

Feeling his conscious starting to awake, He slowly started to feel the changes in his world...

He was astonished by the fast paced of growth and the increase of numbers of Birds after creating only 4 creatures at first...

Of course those 4 were not simple creatures, As he was creating their models in his mind he gives them special traits for everyone...

To assure their development into different types of beasts, Every bird has his owen Genes and perks of evolvement...

Of course this development cannot happen in one shoot, it must happen progressively generation after generation to assure a correct way and a smooth path...

If u asking why didn't he just created a powerful divine demonic dragon directly,

First, the power of Laws of life is yet to be powerful enough to create such a powerful creatures in the world

Plus, he is more into observing his powers and abilities before starting the main plan about developing a strong entities to defend his tower...

In fact, he is currently planning the structure of the first floor of the tower...

Back to the birds, He can feel the existence of 30000 birds all over the domain...

The majority of Birds were located in the central part of the world...

Aiming his conscious there, He was able to observe a 2 meter Red and white birds were flying around a big tree in the top of a cliff...

In fact it's was the same cliff where he left the eggs before going blank...

Looking around, he was able to see thousands of birds building the nests here and there, others were sleeping calmly in their nests and others were flying in sky playing...

It was a magical view of the first civilization created in his world...

The civilization that chosed the centre of the world as it's home...

Their strange appearance was not something strange to him, in fact he already feel that this race was related to one of his first creations...

(The picture of the bird is in this paragraph comments)

The time he spent sleeping was not short, so he guess that through that period everyone of his creatures decided to choose the perfect place for living and growing...

He remembers giving this bloodline of birds a more powerful physical strength different from the other three bloodlines...

The white feathers was a result of the natural urge of those creatures to adapt to the hot weather in the centre of the continent...

On top of the cliff, there were five different birds, thoss five were bigger and taller than most of the other birds down the cliff...

Closer to 3 meters, their feathers were more red and on top of their heads, a crown-like shape was there...

Looking to them and smiling, he was able to identify their identity...

" Those are the direct descendants of the First ancestor, the Royals of this bloodline, the most powerful of their generation..."

The eggs he created were not normal eggs, in fact unless they were destroyed or weakened by time, every egg will keep on making other birds...

This is the reason of the fast increase in their numbers...

The big five birds on top of the cliff were the descendants of the first bird that get out of the egg, which was the purest and most powerful one in his bloodline...

So u can say that those are the kings of their bloodline

Getting closer, one of those five was even more eye-catching that the others, observing him, he was sure that this one was the closer one to awake the true powers of his bloodline, he was still far, but comparing to others of his kind, he is the closer and has the best talent...

Turning his attention to the northern side of the world, his will directly changed position to a more cold and dark place there....

Just like the big cliff in the central of the world, here there were thousands of trees in this place in the middle there were a longer one close to 200 meter tall

Looking through the past events that happened in his world, he has knew that this bloodline is the first to master agriculture and was able to plant trees wherever he wants.. which is reasonable looking at the huge amount of trees all over their territory...

He estimated that the number of this bloodline is a lot less than the ones in centre...

Maybe 10000 were in the centre and 6500 were living here, which is pretty impressive looking at the cold atmosphere and the darkness here...

But the look of this bloodline was totally different from the ones in the centre

A serpentine body adorned with feathers, its sinuous form gliding effortlessly through the air, propelled by wings adorned with scales

The feathers colour was blue and black

This bloodline wasn't adapted to living in the light so his eyes developed a night vision so they can observe their surroundings easily...

And just as the central bloodline, the royals of them were living in the highest location in the territory, maybe this is a cultural act were the purest live on top of others

But different from the central bloodline, non of the royalties has a better talent or closer to awaking their bloodline sooner then others, in fact the number of royalties here is more then the Central bloodline but their strength is a little bit weaker

To make is simpler, maybe every two royalties from the northern bloodline is equivalent to a single one from the central bloodline

" Amazing... amazing...their progress is more impressive then what I estimated"

Directing his attention to other location where the third bloodline was living, he found himself deep in the ocean, under him were thousands of strange monsters

In fact, the bloodline that mostly changed his roots and developed into a stranger race is this bloodline,

A monstrous creature with the body of a predatory bird, its beak sharp and menacing like a spear, adorned with sleek, scaled wings that slice through water with deadly precision. Its talons, razor-sharp and agile, ready to snatch its prey with ruthless efficiency in both sky and sea

If he has to rank the three bloodlines by their looks, this bloodline would be the scariest one...

What happened next made him more impressive...

Just as he was looking for the royalties of this bloodline, he felt another creature flying on top of the water, changing his focus to him, it was central bird flying across the water...


Feeling his presence hundreds of Ocean bloodline jumped trying to catch him...

Just like a predator that found his target, a bloody scene appeared...

The central bloodline was more powerful and bigger but the ocean bloodline was more...

it seems like they were working in an organised strategy were the front liners attack the head while others wait for the perfect timing to attack his wings and neck

The first bloodline to create a military tactical attack is the ocean bloodline!!!

Behind them, 7 bigger ones were looking at them fighting the strong central like they were giving them orders...


Just like the northern bloodline, this bloodline is more numbrous but none of them is closer to awake his true potential any sooner...

Instead they developed a power tactics to attack their enemies which was very impressive

"Now, the Last ones..."

It was time to take a look on the last bloodline...

Wait for your reviews...

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The_Immortal159creators' thoughts