
Reincarnated as Chelsea in the world of "Akame Ga Kill"

So, this guy kicks the bucket on his way home, and what do you know? He wakes up in the freakin' world of "Akame Ga Kill" as Chelsea! Talk about a major plot twist, right? Anyway, Chelsea's got the inside scoop because she knows the anime. She's fully aware of her crappy fate—getting brutally killed by Kurome, Akame's sister. But guess what? She's not going down without a fight! Chelsea's on a mission to change her destiny and stay alive. She's tiptoeing around the main story, trying not to get too caught up in all the craziness. Hang on tight as Chelsea battles to rewrite her own tragic ending in the messed-up world of "Akame Ga Kill." Support me at : https://www.subscribestar.com/christopher_novels You will get exclusive acess to chapters in advance and can make requests for new fan-fics on your favorite popular anime series.

Christopher_Frost7 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6

[Chapter 6]

Lily scowled, recognizing the figure standing before her. It was Kai, the village blacksmith's son. In this small community, his father held great importance as the provider of utensils for the entire village and the repairer of weapons for passing travelers and adventurers. Consequently, Kai enjoyed a higher social status than the other children.

As the son of a respected figure, Kai held influence over the village, which made him quite popular, especially among the girls. With his average face adorned by unkempt brown hair, black eyes, and a few freckles on his nose, he stood at an average height for his age.

But Lily harbored a deep dislike for Kai. Her intelligence and emotional sensitivity surpassed even that of her sister, Chelsea. She possessed an uncanny ability to read people, and she had quickly deduced Kai's true intentions. For the past two years, Lily had observed his constant pursuit of her sister. She noticed the way he looked at Chelsea, unlike any other girl in the village. Fortunately, Chelsea remained blissfully unaware of his advances, her dense nature rendering her oblivious to Kai's subtle signals. Paradoxically, this seemed to have fueled Kai's interest in Chelsea even further.

Being a boy in past life, Chelsea never picked up the signs Kai showed after all, she just treated him as a buddy.

Lily's revulsion toward Kai stemmed from her inability to fathom the thought of her sister becoming involved with a man. It simply did not sit well with her.

In Lily's mind, Chelsea belonged exclusively to her, and her alone.

Chelsea glanced at Kai, her curiosity piqued. They had developed a friendship since Kai's arrival in the village two years ago, although Lily and Kai rarely interacted. The reason behind their lack of interaction remained a mystery to Chelsea.

Considering their age, both Kai and Chelsea were eight years old. Chelsea never expected to have a male friend at this stage of her life. Understanding that children at their age were typically shy and gravitated toward same-sex friendships, Kai's friendship stood out as an anomaly. Nonetheless, having once been a boy herself in a previous life, Chelsea relished the opportunity to befriend Kai. She treated him no differently than she had treated her male friends before.

On the whole, Kai proved to be a decent individual. Despite being the son of the blacksmith, he remained humble and treated Chelsea and her sister with respect.

"What's up, Kai?" Chelsea asked, her voice friendly and warm.

"Are you going somewhere, Chelsea?" Kai inquired, directing his question toward her.

Before Chelsea could respond, Lily interjected with a mocking tone, "What does it matter to you? She doesn't need to report her whereabouts to you."

Kai's patience wore thin upon hearing Lily's words. Their relationship had always been adversarial for some inexplicable reason. In fact, Lily rarely engaged with anyone in the village. The other children often referred to her as a troublemaker due to her tone and attitude, tarnishing her reputation. Despite her undeniable cuteness, she remained an outsider, for no one dared to approach her.

Oddly enough, Lily appeared unfazed by her social isolation, as long as she had her sister by her side. Such thoughts were to be expected from a seven-year-old.

"I didn't ask you, Lily. Whether Chelsea chooses to share her plans or not is entirely up to her. How about you refrain from making decisions on her behalf?" Kai retorted firmly, his frustration palpable.

"Huh!? I'm her little sister, so I care about her. You're a stranger and have no right to know where she's going, what she's doing, or how she behaves."

"I'm not a 'stranger.' I'm her friend, and friends often share things and support each other. But I suppose someone like you, who has no friends, wouldn't understand," Kai fired back, his words laced with a mix of irritation and exasperation.

"What did you say!?" Lily's temper flared, ready to escalate the situation.

Sensing the tension escalating, Chelsea intervened, her voice calm but firm. "Calm down, you two. Kai, we're heading to Aunt Kalie's house for some work. And Lily, please don't be rude."

Kai nodded, forcing a smile. Lily had always managed to spoil his mood, her constant presence by Chelsea's side preventing him from having any meaningful alone time. That brat was a constant source of frustration.

"Alright then, I'm going to help my dad with some deliveries. See you later!" Kai decided it was best to leave before his anger toward Lily consumed him further. He needed to maintain a positive image in front of Chelsea.

Chelsea bid farewell to Kai and, accompanied by a grumbling Lily, made their way to Aunt Kalie's house.

"Aunt Kalie, we've arrived!" Chelsea announced, knocking on the door.

From within, a frail voice beckoned, "Come in."

Simultaneously, the sisters entered the house, where they found an elderly woman lying on a mat. The signs of old age were evident in her frailty and sickly appearance. In recent days, she had been plagued by illness, prompting Chelsea to frequently visit and offer her assistance with household chores.

"Chelsea and Lily, my, how you two have grown! Haha, your future husbands will surely be delighted," the old lady remarked, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

"Hmph. We're not planning to marry anyone, old hag," Lily retorted, seemingly offended by the suggestion.

Unperturbed by Lily's defiance, the old lady continued, well aware of her mischievous nature since childhood. Despite her occasional rebelliousness, she recognized Lily as a fundamentally good-hearted girl.

"Now that you're here, Chelsea, I have something important to tell you," the old lady's tone shifted, growing serious and grave, capturing Chelsea's full attention.

"A few days ago, a merchant inquired about you. He had taken some clothes you designed back to his hometown, and they sold remarkably well – beyond his expectations. He hastily returned, expressing a desire to meet you," the old lady disclosed.

"He's currently staying in the village, and when I mentioned that I would inform you, the decision of whether or not to meet him rests entirely with you."

"But let me offer a word of caution – he didn't strike me as the most trustworthy person. If you decide to meet him, ensure you have someone accompanying you," the old lady warned, concern evident in her voice.


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