
Reincarnated as Genshin Impact Characters in MHA with Warframe System

Genshin Impact + Warframe in MHA A RPG video game addict dies pathetically and is reincarnated by a god in MHA for views. (If only the author can do the same...) He ends up with 3 "playable" characters and a basic system. Unfortunately, his first character is a girl?! -------------------------------------------------- Author here! Happy New Year~ Gender Bend warning for those who don't like that. Story will be slow paced. This fanfic is purely for entertainment purposes. Cover photo is not mine. I do not own any characters from Genshin Impact, Warframe, or MHA.

UnreliableRen · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Family Matters 

Chapter 4: Family Matters

-Kaminari House -

*Third Person POV*

"I'm home~!"

Kirari greeted as she entered the home that she has lived in since her reincarnation. She swiftly took off her outdoor shoes and switched to indoor slippers.

After finally finding out that the world she now lives in is the My Hero Academia world, she started thinking up plans and adjusting her goals for the future.

"Welcome back." Kirari's mother, Hikari Kaminari, greeted her as she entered the living room which made her stop in place. She was sitting on the couch with her arms folded and legs crossed.

"Can you tell me where you have been all this time, Ki. ra. ri?" Hikari questioned with a gentle smile while accentuating her name.

But Kirari knew better. Behind that gentle smile she could sense an invisible, thick, suffocating black aura.

'Is that Conqueror's Haki?!' Kirari exclaimed in her head while remembering a certain anime from her past life that had still been ongoing for decades before she died.

On the ground in front of Hikari, two people were kneeling in dogeza-style. One was her older brother by a year, Denki Kaminari. The other one was the babysitter who was hired to look after the two siblings while their parents were out working during weekends.

'Shit' Kirari thought. Sweat started to form on her face. She knew that she was in a heap of trouble now. She immediately put her newly achieved 10 Mental to use in order to think up the best course of action to solve her crisis.

Kirari put the bag that was on her shoulder down and pushed it off to the side. This action didn't go unnoticed by Hikari but when she was about to ask her daughter about it, Kirari walked before her and kneeled dogeza-style along with the other two. She did this to take her mother's attention away from the bag. Obviously, having weapons at such a young age is a big nope, which was why Kirari had to make her own in the first place.

"I'm sorry Mama! I went out to play in the park." Kirari stated in the kneeling position.

"Hmmm. And why did you go without telling Honoka-san or Denki?" replied Hikari, her intimidating figure still on full force.

"Honoka-nee and Onii-chan were having fun watching All Might on tv. I didn't want to bother them."

The two stiffened up when they heard her words.

'Sorry guys. It's either you or me and I really don't want to be on my Mom's bad side. I can't let her find out that her four-year-old daughter is making dangerous weapons in the forest. She might ground me and I won't have the chance to level up anymore.'

"I see. Is this true Honoka-san?" Hikari turned towards the largest kneeling figure and asked.

An audible gulp was heard by Kirari but she maintained her dogeza without looking up.

"Y-Yes. It's true." Honoka-san, the babysitter from next door nervously replied.

"Don't bully Honoka-nee! Eek! I'm sorry!" Denki, who had been quiet all this time suddenly shot upwards. But a single glare (Conqueror Haki) from his mother instantly put him back down.

"Haaa. Honoka-san, I understand that you really admire All Might and that you want to become a pro hero in the future. But my husband and I hired you and gave you the responsibility to look after our children while we are out. Being a hero means that you will have a lot of responsibilities. You should understand what I am trying to say, right?..."

And then the lecture started. Hikari lectured the girl for thirty minutes straight. By this point, the legs of the three kneeling people were already numb.

"… Make sure this does not happen again, understood?"

"Y-Yes! I'm sorry for my negligence!" Honoka replied with teary eyes.

"Okay. You can go home now."

Honoka wobbly stood up and returned to her house next door.

'Whew. Thank Dio it's over.' Kirari thought.

"As for you Kirari…"

'Or not. Ugh.' Kirari inwardly groaned.

"I finished my patrol early so that I could spend some quality time with my children. But then I found out you were missing when I got home! Do you know how worried I was?! I was this close to calling the police before you got back. A child your age shouldn't be outside when there could be villains just around the corner! Who knows w-"

"But I was lonely. Honoka-nee and Onii-chan were busy watching tv and Mama and Papa are always busy with work…"

Kirari said with the most pitiable and child-like look she could muster. But inwardly…

'You leave me no choice! You have activated my trap card: Guilt Trip! Its effect is to immediately cancel all parents' lecturing.'

"Oh sweety… Mama and Papa are sorry we are so busy. But you see… we need to work so that we can stop the villains so that you and Denki and everyone else can stay safe… Because that's what heroes do."

Hikari said with a helpless expression. Her black aura disappeared completely and was replaced with a gentle motherly aura. She opened her arms as a signal. Kirari noticed this and got up and hugged her mother. Denki, who almost fell asleep while kneeling soon followed.

"Don't worry Mom, Kirari! When I awaken my quirk, I will become a hero and defeat all the villains, just like All Might! Then we can play together all the time!" Denki said with enthusiasm and lightening up the mood.

"Ohhh, my sweet cute babies! Come, let's go to the store and get some ice cream before your father gets home." Hikari hugged them tighter and started walking towards the entrance while carrying the two.

'Nice save Bro! Now, I won't get grounded!'

(Scene Break)

"You're grounded."


Later that night, the Kaminari household gathered at the dining table for dinner.

Hikari explained what had happened earlier in the day to her husband, the father of Kirari and Denki, Haruto Kaminari. He was a well-built man with spiky dark blonde hair. He was basically the adult version of Denki but with shorter hair. Unlike Hikari who was a pro hero, Haruto was the manager of a department in a large company. The high demand of his rare electricity related quirk in the job market allowed him to keep a job which gave very lucrative benefits. It was enough to give his family a good-sized home in a safe and secure neighborhood as well as provide for all his wife's needs as a pro hero.

"But I only went to the park and there were other kids there too!" Kirari protested while pouting and puffing out her cheeks.

"No buts. I know you are a smart girl, Kirari. You should know the dangers and what you did wrong and accept the consequences. From now on, you are not allowed to go out passed the gate. You can only play out in the yard." Haruto, seemingly unfazed but inwardly thinking how cute his daughter's pouting face was, gave his final verdict with a strict face.

Kirari unwilling, was about to use her trap card once again but was interrupted by a voice from the side.

"Dear, don't be too hard on her. We both know that she doesn't like interacting with the other children in day care. She is a bit tomboyish after all. Maybe she was just lonely and wanted to make some friends in the park?" Hikari said to try and cool her husband's head. She can tell that he is not really that mad but made his decision out of worry for his child's safety.

'Nice support Mom! Looks like my trap card is still in effect.' Kirari thought while keeping her head low.

"Plus, I'm the one in charge of patrolling the area around the park. I will make sure that the surroundings are safe. Or is it that you don't trust in your wife's abilities?" She added with a face that seemed to say 'Just give up will you?'

Haruto's face scrunched after hearing her words and he started reconsidering. Seeing this as her chance, Kirari looked at her father with her ultimate move.

Hikari used Puppy Dog Eyes on Haruto!


It's super effective!

"Okay okay, fine. Maybe I was a little hasty on my decision." Haruto said after giving in to his cute daughter's pleading look. "You can go to the park…"

"Yay!" Kirari got up from her seat, went to her, and hugged him. "Thank you Papa!"

"*Cough* However! There are some conditions." Haruto stated while trying to maintain a strict voice and patting Kirari's head.

'Tch.' Kirari clicked her tongue in her head. She expected this to happen, but as long as she can keep going to the park and level up she was willing to follow some rules.

"You can only go there when your mom says you can. If you go without asking for permission first, then you will be grounded like I said earlier. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Papa."

"Alright. Now go back to your seat and eat up. How about you Denki? You want to go to the park with your sister?" Haruto asked Denki, who had been focused on eating his dinner while everyone was talking. He was sneakily trying to put the vegetables he didn't like to eat on Kirari's unguarded plate. Unknown to him, his mother was secretly replacing his vegetables every time he did so.

"Hm? Ah. No I wanna play with Honoka-nee!"

Haruto raised his left eyebrow and gave a questioning look to Hikari to which she replied by giving an exasperated shrug. While the parents were having a conversation without words, Kirari returned to her plate and noticed the large pile of vegetables that seemed to have grown since when she last left it.

She looked sharply at Denki who turned his head and avoided meeting her gaze. It was clear to see that he was guilty but she didn't care and just ate the vegetables anyways like a good child. Hikari noticed this and nodded in approval. Kirari was her favorite child. Of course, this does not mean that she does not love Denki just as much as she loves Kirari. Parents will never admit to their children that they show favoritism otherwise it will cause a divide in the family.

The family continued eating and chatting when Haruto asked Denki something.

"Come to think of it, it's almost your birthday right Denki? Any ideas on what you want as a present?"

Hearing his father's words, Denki stood on his chair and shouted.

"I want an All Might toy! One where he goes whoosh and zoom!"

"Hahaha. Of course you-"


"Huh? Ahh Hahaha… Yay..."

While Denki was moving around trying to emulate All Might, sparks were suddenly released from his hands leaving a trail as he flung them around. And immediately afterwards, he fell into a daze as if his brain short-circuited.

"!!! Dear did you see that?! Did his quirk awaken?!" Hikari exclaimed but Haruto did not reply because he had already gotten up and was in the process of grabbing Denki and lifting him up in the air like a certain monkey did to a lion cub in a movie.

"Wahahaha! My boy has an electric quirk just like his father!"

Without even verifying it, Haruto was praising his son. Denki was his favorite child, not that he would admit it. He has enough control over his quirk to sense and know exactly what Denki just did.

"You mean just like his mother!" As if on cue, Hikari snatched Denki from Haruto's hands and hugged him smashing his face in between her breasts. She was elated to find out that her son had just shown that he has an electric type quirk just like his parents.

'How enviable!' Haruto thought but immediately dismissed the idea of getting jealous of his own son. Little did he know that on the side, his own daughter was thinking the same thing.

'No, stop Kirari. Bad Kirari. That is your mother. You have had enough time getting "close" to her for the past few years.' She thought while shaking her head.

"Quickly, let's go to the doctor for a check-up!" He said as he left the dining room to call the hospital and get the car ready.

Hikari with Denki in her arms followed soon after.

Kirari who was still eating her vegetables watched her family quickly get into the car and pull out of the drive way before driving off disappearing from her view.

"Uh huh… Did they just leave their four-year-old daughter home alone? What about all that talk earlier about 'safety'?" She spoke to herself knowing no one was around to hear.

But just then, a screeching sound was heard from outside as if someone who was driving in a hurry suddenly slammed the brakes.

Soon, the family car reappeared in her view while it was dangerously driving in reverse.

"Kirari! What are you doing?! Hurry up and get in the car!" Haruto yelled while sticking his head out the car window.

"Dear! Keep it down! You'll disturb the neighbors!" Hikari yelled just as loud as Haruto.

"Haaa. Coming!" Kirari replied while shaking her head at her parents' antics.

'I wonder when I will awaken my quirk…' She thought while leaving her house but not before locking the front door.

(Scene Break)

"I'm sorry to say this, but your daughter is quirkless."

Upon hearing the doctor's words, the entire Kaminari family's jaws dropped. The room was silent for a good while until Kirari spoke and broke the silence.

"Oh my Dio."

Behold, my Dao of Cliffhangers has reached level 3 like Kirari!

I really liked writing this chapter even if it’s a bit cliché. Though I’m not used to so much dialogue. I’m still a novice writer and I’m trying to improve. Not just for my sake, but also to improve the reader’s experience.

Oh and don’t worry about MC being quirkless. She as well as the other characters will have one but it will be considered as a Skill in the [Level Up System].

P.S.: One Piece will never end. Change my mind.

UnreliableRencreators' thoughts