
Reincarnated as an Amazon

How long to you think you could survive as an Amazon? Would you be a scholar or a warrior? How would you change the very flow of time?

Shealyn_Cossette · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

O.k. calm down first I need to find a way to get myself dry and warm then food and water hopefully, I can explore this area a little later. I picked up the suitcase and brought it with me to the forest. God, I hate spiders, snakes and frogs please keep them away from me. As I tread through the jungle I didn't find a great place to set up camp other than this cave. The moss seems overgrown on the inside and it seemed to be dry. I had to crouch to get inside far enough to really see what was inside. "I wonder if anyone lives here, wait are there animals that take shelter here?"

'System Activated' "No animals live in this den, the only animals living in the surrounding areas are too big to enter."

"Well, thank you disembodied voice..."

'System activated' "Your, very welcome. Would you like to list your tasks?"

"Hmm, sure why not."

'System activated'


● finding shelter.

○ Make a fire.

○ Find water and food. hint (a weapon would be handy maybe a stick?)"

"Wow, that's helpful, thanks."

Crawling out of the cave I gathered wood and tinder made not of the plants and flowers I pass there was a tree of tangled vines that piqued my interest that I know I'm going to come back to. Once I had a sizable pile of wood I looked at the tinder and sighed "I don't have a match or lighter how am I supposed to light this fire?"

'System activated'

There were quite a few gems on the forest floor may be one of those can start sparks.

"You're extremely, helpful but are you going to answer all my thoughts?"

'System Activated'

"Yes, I'm designed to keep track of your movements, thoughts and progress. No, you can't turn it off."

I search the ground for stones and gems to find quite a few I struck random ones together until I got a spark. Smiling I went to the cave and started a fire taking off my clothing I laid it out on the cave floor and huddle close to the warmth feeling my fingers and toes once again.

'System activated'

"Task list

● find shelter.

● make fire.

○ Find water and food. hint (a weapon would be handy maybe a stick?)"

I snorted "A weapon I don't know how to fight nor make a weapon."

'I'm very aware of this fact that's why you can use system craft to make one, you just need to go get the required Items, for a basic stone spear you will need black gem's, and a long stick, vines could help make the weapon easier to wield.'

"Wait system craft? Isn't that cheating."

'The creator that put you here knew you needed help you would definitely die without it so I'm here to help with, system craft, the system analyzes, system track, system quest, system maps and system check. Each can be upgraded as used.'

"Hmmm so I can guess a few of the helper methods, craft can make weapons perhaps armour? Analyze gives me a description, tracklists and follows my goals, maps is a visual of the area I'm in and check is a menu of my stats and current status? But what are quests."

'System activated'

'System quests are tasks give to you by the system usually giving you LP(life points) used to increase one's talents. Would you like to try a quest?'


"Find 10 different plants/flowers and analyze them.'

'System activated'

"Task list

● find shelter.

● make fire.

○ Find water and food. hint (a weapon would be handy maybe a stick?)"

"Quest list

○ 1/10 plants/flowers"

system check

strength: 5

Defence: 5

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligent: 10

You are wearing nothing just a bra and your underwear.

you are dry

you are warm.

you are tired.

you are hungry.

you are thirsty.

Well if I need a weapon to hunt or protect myself I might as well find a water source. I picked up my dried clothing and when out looking for the items I needed. I found a stick easily enough and the black gem was by the tree of vines after collecting the items I was able to craft a spear with the help from the system. It didn't take long to find a pond of freshwater with fish swimming around. Great now to get the fish.

I stood on a rock looking in the water when a fish came by I would try to hit it but keep missing it. Lucky they kept coming back though and when I finally got one I was so excited. That was until another fish bit the end of my spear and took it and my fish into the deep end of the murky water.

I was severely freakout, as I took a step away from the pond. My spear was comically spat back at me from within the pond. "you're right I won't survive without you what the hell was that."

'System Activated'

"Unfortunately this system isn't a high enough level to tell you what it is but it won't attack as long as there isn't blood. safe to gather water not safe to hunt in." I took the spear walked up to the water it seems clean enough. I took a sip of the water and it seemed fine. I took a long drink next I seemed to find and was finally not thirsty anymore but I was hungry. I saw some plants on the surface of the water. Taking one I Analyzed it, "System Analyze" 'This is a water-based plant, not poisons but not good for eating. This plant can but use to help blood clot and slow bleeding.'

I smiled as I had an idea, I'm in the middle of the jungle something must be edible here. "System Analyze" 'Sunfruite poisonous until cooked and or boiled.'

"System Analyze" 'ripped fungous, this is a mushroom stay far away.'

"System Analyze" 'Watercacoon, a great source for water, vitamins and Antioxidants."

"System Analyze" 'Che Che, a plant great for pain relief'

"System Analyze" 'Moonrod, a plant great for fight infections.'

"System Analyze" 'goldenrod, food that you can eat.'

All tasks are complete! You levelled up to System check to spend your Attubute points.

"Quest list

○ 8/10 plants/flowers"

System Check

Strength: 5

Defence: 5

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 5

Intelligent: 11 (1)

You are wearing dry clothing jeans shorts and a t-shirt.

you are dry

you are warm.

you are tired.

you are hungry.