
Cannabis, Holy plant of the Fox part 2

With a happy hum I start taking the two siblings to my home, or in this case the now two exiled siblings.

Once we arrived at my make shift home Tanuki pops out and growls before going back to sleep.

Telling them wait right there I start going to a place to farm my cannabis, to think that saving two people gave me such a reward.

I guess this is good karma for my good deeds.


"Brother…we'll be fine right?" Looking down at his cute sister Wu Linlong sighs and comforts her.

It hurts him that he's weak, so weak that he almost died from those assassins that were sent after him and his sister. Staring at the demon fox that saved them humming with a happy tune as she plants those herbs he can't help but wonder what's going to happen to them.

Gritting his teeth at his weakness he remembers what was thought to him about the demonic beasts that gain intelligence, particularly one of the most dangerous ones such as the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Mischievous and malicious in nature, even if they have one tail they can range from Iron Body to Spirit Warrior, two tails can make them on par with Spirit Lords while three tails are on par with a Nascent Spirit King, the higher the tails the more dangerous they are.

One of the Seven True Demons that descent from the Primordial Demon God. And from what he can tell she's ready to break into the Spirit Lord, putting her far above him who's only at the Spirit Warrior Stage.

The only thing her can do is hope that her mercy isn't leading them to a painful death.


Why is he gritting his teeth?

Ignoring him I water the planted cannabis before telling them that theirs a small village up a head.

Of course he looks suspicious but all I tell him to trust me and reluctantly he does, so both of the siblings go on foot, luckily they didn't encounter any beast making me look at a content Tanuki sleeping without a care in the world.

Right, it sometimes feel like he knows what I'm thinking, oh well.

Grabbing a piece of branch I start fiddling with it day in and day out before taking out a small piece of cannabis and crushing it into small paste before getting my makeshift lighter and lighting it.

"Haaaaa, this is fine" puffing out some clouds I go back and smoke the cannabis.

This is fine.


Time passed and now I'm always seen smoking weed, also fun fact. Using Qi I'm able to increase the growth rate and quality of my cannabis, thus my heavenly garden was named Eden, for it is a place free of worldly desires and such.

Aside from my addiction to weed, I also grew a new tail while under its influence pushing my power ever further beyond, and to the townsfolk? Well it just means that their worship has gotten a bit heavier but oh well, what can I do.

"Cmon Tanuki, you have to try this stuff" he growls as his nose scrunches in disgust.

"Fine, be an asshole, next time you ask me for some of the good stuff you ain't getting any!"

Ah right, turning I watch the what's his name prince start cultivating again while his sister plays with Tanuki.

It seems that after spending a few months living here they already consider it their home.

Taking a look at one of the cultivation techniques in his storage ring I have to wonder who made this crap? Shadow Wind King Strike-Volume 1-10.

What kind of shitty name is that? And the fact that it's just mindless text with some pointers here and there pisses me of greatly.

Once I calmed down I started working on my own cultivation till I sensed another type of energy within me, from what the prince said it seems to be demonic energy that demons have. And of course me being me I experimented with it and found that demonic energy is untamed, wild, corruption, destruction and such that it automatically corrupts Qi making it somewhat of a big no no for me. That is until I realized that the more powerful I get as a Demon the more demonic energy I'll have access to.

With that in mind I started to bend the supposed tyrannical demonic energy into submission before doing some cool shit like fox fires, illusions, bloodlust and intimidation.

Once I got the hang of those to a certain extent by using the prince as a sparing partner I decided to focus on a thing known as an array.

What is an array? It's basically a defensive technique that can make it so you have home field advantage. And in case you can't tell, having home field advantage is fucking lit.

"Ahhh~ shits about to get lit fam" Tanuki growls, but I ignore him in favor of doing Type-Moon bullshit.


"Mhmm? Whatcha doing here little girl? Don't you know your brother will be worried about you?" I ask the little girl who seems startled yet expecting my arrival.

No shit she's expecting my arrival, this shrine thingy magigi is my home.

Taking a look I've got to say that for the past year she's definitely been growing, cute face along with some dark brown eyes with the pupil having a crescent glint to it, dark brown hair that's let down, unblemished white skin.

Yup, she has the makings of a jade beauty in the near future.

"I-I know it's arrogant of me to ask of this" oh, now I'm interested. "But can you bless me to be able to cultivate? I really want to be of help to my brother!" Ahh…I see now.

"You sure?" I ask and I get a nod in return. "Very well then, as you know the path to crackheads is a hard and arduous path filled with countless tribulations and such that even Snoopdog, a legend on par with my heavenly primordial ancestor couldn't reached the peak of possibilities" tapping my pipe I inhale and puff out the good kush to knock her out.

After that I dexterously disrobe her and do a small hum at her chest, sure she's flat but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate nor cop a feel for something free.

Pedophile? Me?! Gracious good lad, this is ancient China, what I'm doing is perfectly legal…I think? Anyway, I'm only like what? 2 years old? She's older then me so it's fine.

Using my nail I cut a open a small wound and let my blood drop to where her heart is, once that's done I merely begin the process of circulating the Qi and upgrading its quality through the absorption of the natural area. Once that's done I clothe her back and kiss her forehead for good luck.

"There we go…you don't have to hide you know that?" Turning I see the handsome prince frowning as he stares at me before moving to his sister. "You've got a good sister, don't fail her now of all times" saying my piece of advice that I pulled out of my ass I retreat towards my humble abode with Tanuki following right behind me.