
Reincarnated as an Amazon

How long to you think you could survive as an Amazon? Would you be a scholar or a warrior? How would you change the very flow of time?

Shealyn_Cossette · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I wish I was wanted, needed or loved. I wanted to be strong, smart, speedy, charming and talented, If I had all these things I could take over the world. If I could change anything, I would change the world I was born into.

"My goodness what a mess you have made."

The darkness bleeds into my vision I couldn't see the looming figure that was perched over me. "Please..... help..... me..." It was a struggle to speak as my body became colder.

"I'm here to help you." He sighs and I see an ember burn at the end of a broken cigarette. "Unfortunately, we need to wait a few more minutes until you died. The reaper will come to collect your soul but Instead, I will gladly escort it, which is you to my office instead." He takes a purposely long drag and puffed out a cloud of smoke. "You see I heard your wish, your wants, your goal and I want to give you another chance in turn you will be a sort of entertainment for me." I cough up blood and struggles to breath taking deep and slow breaths closing my eyes I just wished it to be over. "I'm so tired please just make it stop." His voice became louder as if he was leaning in my ear, "That's it just relax it just a few more seconds...."

I think I knew the moment I died cause I felt a burning hot fire under my ass. There was fire in my veins and my wounds seemed to stich them selves together. "Hello! Wake up it's time to see where you will be taken now!"

I open my eye abruptly and sit up my body of what I thought was my body, felt light as a feather looking around I see pare of white pillars and a marble white floor. "Oh, boy that was a rough ending wasn't it stabbed for pocket change. Well as the gods say If you don't succeed try, try again. Oh, jezzz where are my manners. Hello, I'm creator Rax and you have just died, you are in my domain ready to be replanted and grown all you need to do is Pull! That! Lever!"

looking around I see the lever and just stare at it, "What if I don't want to pull the lever?"

"Then I will pull it for you, now don't be a stick in the mud pull the lever!"

Sighing, I pulled the lever not that there was must else to do.

"Thank you for playing worlds with us your next life stop seems to put you on a new planet full of Amazon's! Ohhh. If I can give you any advice this time don't mess with the locals."

My sight once again failed me as I was sucked back into the darkness. I waited, and waited, I waited until something happened. My world came into view I was a woman, with brown hair, tan skin, I didn't feel tall maybe I was around 5" 5. There was sand all over me as I sat up. Did I just escape from a sinking ship?

System Check

Strength: 5

Defense: 5

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligents: 10

You are wearing a pair of jean shorts, a t-shirt and wet socks with runners.

you are soaked.

you are cold.

you are tired.

you are hungry.

looking around on the beach I found a suitcase has washed up onto shore with me.

"Well, that's convenient."

I smiled then frowned of course the clothing is wet inside but maybe I can use these items to make a fire? Oh thank god, I watched all those survival shows. Now to see if any of them have any truth to them.