings, my brother and sister, Weland and Wlfrun1, they were born the year I turned eight. My childhood was happy as the eldest son of a farmer in the remote countryside. But my youthful bliss ended in fire and tragedy.