
Reincarnated as Chelsea in the world of "Akame Ga Kill"

So, this guy kicks the bucket on his way home, and what do you know? He wakes up in the freakin' world of "Akame Ga Kill" as Chelsea! Talk about a major plot twist, right? Anyway, Chelsea's got the inside scoop because she knows the anime. She's fully aware of her crappy fate—getting brutally killed by Kurome, Akame's sister. But guess what? She's not going down without a fight! Chelsea's on a mission to change her destiny and stay alive. She's tiptoeing around the main story, trying not to get too caught up in all the craziness. Hang on tight as Chelsea battles to rewrite her own tragic ending in the messed-up world of "Akame Ga Kill." Support me at : https://www.subscribestar.com/christopher_novels You will get exclusive acess to chapters in advance and can make requests for new fan-fics on your favorite popular anime series.

Christopher_Frost7 · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

[Chapter 5]

The spear reached its target with accuracy, piercing the danger beast's head and rendering it immobile.

Chelsea quickly descended and started to skin the beast, cursing under her breath, "Damn, there's too much blood! More will be attracted here soon." She was in a hurry.

She efficiently skinned the meat of the beast, then took out some flasks to extract its blood. She also collected its fangs. All these items could be sold for sky-high prices in the market since danger beasts required extensive fighting power and trained soldiers to hunt them.

As Chelsea worked, she started to hear footsteps, a sign that other beasts were nearby. She quickly gathered her materials and fled the scene.

The footsteps the danger beasts produced were different than those of humans and could be easily distinguished from a distance as well with just some experience and practice.

After a short journey through the forest, she returned to the village and secretly made her way back to her house.

She reached into her pocket and took out a wrapped lollipop. Unwrapping it, she put it in her mouth, savoring the rich and sweet flavor that instantly made her blush lightly.


Chelsea loved candies, and though she never expected to become a lollipop addict like the Chelsea from the anime, it seemed some things could never be changed.

'Lollipops are the best.'

She opened the door and entered her house. As soon as she stepped inside, she heard Lily's voice.

"Sister! You went out to hunt again! I told you to stop going out without me. What will I do if something happens to you?" Lily fumed in anger.

In these four years, Lily had also matured. Now seven years old, she was intelligent and strong. Thanks to Chelsea's training from an early age, Lily was easily stronger than most adults in the village, which shouldn't have been possible considering she was a child and a girl at that. But she possessed imperial arms that she had yet to awaken, so being more powerful than ordinary adults was no issue for her.

"Alright! How about I make your favorite dish today?" Chelsea asked Lily.

Lily's eyes widened at the thought of devouring her favorite dish. Drool started to collect in her mouth. She loved her sister's cooking and considered Chelsea the best cook in the world.

'Wait,' Lily's face darkened as she realized that her sister was changing topics, a habit Chelsea had developed over time. Lily often regretted teaching Chelsea this habit.

Lily was very familiar with her sister's behavior. She knew Chelsea was playful, even in the most serious of times. And above all, her sister loved candies. Chelsea always had a lollipop in her mouth and carried a whole stack of them wherever she went.

Chelsea's addiction had reached the point where she could not go a day without a lollipop. Lily suspected it was due to the extreme stress Chelsea had been under since she was a child, looking after her, the house, earning money, and doing menial jobs. It seemed that Chelsea wanted some sort of stress reliever, and lollipops came into the picture. Lily even used lollipops to threaten Chelsea into taking rest or doing something she wanted. It was manipulative, but Lily always wanted the best for her big sister, so she didn't mind using such tactics.

It was ridiculous how her dependable sister was such a child inside.

'Hehe, it's a secret that only I know of. Who would expect such a caring and dependable big sister to be such a little girl inside?' Lily smirked, thinking of evil ways to tease Chelsea in the future.

After lunch, it was time for Chelsea to go to Aunt Kalie's house to help her with some dresses. Lily would also be going with her. At one point, Lily had to abandon her isolated lifestyle in the dark, even though she detested sunlight. She would go out with Chelsea to help her because Chelsea already had enough burdens, and Lily couldn't bring herself to rest when her sister worked so hard. Of course, Chelsea didn't agree at first when Lily demanded to go with her everywhere.

In the end, Lily had to use lollipops to make Chelsea submit, but Chelsea was still firm about not taking Lily to the forests. Lily was fine with that. If her sister denied something so strongly that even lollipops wouldn't work, it was the boundary line. Chelsea wouldn't agree any further, no matter what tricks Lily adopted.

And from then on, Lily would literally be with Chelsea wherever she went. It had become a habit for Lily to be with her sister at all times, monitoring her life and keeping her stress to a minimum.

Just as Chelsea was addicted to lollipops, Lily was also addicted to her big sister. Lily wanted her sister's presence at all times. Chelsea was unaware of Lily's growing obsession with her. Even if she knew about it now, there was nothing that could be done. It was probably Chelsea's own fault for raising Lily this way. Well, one couldn't expect much from Chelsea, considering she had died young in her previous life and had no experience in handling little children. Yet, Chelsea had tried her best to make Lily strong.

Overall, Lily was obsessed with Chelsea.

The sisters left the house after ensuring it was securely locked. Although it was unlikely that anyone would rob their house in the middle of the village, Chelsea was paranoid about it. She had earned considerable wealth in these four years, to the point that having three meals every day was no longer a problem.

Their destination was Aunt Kalie's house. On their way there, they were suddenly stopped by an individual. It was a boy, someone familiar to both Lily and Chelsea. They both recognized him, but they wondered why he had stopped them.

Lily frowned...

She knew about the boy all too well and she hated this boy in front of her who had stopped her and her sister


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