
Reincarnated As Mizuki

"Yes! I reincarnated in Naruto! I wonder what kind of unique kekkei genkai or hiden my clan has? Perhaps even a tailed beast" "What do you mean I get none? what kind of fucking god are you even?" "Ok, so who are you gonna reincarnate me as? Maybe a filler character or a member of a minor clan? No?" "Eh? Why am I HIM oh no, nononono, God Damnit, Why did I reincarnate as the fucking tutorial boss?!" How will the Fate of the Naruto World change when the soul of a weeb reincarnates into one of it's most useless characters? Read on and Find out! Current Release Rate: hahahahahahahahahahahha Obligatory Disclaimer because everyone else has one and I don't wanna get sued: I do not own the Naruto Series, nor any of the characters who inhabit it. 2nd Disclaimer: This shit is an AU. I screwed up the timeline bc why not, so if details are really important to you, I’d give this one a pass chief. Ok, so I'm hot garbage at writing summaries ok >.

IWANTMYDINNER · Anime und Comics
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114 Chs

A Red Spy is In the Base

The Pursuit of Raido only increased in intensity as time went on.

The group of genin slowly but surely increasing the speed of their body flickers in order to close the distance between them and their target.

And yet, despite the fact that they were increasing their speed exponentially, it was useless as the distance between them and Raido only continued to grow.

Asuma: "This guy..Just how fast is he?"

Mizuki shook his head, his fears starting to grow as he continued to pursue.

Mizuki: {He is exceptionally fast, almost as fast as shisui..this shouldn't be possible, he was just an orinary genin.}

Mizuki: {Unless...}

Mizuki's facial expression changed to one of shock and then fear as he believed that he had solved what had happened.

Mizuki: "Dear God I hope that I am wrong"

The group of genin finally approached the max speed that they could stay as a group at as Raido continued to slip through their grasp.

Mizuki: "I can maybe catch up to him if I go all out, but it will involve cutting ahead of you guys."

Asuma thought about it for a whilst before nodding at Mizuki.

Even if they decided to abandon Raido here, they would most likely need all of the hands that they could get for the second phase of the exam.

Anko: "Wait! Mizuki! I can-"

Mizuki: "It's fine Anko, no offense, but I will be quickest on my own."

She could onlybegrudgingly nod to him as he gave her a confident smile.

Mizuki than focused more of his chakra and vanished from the sights of the team of three genin, leaving them in the dust.

Although, he did so not before leaving a shadow clone behind with them in order to report any changes that happened.

. . . . .

Mizuki's speed when he was alone easily warfed that of when he was sticking around the other genin, becoming three times as fast as soon as he left them with that number only increasing.

Years of training with Shisui, who would later be regarded as legendary due to his use of the jutsu, had made Mizuki incredibly skilled in his usage of the jutsu.

Even if his skill in the jutsu did not even come close to approaching that of Shisui.

Mizuki noticed that with his added speed, he was finally able to gain some distance on his target.

His relentless pursuit continued as he tracked Raido's chakra signature whilst simultaniously executing near perfect body flickers.

Eventually, Mizuki had reached the point where he was less than fifty meters away from Raido, and so, he finally executed his plan.

He leapt up onto the plateau and than rushed across it, until he was side by side with Raido who was rushing across in the canyon below.

Oblivious of Mizuki's presence due to the stealth training he underwent thanks to Orochimaru.

Mizuki than rushed across the plateau before focusing his chakra and leaping into the canyon below, precisely where he sensed Raido's chakra signature.

Thanks to gravity aiding Mizuki's already impressive speed, he was able to rush over Raido nearly instantaniously.

And as he did so, the reason behind his impressive speed was finally revealed.

Raido's unconcious body was slung over the back of his partner, another konoha shinobi who wore the standard mesh t shirt, barely visible underneath a beige sweatshirt and standard shinobi pants and sandals.

His skin was relatively pale, with his hair being dirty blonde and his eyes a honey brown colour.

His only real notable feature was the tanto that was strapped to his right shoulder, in a manner similar to Shisui with his, or Kakashi with his chakra sabre.

??: "Who are you? Why did you do that?"

The voice was filled with annoyance, although deep beneath that, there was also a tinge of anxiousness.

Quickly thinking up an excuse, Mizuki replied to Raido's teammate.

Mizuki: "I am his teammate, I noticed his chakra signature"

Although he had a hunch, in the end, all of Mizuki's evidence was substancial. He still needed one last piece of evidence to finally cement his theory.

Mizuki: "He looks pretty injured, I have some training as a medical -nin, I can face him."

Without waiting for his response, Mizuki turned, facing his back to Raido's partner whilst assesing the damage.

It appears that he had faced a kenjutsu user and firestyle user, as his body was covered in lacerations and slashes, all of which were thankfully non fatal.

The same however, could not be said of the burns however, as they covered large patches of his body with one even searing a large portion of the lower right side of his face.

Mizuki: "Mystic Palm Jutsu"

His hands turned a familiar light green colour as he applied the jutsu along his face, as he tried to heal him.

As he was able to get medical attention quicker, the scar that would appear on his face in the anime would drastically decreased in size, Mizuki was confident in it only covering the bridge of his nose.

However, his train of thought was cut off by his sense for danger suddenly skyrocketing.

Raido's teammate, who previously exhibited no suspicious behaviour, suddenly drastically increased in speed as they unsheathed their sword a swung it at Mizuki's neck.

Raido's Teammate: "You should not be so trusting as to leave your back exposed to anybody, especially somebody who you have never met"

Raido's Teammate: "Cloud Style: Crescent Moon Beheading"

Instantly, his sword generated a large, crescent shaped arc as it sliced through Mizuki's neck and took off his head.

However, rather than seeing a headless corpse, instead He was greeted with a puff of white smoke.

A shadow clone.

He silently let loose a string of curse words as he realized what had happened.

Mizuki: {And just like that, I have the final piece of the puzzle}

Mizuki: "You know, I have had to hold back every single time I have ever fought due to needing to be careful."

Mizuki: "But here on the other hand... I can finally let loose. As he said that, he looked towards "

As he said that, a wide, ear to ear grin emerged on his face as he looked towards the spy in front of him.

. . . . .

[1] I felt that it would make sense that chakra can be hidden from the jutsu as it is an incomplete version of itself, not to mention a variety of other factors.

[2] for his outfit, immagine him in a male version of Hinata's outfit in part one, with the beige sweatshirt and stuff.

[3] he always had to hold back in order to conceal the cards in his hand, even when Orochimaru was fighting him, he always needed to keep an ace hidden, however against an enemy spy, he no longer has these restrictions and he can finally go all out, hence his excitement.


There will definetly be another chapter for tommorow as well!

Also, lemme know if you like the new format with me dividing up parts of the chapters like I did.

Current Goal: 115 Power Stones

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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