
Reincarnated As An Undead In My Novel.

'Thanatos' is one of the most popular Authors in the world, but he has a dark past. ... A novel he considers to be his biggest flop. One day, a reader brings this novel to his notice and tries to make him complete it, with threats. He refuses, but soon finds himself in the very world he created and abandoned many years ago. Now reincarnated as a mere Undead, Thanatos is stuck in this world as nothing more than an NPC and must navigate his way in this failed novel of his. Not just that... but he somehow has to see the story to the very end.

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14 Chs

Into The Fray

Charlotte, her eyes darting nervously around the flickering shadows cast by the fire, spoke with a tremor in her voice. "How did the monsters even find us? I thought we were being quiet and careful."

Thanatos, his glowing sockets turning from the darkness to the fire, then to the sizzling meat, and finally back to Charlotte, remained silent.

The gears turned in Charlotte's mind. "Oh," she whispered, her hand flying to her mouth in realization. "The smell… of the cooking meat. They can probably smell it from miles away."

Thanatos nodded grimly, his words a warning. "It won't be long before they're here. We need to get ready."

Charlotte, her voice rising in pitch and volume with every word, scrambled to her feet, knocking over the cooking pot in the process.

"What are we going to do?" she shrieked. "We can't fight them! They'll kill us!"

Her breathing became quick and erratic, her hands flying to her temples as she began pacing back and forth in front of the fire. "We're going to die in this godforsaken place!"

Thanatos rose to his full height, his eyes fixed on Charlotte.

"Judging by the vibrations," Thanatos said, his gravelly voice betraying no hint of fear, "We're dealing with a large horde. And judging by the subtle variations in the intensity of the rumbling, it would seem we are facing creatures of different species."

He cocked his head to one side, listening intently to the dungeon's ominous melody.

"It sounds like a pack of goblins, maybe even a few orcs." Thanatos paused, his bony hands clenching and unclenching. "And something bigger."

Charlotte's eyes widened, her hands trembling as she said in a trembling voice, "Oh no, this is bad." She began to pace faster, her thoughts racing.

"I've heard stories of orcs. They're brutal, violent. And if there's something bigger, well…" She trailed off, her mind conjuring all manner of horrific beasts.

Thanatos remained silent, his mind whirling with possibilities.

On the outside, his skeletal face remained expressionless, as Charlotte continued her panicked pacing. But on the inside, his thoughts were racing.

'She thinks this is bad,' he mused, 'But little does she know, this is exactly what I need. This is my chance to evolve.'

He knew that in order to survive in this world, he'd have to grow stronger, to adapt, and this was his chance.

He stood unmoving, the rhythmic clanking of the monsters' approach growing louder.

His focus remained fixed on the approaching horde, his mind calculating, strategizing, planning their defense.

Charlotte, still trembling with fear, glanced at Thanatos, her gaze imploring. But the skeleton's silence was a clear indication that he already had a plan.

She trusted him, and so she waited, magic at the ready.

The monsters drew ever closer, their heavy footsteps sending tremors through the earth.

Thanatos turned to Charlotte, his skeletal face expressionless, yet somehow conveying a sense of determination. "We need to set up a trap," he said.

Charlotte, her fear momentarily quelled by the sense of purpose in Thanatos' voice, nodded in response.

She knew they didn't have much time, and every second counted. "What do we do?" she asked, her voice shaking but resolute.


After some time had passed, the monsters crashed through the walls of the dungeon, breaking them apart.

The dungeon echoed with the roars and screams of the monsters, a cacophony of destruction that reverberated through the chamber.

The four seen creatures—orcs, goblins, wolves, and lamias—filled the space with their menacing presence.

However, there was one monster missing, one whose absence seemed to suggest that it was either the most powerful or the most cunning.

Its rumbling vibrations had resonated the deepest and most ominous of all the monsters.

With a collective growl, the monsters turned their gaze upon the cooking meat, their instincts piqued by the aroma of roasted flesh.

They eyed each other warily, their primal hunger battling against their territorial instincts.

The orcs, bellowing in guttural Orcish, slammed their axes against the walls, marking their territory with the deafening clang of steel on stone.

The goblins, snickering and hissing, brandished their daggers, ready to fight for their share of the food.

As the orcs and goblins clashed, the wolves howled in response, baring their fangs and snarling at each other, teeth snapping and saliva dripping as they fought for supremacy.

Meanwhile, the lamias slithered across the floor, hissing and spitting venom, their cold reptilian eyes fixed on the meat, their tongues flicking hungrily.

The combination of growls, roars, and hisses filled the dungeon, each monster vying for dominance and each seeking to claim their share of the spoils.

The monstrous clamor reached a fever pitch, the dungeon filled with the sounds of warring creatures.

But then, a deafening roar echoed through the cavern, a sound that seemed to shake the very foundation of the earth.

The orcs, goblins, wolves, and lamias froze in place, their growls and hisses fading away as they turned to face the source of the roar.

The troll emerged from the shadows, its massive frame casting a foreboding shadow over the other monsters.

The other monsters stood still, awed and fearful in the presence of the troll.

The orcs, their brutish bulk no match for the behemoth before them, sheathed their weapons in defeat.

The goblins, their scrawny frames shaking in terror, skittered away to the darkest corners of the dungeon.

The wolves, their hackles lowered in submission, slunk away to the shadows.

And the lamias, their serpentine tongues curled in warning, coiled away from the troll's path.

The troll moved with deliberate, ponderous strides, each step reverberating through the dungeon like a drumbeat.

As it passed each creature, the other monsters retreated, bowing their heads and yielding the way to the more powerful being.

With each step the troll took, the silence grew thicker and more oppressive, until finally the last creature slunk away, leaving the troll alone with the cooking meat, its burning eyes fixed on its prize.

The tension in the air was palpable, the monsters' instincts for survival warring with their greed for the meat.

With a collective roar, they charged, the wolves' claws digging into the stone floor, the orcs' muscles rippling with primal rage, the goblins' knives flashing in the dim light, and the lamias hissing venomous threats.

The ground shook and trembled under the onslaught, the cracks in the foundation growing wider, the fissures deeper.

With one final, thunderous crash, the ground gave way, collapsing beneath the monsters' feet.

As the ground collapsed, the cooking meat swung precariously above the chasm, dangling by a thread.

Charlotte and Thanatos, their trap now sprung, stood on the edge, looking down at the chaos below.

The monsters, screaming and thrashing in the abyss, flailed against the sticky, flammable material Charlotte had cast over the ground.

Charlotte and Thanatos looked at each other, the plan now unfolding before them.

A shared, grim smile crossed their faces as they prepared to ignite the trap.

Thanatos, his bony fingers tightening around a torch, gave Charlotte an order. "Cast a protection rune on me!" he said.

Charlotte's eyes flashed with magic, her voice rising in a crescendo of arcane words.

The symbols of the rune formed around Thanatos, a shimmering shield of energy enveloping his skeletal form.

With a feral grin, Thanatos hurled the torch into the pit.

The flames erupted, engulfing the monsters in a raging inferno. Their shrieks of agony echoed through the dungeon.

"I'll be back," Thanatos said, and then, without hesitation, he leapt into the pit.

The flames licked at his skeletal form, the heat searing the bones, but the protective rune held, warding off the fire.

Thanatos landed amidst the chaos, the magicules in the air swirling around his hand to form a blade of blazing energy.

His eyes, burning with a malevolent glint, focused on the monsters before him.

With the silent grace of a death reaper, he lunged into the fray, his scythe-like blade carving through flesh and bone, his movements a deadly dance of death and destruction.

enjoy the chapter.

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