
Reincarnated as a fire elemental in a game

Mark a young manager at Samsung's firm rushes into a burning building to save the people in it, only to realize that the building was empty. While trying to escape a pillar fell on him both crushing and burning him to death. read on as mark transforms into a flaming elemental

Shadowwraith123 · Spiele
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22 Chs

Chapter 15: Experiences

Five Days had passed since Yan ming had decided to stay in the forest, and since then, the injured looking thief now looked like a beggar.

His light leather armor that came with his class was in tatters. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was unkept like that of a wild monkey.

If he was to be honest, he would say that he had underestimated the game once again. He thought he had gotten the basic rules of survival in this game but now he realized how far he was from the truth.

On the first full day that he spent In the forest, he had spent the day hunting and training his stealth and combat.

He first faced rabid bunnies without his stealth activated to train his actual combat, while trying to assassinate some foxes. Overall his day went slightly well.

It was at night that problems started coming up. The horrors he faced that night had scared him to the point of giving him a mental scar.

At night all the easy and manageable monsters and animals went into their various homes to either hide or sleep, while the more dangerous one's came out to display their dominance.

Yan ming silently watched his meat cook over the fire when suddenly the area became deathly silent with not even the sound of crickets or mosquitoes. It was like everything went on mute.

Yan ming sprang to his feet, his dagger in hand. His eyes scanned through his surroundings for any sign of danger, but no matter how hard he searched, nothing could be seen.

'Thats strange' Yan ming thought as he sat back down.

No matter how time passed, it seemed like sound in the forest was not going to return which unnerved him a lot.

~Thump~ Crash~ Thump~Crash~ ~Thump~

Distant footsteps and the crashing of trees alerted Yan ming. Without wasting time, Yan ming sprinted away from his dinner and deeper into the forest to hide.

He ran farther and farther away from the outskirts of Rosen port town but right now he didn't care. What was in his mind at the moment was how big the creature that made these sounds was.

Everywhere he ran was incredibly silent, with the only sound being his footsteps against the forest floor and his poorly controlled breathing.

He ran until he could no longer hear the footsteps from the unknown beast.

'What the fuck was that!' Yan ming thought as he tried to catch his breath.

He looked around and concluded that he didn't know where he was any more. All he saw was trees upon trees, and all he heard was the sound of the wind passing by

'It's still too quiet' He crouched low and held his breath, when suddenly at the corner of his vision a claw making its way towards his face could be seen.

In haste Yan ming used his legs to launch himself backwards away from the claw, but he was slightly too late.

The claw left a long mark on his face which went across his face leaving a bleeding mark across his left eye.


Yan ming held his bleeding head and grunted in pain, while his right eye stared at his unknown assailant.

It was a creature which seemed to be a mix between a saber tooth tiger and a lizard because of its scales.

Even though it was quadrupedal, it still towered over him with a height of around 6-7 feet. It's body was so large that it looked like a truck, which made him wonder how it came so close that he didn't even hear it, even in total silence.

The creature seeing that it's attack failed charged at Yan ming once again with terrifying speed, intent on finishing it's job.

How Yan ming escaped that night, he didn't know because it was all a blur. The next day he just saw scars and marks on his avatars body.

Since then, night time was danger time for Yan ming. Once he was night he would either clump a very high tree and stay silently at the top or look for a place to hide.

If he did not currently know where he was he would have rushed back to the village to face a thousand players.

The sun rose across the horizon signaling a new day but for Yan ming, it meant that he would stay alive for another day.

Looking up at the sky with his bloodshot eyes Yan ming let out a sigh of relief before logging off. He did not trust logging off at night anymore so he would log off when it was day and log back in the afternoon.

Sliding out of the capsule, Yan ming felt a huge weight release disappear from his back. For the past few days, the game seemed like a survival training camp for him, so whenever he logged off he felt like he was in heaven.

"I will never take real life for granted again" Yan ming swore as he entered the bathroom to freshen up.

Like usual after having his bath, he sat in front of his computer and surfed the forums for news.

He saw some posts about his disappearance and skimmed through them. It turns out that players in Rosen port town started forming parties to hunt him down, but till now they did not have any luck.

Seeing this news, Yan ming felt emotional. Even though they wanted to kill him, he still wanted them to find him. He would rather fight a group of players than whatever comes out at night. Also if they could find him, he would be able to find clues to finding the village once again.

With that in mind, Yan ming left some words of encouragement before leaving the post.

He saw posts describing what famous gamers were doing, including his former teammates were doing so he checked them out.


The team rising Phoenix has subjugated a pack of dire wolves which numbered 15 altogether, showing the difference between top class players and casual players.

While majority of beta players are still looking for classes, the eight team members of rising phoenix have all gotten their classes, showing that they are strong even without their former captain.

Reading through rising Phoenix news, Yan ming figured out that the post was just for publicity and more viewers.

"I would die to see a dire wolf again" Yan ming muttered with a sad sigh.