
Reincarnated as the monkey king

Valin, a solitary soul lost amidst the passage of time, grappled with an existential crisis that gnawed at his very core. Who am I? What am I? These questions echoed through the corridors of his mind, a ceaseless torment that haunted his waking hours. Weary of the monotonous cycle of everyday life, where each day bled into the next, Valin longed for something more, something extraordinary. Then, one fateful month, a series of peculiar dreams began to infiltrate his slumber. Like tendrils of mystery, they wove their way into his subconscious, beckoning him towards an unknown realm. The dreams whispered secrets of a different existence, tantalizing him with the promise of a new identity, a fresh start. As the calendar turned, ushering in a new year and a new day, Valin found himself standing on the precipice of possibility. With trepidation and anticipation swirling within his being, he embarked on a transformative journey, transcending the boundaries of his former self. In this uncharted world, Valin discovered the exhilaration of rediscovery. Shedding the shackles of his previous existence, he blossomed into a wholly different person, unburdened by the weight of expectations and the suffocating repetition of his past. It was a metamorphosis of the spirit, a rebirth of the soul. Full Title- "Reincarnated as the Monkey King: A Journey of Self-Discovery"

ThatIsCrazy · Fantasie
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56 Chs


The triumphant notes of the music filled the air once more, accompanied by the rhythmic beats of drums and the enchanting melodies of flutes.

The villagers, their hearts still aglow with the fervor of their prayer, rejoiced in the spirit of the New Year.

Laughter and joyous chatter intermingled with the harmonious sounds, weaving a vibrant tapestry of celebration.

Returning to their village, the villagers found a feast awaiting them—a bountiful display of fruits, a testament to the abundance of the land and the shared labor of their community.

Creatures from the surrounding woods were drawn to the merriment, joining in the festivities as they shared in the communal feast.

Harmoniously, villagers and creatures alike indulged in the succulent fruits, their tastes mingling with the laughter that echoed through the air.

Some danced with wild abandon, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music, while others gathered in groups, their voices intertwining in melodic songs that filled the night.

It was a celebration of unity, a celebration of the collective spirit that bound them together, transcending species and embracing the spirit of kinship.

Amidst the revelry, Valin stirred from his slumber, his eyes still heavy with sleep. Draydon, ever watchful, gently awakened the young one, guiding him towards the center of the village where the elder had gathered the people.

Valin blinked in the soft glow of the moonlight, his senses slowly awakening to the vibrant scene unfolding before him.

The elder, adorned in a cloak of wisdom, stood at the center of the gathered crowd, their faces illuminated by the flickering glow of torches.

The rhythmic sounds of celebration faded into a hushed murmur as the villagers turned their attention towards the elder's commanding presence.

Valin, still groggy, found himself enveloped in the warmth of the community, his curiosity piqued by the solemnity that fell upon the crowd.

In the midst of this reverent silence, the elder's voice resonated with an air of authority, yet infused with an undeniable tenderness.

It was a call to gather, to come together in this sacred moment, and to honor the bonds that held them as a village.

Valin, his gaze shifting from face to face, could sense the anticipation, the eagerness that radiated from the villagers.

Though still not fully awake, he felt a flicker of excitement, as if an invisible thread connected him to this shared experience, to the collective heartbeat that pulsed through their community.

And so, as Valin stood among his people, his senses gradually sharpening, he became a part of something greater—a timeless celebration of life, connection, and the limitless possibilities that awaited them in the embrace of the New Year.

As the murmurs of astonishment and excitement filled the air, the elder's voice cut through the chatter, commanding attention and curiosity.

"This baby, who has no parent, no relative, today I am going to take him under my wing," he declared, his words carrying the weight of responsibility and compassion.

Whispers swept through the crowd, disbelief mingled with awe.

"Wait... the elder is going to take this baby?" one voice questioned, followed by another,

"Seriously, is the elder really going to take him?" The villagers were taken aback, yet their hearts were filled with admiration for the elder's noble gesture.

Excitement and curiosity grew like an untamed wildfire, blending with the joyous atmosphere of the celebration.

"Bring him here, Draydon," the elder commanded, his voice both gentle and resolute.

Draydon carefully approached, cradling the baby in his arms, and passed him to the elder.

The crowd watched with bated breath as the elder's weathered hands held the child, their eyes shifting between the elder and the glinting knife that had been offered by another monkey.

A momentary pause hung in the air, uncertainty painting the faces of the onlookers. "W-wait, are you going to kill me?" Valin's voice quivered with fear and confusion, his innocent mind struggling to comprehend the elder's intentions.

The atmosphere grew heavy, as if time itself held its breath.

With deliberate movements, the elder's hand drew closer, his eyes locked onto Valin's. But instead of the expected harm, Valin witnessed a surreal sight.

The knife met the elder's own hand, the blade cutting through his aged skin. A trickle of crimson liquid escaped, slowly cascading down, painting a macabre tableau.

In an act that defied conventional understanding, the elder pressed his thumb onto the fresh wound, smearing the blood upon his fingertip.

Without hesitation, he then pressed his crimson-stained thumb onto Valin's forehead. A collective gasp escaped the onlookers, followed by an eruption of jubilant cheers and exclamations.

"Hold up!" the elder's voice rose above the clamor, demanding attention. Gradually, the festive sounds subsided, and a hush settled over the surroundings.

"From today onward, your name shall be Sun!" The words resonated with power and significance, filling the air with a sense of transformation and rebirth.

A surge of exuberance rippled through the crowd, their voices melding into a cacophony of celebration.

The sun, as if in response to the momentous occasion, began its ascent, casting golden rays across the village, bathing everything in its warm glow. It was as if the heavens themselves joined in the merriment.

"Let's celebrate more for New Year's Day and for the bountiful harvest this year, as well as Sun's birthday!" the elder proclaimed, his voice full of elation.

In the midst of the revelry, young Sun, overwhelmed by the emotions swirling around him, began to cry. The elder cradled him gently, lifting him high for all to see.

"SUN!" the elder announced, a radiant smile gracing his weathered face.

Sun's teary eyes met the elder's gaze, their connection filled with an unspoken bond, a shared understanding of the profound significance of this moment.

Blood continued to trickle from Sun's forehead, an indelible mark of his new identity.

As the village erupted in celebration, the air filled with laughter, music, and dancing.

The dawn of a new era, symbolized by Sun's birth and the blessings of the New Year, had arrived. The villagers reveled in the joyous atmosphere