
Fight, Hospital and Declaration.

A week after Hyuuga Hana passed away Gin was still worried about Hinata, knowing her she was probably locked inside her room crying day and night. The boy only hoped the help he gave could get her through it. Tsume was currently in a mission outside the village, and it was morning, so Hana was at the academy while Kiba had slept at Shino's house the day before.

Gin decided to train himself and went to the backyard with Kamimaru. They both started stretching and prepared to run a few laps when suddenly the boy's nose started picking up on a scent but before he could raise his head to smell the air better a whistling sound caught his attention. He jumped back a step out of instinct, and three shurikens buried themselves on the ground where he stood.

A figure appeared a few meters away from him directly in front. The person was four feet and three inches short and was wearing a standard ambu outfit with a blank white mask that didn't seem to represent any animal. The Uninvited guest almost looked like a ten-year-old kid that decided to play ambu, but Gin's senses kept screaming that the guy in front of him was a shinobi and he could also hear Kamimaru growling as if facing a threat.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Gin asked but received no answer.

The kid in front of him reached into his shinobi pouch took out some ninja wire and threw it at the ground in front of the white-haired boy's feet.

"Tie yourself and come peacefully. I am a leaf shinobi, and you are a kid you can't win, but if you don't resist I won't harm you." The masked shinobi said with a hint of warning in his voice.

Gin could tell by his voice, and his actions that this guy was no seasoned shinobi because if the enemy were Chunnin or Jounnin level, he would have chosen to knock out his target and tie him up himself as that would be more comfortable, and he also wouldn't have given any information like that for free.

The silver-haired youth tried to show an expression pretending to be deciding if he should accept the offer so he could buy time to think. 'The only organization in Konoha that would have Genin wearing ambu clothing is Root, but what would Danzo want with him?' He then crouched down as if he was going to pick up the ninja wire an tie himself up. 'Maybe he kept tabs on all the clan heirs and took an interest since I train a lot. That would also explain why he would only send a genin since I am not a priority target.'

Gin then reached out his hand, but instead of picking up the ninja wire he grabbed the three shurikens in the ground and threw them in the enemy's direction. Using the time, it would take for the Genin to dodge the projectile Gin activated his bloodline mode and rushed in a straight line while adopting the Inuzuka taijutsu first form for running.

The ambu masked genin jumped to the left so he could dodge the shuriken, but wasn't fast enough as one of them hit his left shoulder. Distracted by the pain the genin didn't realize that Gin had dashed towards him. When the shinobi looked in front of him, he only saw a foot going towards the shuriken that was embedded in his shoulder and felt even more pain when the blade went further inside of the wound.

The moment the ambu was about to regain his concentration, he felt something bite his leg hard and looked down to see that the wolf puppy had its teeth lodged inside his flesh.

After shaking his leg with sufficient strength to throw the ninken to the side, he looked up to see that Gin was spinning on his right leg and got hit by a spinning kick coming from his left that almost knocked him out of his feet. Gin saw the enemy biting hard on his lips and throwing a right cross in his direction, but having little time after just regaining his footing he could only raise both arms to block the punch.

Even with all the effort the punch still pushed him to the side forcing Kamimaru to attack the masked genin to buy time. The ninken got kicked into unconsciousness before even getting close to the guy's legs, but Gin used the seconds that his partner bought him to assume his basic stance again. Instead of rushing towards him his enemy just took out a kunai from his pouch putting it on his mouth and started forming hand seals: Rat-Bird-Dog-Ox-Hare-Tiger.

"Katon: Housenka no Jutsu!" The Genin yelled before spitting three small fireballs in Gin's direction.

The silver-haired boy exerted all his body capabilities to jump to the left dodging the first fireball, jump over the second one and roll on the ground under the third one avoiding the jutsu, but as soon as he finished Gin felt a sharp pain on his right arm were the enemy had stabbed the kunai through his muscles. Not having much chakra left The Inuzuka decided to take a gamble and made a faint with his left leg which caught the masked genin's attention long enough so he could send his left claws in the direction of the enemy's throat.

Realizing Gin had deceived him the root ambu raised his right arm deciding to sacrifice it to the boy's claws so he could win the fight. Thinking it was over the shinobi was surprised when he saw that the wolf pup that was knocked out until a few moments ago had jumped in the direction of his arm and managed to bite it and using the impulse of the jump pushed it out of the way. The sharp claws dug inside the Ambu's throat cutting off his oxygen.

Gin didn't know much about what happened later as he could only remember his back hitting the ground and the feeling of something warm and moist coming from his should area, he could also remember looking at the sky and thinking. 'I don't know why, but I have the feeling I used to lay down just like this and watch the clouds.' The boy continued his thoughts looking at the blue sky. 'No, I am certain that I've always loved this feeling...this peace.' He closed his eyes for some time.

When he opened his eyes, Gin saw his uncle's worried face. The old man was moving his lips like he was saying something, but the boy couldn't hear it. The silver-haired boy tried to use his mouth and say the word 'Root,' but he wasn't sure if any sound came out before he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Tsume returned to the village a few hours later. She had come from a long three days tracking mission and just wanted to see her children and relax.

"Gin! Kiba! Hana! I'm Home!" The woman yelled from the entrance of the house but didn't get an answer.

Tsume walked inside with a frown on her face and checked the rooms one by one, but couldn't find a single one of her kids and at that moment when she threw herself at the couch on the living room trying to figure out where everyone was that she heard the door opening. She looked at the door and saw Inuzuka Kara looking at her with surprise on her face.

"Tsume? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the hospital with Gin-kun?" Kara asked the Inuzuka Clan Head.

"What you mean by that?! Gin is in the hospital?" Tsume jumped from the couch and asked screaming confused by what she heard.

"Oh my god! You don't know?" Kara asked rhetorically before explaining in detail everything that happened that morning.

A few minutes later in the Hokage Tower, the doors to the Hokage's office burst open to reveal a mad Tsume with her fangs and claws out looking for blood.

"WHERE IS THAT ONE EYED PIECE OF SCUM CYCLOPS POOR EXCUSE OF A MAN!!!" Tsume screamed with all the air in her lungs in an inquiring tone.

Inside the office Sarutobi Hiruzen The Sandaime Hokage sat behind his desk and had his two councilors in front of him apparently having a closed-door meeting. One of the two members of the council present was an old man that had spiky grey hair and a spiky bushy grey beard, but the other member present was an old woman that had her long grey hair pulled back in a twin bun locked by a traditional Japanese hair pin.

"How dare you intrude in the Hokage's office unannounced and without permission like this!" The old woman raised her voice to the Clan Head.

"You shut your damn mouth you old hag! My son is in the hospital because of that dam cyclops, and you expect me to wait outside while you three try to cover up for that excuse of a human being?!" Tsume growled releasing a lot of killing intent into the room.

"Tsume! You are a Clan Head, and your actions represent all the Inuzuka! You would do well to refrain from falsely accuse someone that outranks you!" The old man said threatening the Clan Head with the well being of her clan.

"You bet I represent the Inuzuka Clan! And are you calling my son a LIAR?!" Tsume growled even further releasing so much killing intent that only The Hokage could keep calm in the situation. "VERY WELL!! Then right here and right now, I Inuzuka Tsume Clan Head of the Inuzuka Clan DEMAND an explanation from The Third Hokage of the reason why councilor Shimura Danzo while operating his military force attempted to assassinate one of the Inuzuka Clan Heirs in broad daylight."

Seeing the seriousness of the declaration both councilors, as well as Hiruzen paled at the possibilities of what could come from this, after all the assassination attempt in the life of a Clan Heir was a serious matter and if left unanswered could only lead to one thing...War. A civil war so brutal that would divide the Clans and could lead to the demise of Konohagakure.

Might post more today, but I am still not 100% sure.

Fenrrircreators' thoughts