
Reincarnated As An Undead In My Novel.

'Thanatos' is one of the most popular Authors in the world, but he has a dark past. ... A novel he considers to be his biggest flop. One day, a reader brings this novel to his notice and tries to make him complete it, with threats. He refuses, but soon finds himself in the very world he created and abandoned many years ago. Now reincarnated as a mere Undead, Thanatos is stuck in this world as nothing more than an NPC and must navigate his way in this failed novel of his. Not just that... but he somehow has to see the story to the very end.

Tehn · Fantasy
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77 Chs

An Epic Boss Fight

Thanatos harnessed the magicules within him, redirecting their flow to his legs, granting him a burst of preternatural speed.

With a display of agility that defied his skeletal form, he closed in on his first target, a goblin.

The creature, consumed by pain and fear, could only squirm in the flames and the gluey material as Thanatos raised his magicule blade.

With a single, decisive stroke, Thanatos put the goblin out of its misery.

With the goblin dispatched, Thanatos turned his gaze towards the remaining enemies.

His magicule blade cut through the air like a scythe through wheat, its edge finding the weaknesses in the armor of the orcs.

The brutish monsters tried to muster a defense, their powerful muscles tensing for a counterattack, but Thanatos' speed was too great, his blade too swift.

One by one, he dispatched the orcs, their blood staining the already scorched floor of the dungeon.

A lamia, its serpentine body writhing and undulating through the flames, lunged towards Thanatos with lightning speed.

Its fanged maw opened wide, eager to claim its prey.

Thanatos, with an almost instinctive reflex, sprang into the air, the momentum from his empowered legs carrying him beyond the lamia's reach.

As he arced through the air, he willed the magicules into a downward push, accelerating his descent.

He fell in a nosedive, the lamia's serpentine body slithering beneath him, its fangs snapping at empty air.

With a swift flick of his skeletal wrist, his blade sliced through the lamia's neck.

The creature's body twitched in its death throes, as it collapsed to the floor.

He landed gracefully on the stone floor, his gaze already finding its next target.

The goblins, sensing their end, screeched and scrambled towards the shadows.

Thanatos, momentarily distracted by the goblins' retreat, failed to notice the danger that approached him from the side.

The stinging impact caught him by surprise, a powerful force striking his skeletal frame with enough strength to send him careening through the air.

He crashed against the rough stone wall, the force of the impact sending a cascade of dust and debris into the air.

As he struggled to regain his footing, his eyes flashed with a feral rage.

He scanned the dungeon, seeking out the source of the attack.

The dust from his collision with the wall settled, and his gaze narrowed with fury.

He scanned the dungeon, his eyes flitting from alcove to alcove, desperate to find the source of his surprise attack.

In the shadowy corner, a towering mass of muscle and fur emerged.

The troll, its brutish form illuminated by the flames that danced across the dungeon floor, clutched a crude mace, its stony head caked in Thanatos' own bone fragments.

The sound of the creatures' retreat faded into the shadows, leaving Thanatos and the troll alone in the pit.

In the flickering light of the flames, the two antagonists stood poised for battle, their eyes locked in a silent, deadly exchange.

In the silence, Thanatos' thoughts raced. Without the sensation of pain, he knew his injuries were severe, the damage to his rib cage extensive.

He briefly glanced down, confirming his suspicions—his ribs, jagged and splintered, his bones badly cracked.

Amid the battle, Thanatos glanced upward, meeting Charlotte's eyes.

She was observing him from the edge of the pit, her expression both concerned and interested. For a moment, his thoughts turned to her.

Thanatos, his attention fixed on the troll, gave Charlotte a subtle nod and a curt gesture.

Though the nature of his silent communication was a mystery, Charlotte seemed to understand.

She nodded back, not once, but three times in quick succession, before turning on her heels and darting out of sight.

Satisfied with whatever plan he'd concocted, he began his dance with the troll, his feet swiftly evading each crushing blow, his blade whirling through the air.

His movements, calculated and precise, bided his time until he spied an opening in the troll's lumbering attacks.

With a sudden burst of speed, he darted forward, his magicule blade piercing the creature's exposed abdomen.

The troll roared in pain, staggering backwards, its stony flesh torn.

Yet, even as Thanatos withdrew his blade, its gleaming edge coated in a viscous, emerald ichor, the troll recovered with alarming speed.

Its skin, resilient beyond reckoning, knitted itself back together before Thanatos could strike again.

He cursed inwardly, chastising himself for forgetting the troll's regenerative abilities. 'Damnit, I should've known better!'

His momentary distraction cost him. The troll, its massive arm swinging like a club, connected squarely with his rib cage.

The force of the blow was immense, hurling him into the wall with a sickening crunch, his bony form denting the rock.

Thanatos, his thoughts ringing, slid to the ground, his head lolling to the side.

As he lay crumpled against the wall, his vision blurring, his thoughts grew strangely calm.

He accepted his fate with an unexpected serenity. 'I guess this is it,' he thought.

'The end of my story. I can barely move, and yet, I feel at peace. The pain is gone. Perhaps this isn't a bad way to go out, after all.'

The troll, its mace raised in triumph, stomped closer and closer towards Thanatos' prone form.

Thanatos' thoughts faded, a warm, peaceful darkness creeping over his consciousness.

'I'll just sleep for a while,' he thought, his vision growing dimmer with each passing moment. 'It's been ages since I've slept.'

But just as he was ready to succumb to the embrace of oblivion, a shrill scream pierced the silence.

Charlotte's voice, high and terrified, jolted him back to the present.

'Charlotte, what happens to her if I die now?' Thanatos thought, his determination wavering as the darkness beckoned.

But then, something stirred deep within him, a resolute defiance that would not accept defeat. "No!" he growled. "I can't die now. I have to leave this dungeon, I have to get her out of here. This is my creation and I won't let it conquer me!"

With a surge of resolve, Thanatos focused every last shred of energy into his weakened limbs, willing his magicules to concentrate and strengthen his legs.

The muscles tensed and bulged, releasing a burst of power that sent him rocketing into the air.

As he flew upward, a blur of bone and magicules, he caught sight of Charlotte.

She had passed him the stone spear she had created earlier, its tip shimmering with enchantment.

With the precision of a marksman, she hurled it towards Thanatos, who snatched it out of the air with inhuman dexterity.

Thanatos, a skeletal specter suspended in the air, shouted a wordless battle cry, drawing every ounce of magicules from his body and the environment, and channeling them into his hand.

The spear, now pulsing with raw magical energy, glowed with an almost unbearable light.

With a primal, guttural howl, Thanatos unleashed the spear with all his might.

It streaked through the air, a burning bolt of fury and despair, and found its mark in the troll's single eye.

The troll's agonized howl filled the dungeon, reverberating off the stone walls with enough force to shake the very foundation of the earth.

It dropped its mace to the ground and desperately clawed at the spear protruding from its eye, its immense strength insufficient to dislodge it.

Meanwhile, Thanatos plummeted to the earth, his arm ablaze with magical energy.

In a deft display of agility, he landed on the troll's broad shoulders.

With Thanatos standing atop the troll's shoulders, he was perfectly positioned to deliver his final blow.

The troll, weakened by the spear protruding from its eye, struggled to maintain its balance, unaware of Thanatos' impending strike.

With a vicious snarl and the crackling surge of his magicules, Thanatos gripped the spear with both hands and, with a resounding cry, plunged it deeper into the troll's eye socket.

Both Thanatos and the troll screamed in unison, the air alive with their respective cries of pain and fury.

As the spear pierced the troll's eyeball, Thanatos tore it free with a sickening squelch, his hands slick with the creature's ichor.

With a piercing wail, the troll, now partially blinded, grasped Thanatos with one massive, calloused hand and began to squeeze, crushing his lower half in its grasp.

Undeterred by the pain he could not feel, Thanatos struggled against the troll's grip, his hands working frantically to position the spear.

With one final, feral scream, Thanatos rammed the spear through the troll's remaining eye, the weapon burrowing deep into its brain.

The troll let out a guttural roar, its grasp on Thanatos loosening as it thrashed violently, clawing at its face in a fruitless attempt to dislodge the weapon.

As the creature's screams subsided, its arms fell limp, and its titanic form collapsed to the ground with a deafening thud, leaving Thanatos sprawled in the beast's shadow.

He lay still for a moment, his arms still clutched around the spear, his chest heaving with the effort of the battle.

'I did it. I actually did it,' Thanatos thought to himself, his body still buzzing with the remnants of adrenaline.

The creature was dead, and he had survived, though he was battered and bruised.

But more than that, this victory signaled something greater—the certainty of evolution, of becoming stronger.

A glimmer of accomplishment flickered in Thanatos' mind as the battle's exhaustion seeped into his bones.

"Yes, now I can evolve," he whispered, his words echoed in the silent dungeon.

I'm sorry for not releasing as consistently as I should I'm really busy with school and I have exams coming up, I release the next chapter soon though, and I hope you enjoyed this one, if you did you can send power stones and other stuff to help support the book, thanks.

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