
Reincarnated as Venom in the DC universe

MC gets reincarnated as Venom but realizes hes in the DC universe. Decides to try and attach to batman first. Not to do crime fighting but to be Bruce' ally and of course, use his money. Will be focusing a lot on Smallville as well as bits of Flash CW AU Details: Less Action, more billionaire wasting his money and messing around. Making video games, dating hot women, starting a side business, etc. Nolan Trilogy x Smallville x Flash CW AU more details : MC is a symbiote, bonds with people to copy their powers and eventually make his own body using copies of people he bonded with. Identifies as a male due to past life. Copies male bodies so he can have his own human form. Possible love interests : Supergirl, Wonder Woman But they wont appear till much later on the timeline. Small note, Cover image is what I imagine his hero look to be ---------- Newbie at writing here. I don't know if you would like this or not. All I can say is, this is my first attempt so I would hope future comments would be civil and take it easy on me. I am not overly familiar with DC universe hence I may choose to remove certain concepts and characters to serve my story better. No specific schedule or minimum word count since I'm not earning anything

Kenji_Makoto · Filme
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52 Chs

Chapter 15 Smallville

[3rd Person POV]

"I saw your arm out there! Technique was lousy but ya got a lot of power!" A fat coach said, trying to cozy up to the teen.

"Thanks!" the boy replied.

"Why aren't you on our team?"

"My Dad needs me on the farm.." the boy replied dejectedly.

"Well your school needs ya on the field! We got a big game friday night and we're short players! Look..look I know your dad would understand" The Coach tried to persuade the boy.

"He's kinda stubborn." 

"Yeah I remember. Jonathan Kent was one of the best athletes I ever coached. Lot of god given talent. It's in your GENES Kent!" The coach said, thinking he's getting close to persuading him.

"Actually I'm adopted." Clark replied with a slight chuckle with his friend Pete and the coach red with embarrassment.


A few days later Clark joins the team despite his father's protest and eventually uncovers an entire conspiracy by the coach to force his students to cheat just so he can use them in the game for his "Legacy". He talked to Trevor, one of the players who tried to speak out but was burned in the arm. Deciding to put an end to his abuse, Clark tries to confront the coach while he was in a sauna. 

Little did Clark know, the rocks used by the coach contained kryptonite so he was starting to get weak.

"Trevor should have kept his mouth shut! What's the matter Kent? Too hot for ya? Huh?!" the coach said in anger while Clark starts to feel really weak. The coach gives the boy a gut punch and smashes his head to the rocks and Clark falls down, unable to get back up.

"Excuse me now, I got a game to win." Coach says smugly then closed the door on the boy and locks him in. 

Clark slowly feels weaker and eventually passes out. Once he does, the door gets opened via lock picking with a symbiote finger. Venom then sits next to Clark to relax his current sleeping host. 

"Here goes nothing!" Venom then transfers to Clark and very quickly tries to analyze and memorize the biology of the sleeping kryptonian. Venom's instinct takes over and tries to absorb as much info as possible in his temporary host, analyzing, learning, understanding the alien body. He knew he only had very little time so he took a bit of a risk. He connected with Clark's mind yet trying not to wake him up and avoiding his consciousness but using his brain to speed up his own thinking. Venom used it as a temporary processing unit to improve his mental capacity and memorizing the kryptonian biology and cellular structure. He doesn't know if it truly worked but he can only hope. After he remembers as much as he could, he also analyzed the rocks effects on him. 

He then leaves the body since he knew he was out of time. After getting back to Wayne's body, he gets up, smashes the small window on the door of the sauna as it was supposed to in the show. He takes two rocks, one to take back to the cave and one to leave outside the door for Jonathan to see. He locks the door once more and leaves, avoiding anyone from seeing him. 

"Clark? CLARK!!" Jonathan proceeds to break the door open and take his son out of the sauna.

The rest of the events play out as they did in the show. Clark wakes up and throws the coach across the room as Jonathan is knocked out.

"Coach? you need help."

"What I need is to win this game!" Coach replies angrily.

"It's too late for that."

The coach tries to ignite the room on fire using his meteor rock given ability yet to his dread, Clark walks through the flames completely unharmed.

"How'd ja do that? he asks with a tinge of fear in his voice.

"It's in the genes!" Clark retorts as if to taunt the man from his previous words. Yet the coach does not understand that the boy actually told the truth. The coach tries to hit him and Clark throw him to the shower room as if he was made of cardboard.

"Give it up coach, you've lost!" 

The coach tries to ignite his powers in all fury and anger but accidentally sets himself on fire, burning him alive. 

While all this is going on, Venom headed back to his private jet to set off back to Gotham trying to mimic the kryptonian cells with his symbiote biology. The whole trip home he never spoke Alfred who accompanied him for the ride. He simply closed his eyes using all his concentration to convert all his cells to mimic the kryptonian cells of Clark.

Clark's cells already contained solar energy that he stores in his body to use as his own. But Venom was merely mimicking it not taking it. So the cells he converted were in fact still similar to an empty solar battery. 

He did not notice that the whole time he was doing that, his natural symbiote form slowly changed from its initial black color to a deep blue color. But he could feel the change.

Upon getting back to the Manor, he tested himself. He tried to touch the rock he took before, but he can no longer touch it. It felt painful. As if he was touching pure sonic vibrations that usually hurt him. 

He's done it. He was able to incorporate kryptonian cells to his symbiote cells. He tried to stretch his symbiote form to reach the fireplace, the flames don't affect him that much anymore. He tried to use a tuning fork. It still hurts but it doesn't hurt as much anymore, not like before. It still distorts his shape mimicking a bit but it no longer hurts like hell. The new cells probably made him a bit more resistant. His guess is that he will get stronger once he stores solar energy. He's managed to change himself on a cellular level. Now, he had the same weakness as the man of steel and lost his original ones. 

But he felt a bit of greed.

He wanted more.

He wanted to alter his cells further. So he started to experiment. He kept changing a small part of himself and touching the kryptonite. As long as it hurt, he would change it again. Revert some parts of his cells back to his original symbiote cells. He tried to find a balance that will eliminate only his kryptonite weakness. Maybe mix kryptonian cells with human cells. Like Conner Kent or Jon Kent.

Before he knew it, it was almost time for batman again.

But before he switched with batman, he touched the rock one more time. Then he smiled.

Mission accomplished!

He can now survive on sunlight alone. But he doesn't want to give these powers to batman. After all, the Dark Knight has his own gimmick. He doesn't need to make him too powerful lest he becomes hopelessly dependent on him or worse, antagonistic. He intended to limit batman to a small enhancement. Just enough to keep him ahead and protect him from harm. 

Since it's batman's turn now, Venom intended to experiment with his new body once he regains control. For now, batman resumes his patrols.

I'm not even sure if this is remotely possible for a symbiote to change on a cellular level but this is what i want the fanfic to be so there. LOL.

We can simply skip these minor details considering this is merely a side mission to get rid of his weaknesses.

Also in the future, if there are highly improbable happenings in the ff, I will still read comments in case I see a good suggestion to change the story into.

But otherwise, it might be simply forced plot points just to get the story to where I want it to be.

Again this is my first fanfic so I'm still learning a lot about writing one of these.

Kenji_Makotocreators' thoughts