
Tricking the Trickster.

"Homura! Koharu" Leave us!" The Hokage ordered in a commanding tone trying to avoid the disaster his councilors put in motion.

Looking at the distressed Clan Head in front of him Hiruzen motioned for her to sit in one of the chairs in front of him, but seeing that the woman wasn't moving, he gave her a warm pleading smile and asked nicely.

"Please Tsume."

"Look Hokage-sama you know how loyal I am to the village and that to the Inuzuka Clan the pack always comes first, but he tried to kill my son!" Tsume said trying to make her stand on the matter clear.

"I know Tsume!" Hiruzen said raising a hand for her to stop talking. "But now I need you to sit down so we can talk about it, believe me, I am as angry as you are about what happened."

The woman sighed and sat down in front of The Hokage making a compromise so they could discuss the problem further.

"Tsume, I do not doubt that Danzo would be capable of doing something like this and I don't think your son would say those words before passing out if they didn't have any meaning." Hiruzen stopped and picked up the long pipe that laid in the ground next to him before bringing it to his mouth and releasing a cloud of smoke. "What you have to understand is that Danzo is a cautious man and would not do anything that could bring himself any harm. If I interrogate him right now, I am sure he would claim that the attacker was a deserter that didn't receive any orders to do as he did."

"Bullshit! We all know that isn't true!" Tsume growled.

"Yes we do, but we have no proof. All that we found from the attacker was a charred body, probably some Root Mechanism to incinerate their bodies upon death so that no information would be retrievable." Hiruzen explained before slowly shifting to a more comfortable position in his chair. "The only thing that can link this to Danzo is your son's testimony, and I am afraid he could do something..."

"He wouldn't dare!" Tsume growled even angrier at the possibility that The Hokage just pointed out to her.

"Oh, but I am afraid he would." Hiruzen stopped before releasing even more smoke this time from his pipe. "There aren't many things Shimura Danzo wouldn't dare to achieve his goals, and that's why I want you to go to the hospital and stay with your son. There is no one I would trust more to protect him than you."

The Hokage then made a sign with his hand that made two ambu operatives appear on the room. One of them was wearing a dog's mask with some red markings on it while the other looked more feline-like with some hints of orange paint in it.

"Inu, you will guard Inuzuka Gin in the hospital until he wakes up and will inform me when he does. During this mission, you will be under the command of Inuzuka Tsume and will do whatever she tells you to." Hiruzen said looking at one of the ambu before turning to the other and continuing. "Tora, you will inform all the Clan Heads that the Shinobi Council will have an emergency meeting when the boy wakes up."

"Hai!" Both Ambu answered together.

"Dismissed!" Hiruzen motioned with his hand making them leave before turning to Tsume and talking to her. "Ok Tsume you should go to the hospital and be there for your son when he wakes up, you will be able to give your opinion on the situation and on the punishment deserved for whatever may come from it during the meeting.

"Hai Hokage-sama." Tsume said before bowing and leaving the room.

"I'm getting too old for this shit!" The Hokage sighed to himself before relaxing in his chair and continuing to enjoy his smoking habit.

Two days passed since the hospital admitted Gin and his family stayed at his side since then. The boy started hearing a ringing sound in his ear that started loud but was getting softer. He could feel something weighing on his chest making it a little hard to breathe and was surprised when his eyes opened to see that it was his brother sleeping on top of him in the same bed.

Gin released a low growling of pain and started hearing a loud snarling sound coming from Kamimaru that just charged at his face from somewhere and started licking him non-stop.

"Gin! Gin! Gin! Gin!" The little wolf couldn't contain his excitement.

"Calm down boy. I am feeling fine." Gin answered while scratching behind the wolf's ear with his left hand since he couldn't use his right one.

"Nii-san!!" Kiba screamed hugging his brother with all his strength.

"K-Kiba..it...h-hu-hurts." Gin tried to speak, but the pain was stopping him.

"Kiba stop that right now! I told you not to do that while Gin-kun is still hurt!" Hana said before grabbing the boy and throwing him on the ground before hugging Gin carefully not to cause even more damage to him.

"You two leave your brother alone!" Tsume yelled at her kids. "How are you Gin? Are you feeling Ok? Does it Hurt?"

"I am fine. I don't feel great, but it is not that bad either. It hurts a bit, but I'll live." Gin gave his mother a reassuring smile.

"I'll go report to Hokage-sama!" A voice said coming from the shadows of the room.

"No, you won't!" Tsume growled. "My son just woke up, and I am sure they can wait a bit more."

"Tsume-sama.." The voice tried to argue before being interrupted.

"Shut up Kakashi, you are under my command during your mission, and you will wait a bit before informing The Hokage."

'Kakashi? Well, that is a surprise, I guess the voice did sound familiar.' Gin thought before turning to his mother and saying. "It's okay Kaachan. I would rather end this as soon as possible."

Gin got lost in a conversation with himself taking place in his head. 'I need to plan something! Danzo is not going to want any responsibility for this, and that is a fact, but if he is not punished, knowing kaachan she would start a war with Root and that would be bad. I am sure the Uchiha would try to get a piece of the action, and that would be the worst case scenario.'

While Gin was still planning how to go about it, the shinobi council gathered and set everything up before Kakashi came back to take Gin and Tsume to the Council Chambers for the meeting. Inside all the Clan heads sat in each of their seats forming a semi-circle while The Hokage sat in the higher chair of the room.

"We are gathered to discuss the assassination attempt on the Clan Heir of the Inuzuka Clan two days ago during the morning. The Hokage announced receiving shocked glares from the Clan Heads since the whole ordeal had been kept secret until that moment. "Now enter Inuzuka Gin the victim as well as the Head of the Inuzuka Clan Inuzuka Tsume."

The doors of the room opened revealing a five-year-old kid with long spiky silver hair that reached his neck and big grey eyes wearing a hospital gown and his mother the Clan Head holding his hand. They made their way to the center of the room before Tsume went to sit at her seat. Gin could easily spot that Danzo was seated beside Hiruzen with the rest of his councilors.

"Now Inuzuka Gin we would like to hear what happened that morning since all that we found was an incinerated body and you collapsed on the ground!" Hiruzen said.

"Well, I was doing my stretching exercises with Kamimaru like any other morning when suddenly I heard a whistling sound that made me jump back a step out of instinct which saved my life since three shurikens just hit the ground where I was standing." Gin started recounting the events. "And that was when a short masked guy appeared in front of me. I asked what he wanted, and he stated he was from Root and that his boss wanted to talk to me. He called him Dan...something. I can't remember the name he used."

At this declaration, all the Clan Heads started whispering to each other while Danzo just frowned his eyebrows knowing that his operatives could never have released any information with the cursed seal he implanted in their tongues courtesy of Orochimaru himself.

"That boy was a deserter from Root, and I can assure you he didn't act on my orders or orders from anyone in my organization," Danzo stated to the accusing looks he was receiving from the Clan Heads.

"Then he threw some ninja wire in the ground in front of me and told me to come with him without a fight. I then asked why me specifically to which the masked guy answered that he had been ordered to observe and take a bunch of other heirs and that I was only the first..." Gin continued saying all that with a completely innocent look on his face as if he was just child and didn't know the gravity of the information he released before the interruption.

"You are lying! There is no way he could have told you about his mission since I put a cursed seal in his tongue myself!" Danzo yelled instantly regretting his words realizing the blunder he just made.

"And just what mission was that Danzo?" Hyuuga Hiashi asked in a cold tone that sent shivers to the elder's back.

"I had instructed some Root operatives to protect the Clan Heirs from the shadows, but I never gave any order to attack or take anyone!" Danzo answered thinking fast so he could save his skin.

"Hey, I don't want to interrupt, but I don't know anything about this cursed stuff you said you put into that guy. I am just repeating what he told me, but isn't like against the rules to spy on Clan Heirs? I mean aren't Clan Heirs the ones that learn the most secret techniques Wouldn't that inform you on how their secrets work?" Gin asked with the most innocent child's face he could muster pretending he was proposing something that was completely obvious and couldn't understand why no one else was thinking about it.

'What is going on? Did a five-year-old kid really deceive me? No! All of this is Hiruzen's Doing! I am sure of it! No child would be capable of deceiving me like that. The boy was probably instructed to say all these things to put me in a bad spot.' Danzo started thinking to himself. 'Damn you Sarutobi! You may have won this battle, but this will not be the end of me.'

"I assure you it was never my intention. I Only wished to protect those Kids and never gave any order about any of this." Danzo explained himself.

"You are still lying after all this? Hokage-sama, The Inuzuka Clan, demands justice!" Tsume declared her position.

"I don't care what the intentions were, but if there is any chance of my Clan's techniques being at risk the Hyuuga Clan also demands an explanation!" Hiashi stated.

"The Yamanaka also demands an explanation!" Yamanaka Inoichi said.

"So does the Akimichi!" Akimichi Choza repeated.

"The Uchiha also wants to know if our secrets were stolen!" Uchiha Fugaku declared angry.

After a bunch of Clan Heads made clear that they didn't like being spied on and were calling for an explanation it was time for The Hokage to announce his position on the matter.

"Even though you claimed that the deserted Root operative couldn't have revealed his mission it is clear that he did so. Maybe he found a way to remove the seal you implanted in his tongue since as far as I know you are not even close to being a seals master." Hiruzen stared straight at Danzo before continuing. "No matter the noble season I am sure you had when you gave this mission to your operatives, you have violated the Clans privacy." The Hokage now stated his sentence "All the reports and all information you have obtained during this mission are to be destroyed. If it is ever discovered that you or anyone from Root learned a Clan technique that they were not supposed to know about you would be charged with treason and executed on the spot." He looked at the councilor during a second before asking with some killing intent in his voice. "Do you understand?"

"Hai!" Danzo answered just wanting to get out of that room.

"About the attack on the Inuzuka Heir, even though you might or might not have been responsible, the perpetrator was still a member of your military organization, so the full responsibility falls upon you." Hiruzen took a deep breath before he declared another sentence. "Shimura Danzo is demoted from his position as Hokage's Councilor and his military force known as 'Root' is to cease any activities for the time being until further notice." The Hokage finished knowing that Danzo would not comply and Root would probably still be active. He just hoped that this sentence would put more pressure on the man and prevent him from taking action for a while.

"Hai!" Danzo answered with pure hatred in his voice.

After that, the meeting continued until Gin explained all his actions and motives during the fight with the Genin level masked ninja. He received approving nods and some complimentary words about his great foresight for a five-year-old boy. When all was over a tired Gin and a proud Tsume left the chambers and returned to the hospital.

Sorry that it took me a while to get this one done, but this is the longest chapter so far except for the first one that is 20 words long! I hope all enjoy! And thanks for the support!

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