

Activating the power of his law of water and wind at the same time, slowly the atmosphere started to drift from its previous shining and sunny state to a more dark and foggy state...

Slowly, clouds started to cover the shining sun in the sky, then another phenomenon started to simulate in the sky...

Slowly, drops of water started to fall from the clouds...

This was his way to apply the laws of wind and water at the same time...

It was his next step to create another cycle of rains and make his space more and more perfect and closer to reality...

Plus, he was thinking about forming oceans and rivers automatically, with the progressive dropping of rains; he was sure that the forming of oceans would be better...

"All I lack now is the living forms in the domain..."

With just a thought, he started to simulate the law of life through his space; slowly, he started the difference between the other laws and the law of life he currently uses…

It's like the power of Life is more complicated and deep than the other laws, just like games; he can feel the existence of other perks and paths of evolution for his laws, but it needs something to simulate its progress...

Slowly, on top of a cliff, 4 big eggs started to form from soil...

"Inhabit my world and grow."

Getting bigger and bigger by time, he started to feel a sudden feeling of tiredness surging through his body...

The usage of so much energy and powers of laws has made him lose so much power...

He was burning to see the birth of his first creatures, but the sudden change made his mind go blank…


(another POV)

"Inhabit my world and grow."

"Inhabit my world and grow."

"Inhabit my world and grow."

Those were the first things I heard after gaining my consciousness...

Such a weird feeling that directly hit my soul, opening my eyes, I started to feel my surroundings...

It's like being imprisoned in a tiny room; I wanted to inhabit the world... I want to grow...

That's right... This is my purpose...

I have to evolve... become smarter... become stronger...

Starting to move my muscles to crack the prison I was born in...

Slowly, the prison I was locked in started to get weaker and weaker over time; I started to feel my body getting stronger and stronger over time, a pair of wings started to grow on my back...



Slowly, the previous prison walls started to crack; a bright light appeared from those cracks, and with a strong kick from my body, the whole prison got destroyed...

My eyes started to feel a little painful from the sudden change in the amount of light in the world...

Slowly adapting my eyes to the light, I was amazed by the majestic view I have witnessed, Trees, rivers, sun...

Such a majestic view made me feel more and more excited...

Examining my body, short wings, and a tiny beak. Its body is usually covered in down feathers, which are soft and fluffy. The legs are thin and not very strong...

I was not yet fully developed; in fact, I started to feel little goosebumps all over my body because of the sudden change of temperature...

Looking behind, I saw 3 other eggs that were yet cracked, I guess Maybe I should wait for them?

No... No time for waiting, growing...

I have to evolve, to grow quickly...

Hope you share your thoughts...


The_Immortal159creators' thoughts