
Ninjutsu and Academy Exam.

Gin stayed the next week trapped inside a hospital room occasionally receiving visits from the friends he made at Hinata's birthday party, but the little white-eyed girl never showed up. The silver-haired boy was lucky that the kunai that hit him went straight through the muscle and didn't connect with any bones, essential arteries or vital nerves making it, so he only needed a few weeks to be back in peak shape condition.

The two weeks that followed after the medic nins discharged Gin from the hospital were spent mostly with him, Shikamaru, Kamimaru, and Chouji hanging out together. They would just relax and watch the clouds, sometimes talking about random stuff and sometimes just playing childish games. Gin's friendship with the Nara Heir and the Akimichi Heir did not go unnoticed by the boy's parents that were happy they were spending some time with someone else instead of playing just the two of them.

Tsume waited patiently for Gin's injuries to heal but started him on an intensive training schedule to increase his stamina. The mother wanted to make sure she would never have to see her child in that kind of situation again. She also tried to force Kiba to train more, but no matter what the woman did he would always skip training or do it half-heartedly which left her no other choice but to wait until the older twin took an interest in getting stronger.

"Good job Pup! Now that your stamina increased a little it's time to start your training in Ninjutsu!" Tsume said looking at the spark that lit up in her son's eyes. "I will teach you the three academy level ninjutsu at once and will explain the process of mastery for them only one time, so you better pay attention."

"Hai!" Gin said enthusiastically.

"The first one is going to be the Henge no Jutsu a ninjutsu used to transform yourself into an object or a person of your choosing. In the beginning, you won't be able to make it perfect." Tsume then stopped for a few seconds and continued. "First repeat the hand seals with me without putting any chakra in the technique."

Tsume upon receiving Gin's head nod executed the sequence of Dog-Boar-Ram and instantly transformed in an exact copy of the son that was in front of her.

"At first your transformations will be easy to discern from the real deal but will improve over time to be unrecognizable. When you can transform perfectly, you will have to work on the amount of time you can keep it up, in reducing the amount of chakra per second and in reducing the number of hand seals needed to only one." Tsume continued to set goals for Gin. "After you've reached an acceptable level try to use the technique without releasing any smoke and then you will have mastered the Henge no Jutsu to a usable level."

Gin kept repeating the sequence of hand seals without the use of chakra while still paying attention to his mother's explanation.

"Now the next ninjutsu you will learn will be the Kawarimi no Jutsu a technique that will allow you to switch positions with an object giving you a way to escape from danger." Tsume said before showing the sequence of Tiger-Boar-Ox-Dog-Snake hand seals and switching with a wood log. "In order to master this Jutsu, you will need to perform it without any hand seals, without releasing any smoke and without saying the name of the technique out loud." The mother saw her child's face as he was trying to absorb all the information before asking. "Are you following Pup?"

"Hai Kaachan!" Gin answered with a bright smile.

"Good! Now the last ninjutsu you will learn today is the Bushin no Jutsu that creates an illusionary copy of yourself which has no shadow and can't attack, but is good to confuse your opponent." Tsume then performed the hand seals Ram-Snake-Tiger and formed a perfect copy of herself. "To complete your training, you will need to form a clone without releasing smoke, form more than one clone at a time and use the jutsu with only one hand seal."

(A Few Months Later...)

Gin and Kiba were approaching Konoha's Shinobi Academy accompanied by Hana so they could take the entrance exam. All the Clan Heirs were present some with their parents and some with other relatives. After registering they all went to a classroom near the entrance of the academy where the written exam would take place.

Inside the children took their seats in different parts of the room while waiting for the tall black-haired and black-bearded shinobi standing behind the teacher's desk to start the test. Gin heard from his sister that the first part of the exam was more about making sure the kids could read and wright than about the level of knowledge they had.

"Good Morning Kids! My name is Inume Akira, and I'll be watching the first exam." The man said while distributing the test sheets to the children. "This part won't be difficult at all, and the questions are all about yourselves so don't even try to cheat because only you can answer for youself." Akira delivered the last paper sheet before screaming. "Start!!!"

Gin looked at the test sheet and was amazed at how simple and easy it all was. He only had to answer some things about his life like 'How many brothers and sisters do you have?' or 'How many friends do you have?' and there was even the question he found the most amusing 'What is your favorite food?'. When he saw this question he was sure one of the test sheets from this exam would have the word 'Ramen' all over it.

The silver-haired boy quickly finished the questionary and gave the teacher his paper before leaving the room and meeting with his sister where they both waited a few minutes for Kiba before going outside to take the second part of the exam. The three got to an obstacle course that was built outside the academy and met up with the crowd of kids and adults that were waiting for the examiner to arrive.

A few minutes later when all the examinees were gathered a woman that had brown straight hair, dark eyes and was dressed as a shinobi started approaching the group .

"Ok, kids you can call me Kaname-sensei the proctor for the second exam that will test your body condition. When you run through the obstacle course behind me the maximum amount of time you can take to complete it will be five minutes and any more than that will get you disqualified. We start with the first one to finish the written exam and work in that order." The woman said before checking a list she was holding in her hand and declaring. "Inuzuka Gin you are first."

Gin ran through the course effortlessly and finished it in one minute and twelve seconds earning a compliment from the sensei and a few envious glares from the crowd. After both him and Kiba were done Hana took them to the last part of the exam were they would have an interview with three other teachers from the academy.

When it was his turn the silver-haired boy entered the room and went to stand in the center of it looking in the direction of the chalkboard where he could see three shinobi sitting behind a desk with a pen in hand and some papers in front.

"My name is Inuzuka Gin, and I am here to take the last exam." The silver-haired boy introduced himself like he was othered to by Hana.

"Good morning Gin my name is Umino Iruka, but you can call me Iruka-sensei." Said a brown-haired man with a scar on top of his nose. "This is Mizuki-sensei, and that is Jumonji-sensei." The teacher said pointing first to a white-haired, dark-eyed man and then to another man that was pretty muscular and had short brown hair. "We will ask a few more questions about you that were not in the written exam. Is that alright?"

"Hai Sensei!" Gin answered without showing any emotion on his face.

"First tell us how well you did in the physical exam and before you answer me remember that there is no point in lying since we will find out the results later!" Mizuki demanded.

"According to Kaname-sensei, my time was one minute and twelve seconds." Gin said looking at the disbelief in the faces of the teachers that just heard what he said.

"Hey kid there is no point in lying..." Mizuki started yelling before being interrupted.

"Calm down Mizuki, we don't know yet if he is lying and we will find out later anyway. For now, let's continue!" Jumonji said before turning to Gin and asking. "Why do you want to be a shinobi kid?"

"To protect my family!" Gin answered without a second of hesitation.

"And what about the rest of the people in Konoha?" Iruka asked looking into the boy's eyes.

"Kaachan taught me that everyone in Konoha is part of the pack and she also taught me that we the Inuzuka protect the pack and to us the pack is family. It doesn't matter if we like them or not we cannot abandon them and we have to be ready to give our lives for then if it is needed." Gin answered with a serious face.

"Well said Kid!" Jumonji said.

At that moment in the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen was watching the interview as he always did when new seedlings tried to join the academy. He stopped looking at his crystal ball that was replaying the images in real time of what was taking place inside the examination room and started talking to himself.

"Well said indeed Gin-kun!" The Hokage released smoke from his pipe before continuing. "This young man has inherited the will of the fire from Tsume for sure. I just hope he doesn't become as aggressive when angry as she is." He concluded with a smile and a small shudder.

Gin then finished answering the questions met up with Hana, waited for his brother and went home with th two of them where Kamimaru, Akamaru, and the Haimaru brothers were waiting for them.

Sorry about the two days without chapters guys. I was sick, but it's all good now. Expect a regular schedule from now on!!

Fenrrircreators' thoughts