
Reincarnated as a fire elemental in a game

Mark a young manager at Samsung's firm rushes into a burning building to save the people in it, only to realize that the building was empty. While trying to escape a pillar fell on him both crushing and burning him to death. read on as mark transforms into a flaming elemental

Shadowwraith123 · Games
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22 Chs

Chapter 14

The two sides stood tall, examining their enemy for any weak points to make use of.

Although the fight seemed equal, laha was at a major disadvantage. She may have been faster than the demon, but her attacks did little to no damage to the demon.

It's skin was to thick for her attacks to deal any good damage, and since they were both creatures of the flame series, they both had great resistance to fire effects and damage

"Hahahaha oh my, I am really surprised. I never expected a torch like bastard like you to be able to entertain me for so long" he taunted with his smile back on his face.

"Bark bark bark. You're supposed to be an overgrown cow and not a dog so get into character." she retorted

Hearing her reply, the smile that had come back once again vanished from his face.

"You!" pointing at her ruefully.

The situation was tense and it seemed like another fight was going to occur when a muffled laugh suddenly sliced through the tense air like hot knife through butter.

The two looked back and saw Varz trying and failing to hide his laugh from them

"Am sorry am sorry. You guys should continue with what you were doing hehehe" Varz waved them off while trying to stop laughing but it seemed like it was a wasted endeavor.

'Why does this girl have such a vulgar mouth. even in this situation.'

Varz laughed because this time he was not on the receiving end of the insult.

It was at this point that the two of them remembered that there was a third person in the area.

With the new revelation, the two of them became nervous for different reasons.

Laha was nervous because she knew that Varz was less than useless in fights and she couldn't fight and protect him at the same time, while the demon was nervous because he already had trouble facing one elemental and now another one had appeared. And it seemed that this one was stronger than the one he was fighting since he could laugh and wave off the whole situation.

'What should I do' they thought unknowingly at the same time.

Seeing the change in the demons expression Varz knew that something was wrong.

Over the years of bootlicking, Varz had developed the habit of watching the expressions of his superiors and acting in a way that will help him depending on the situation, so he had unknowingly developed a talent of acting and deducing one's thoughts just from expressions. So when he saw the demons expression he could guess what was going on in it's head.

Varz took slow but steady steps towards the demon, applying psychological pressure on the demon.

He knew his plan was dog shit crazy, but he still wanted to try.

His unhurried and stable steps made the demon break out in cold sweat. If the two elemental's attacked him at once, he was going to be in big trouble.

Every step that the elemental took towards him was like a hammer hitting his anvil like confidence. He slowly took a look at the first elemental he fought and what he saw made his confidence crumble.

The elemental that he struggled with actually stayed back and allowed the new elemental to attack alone!

What does it mean?

Does this not mean that this particular elemental is far stronger!

The more he thought, the more fear gripped his heart.


The ground that the elemental crumbled and caved it a little because of the elemental's casual steps. When the demon saw that, he couldn't help but turn around and run away.

This was too much for his heart. He was only a young demon and he wanted to live long so he ran away.

Laha who was shocked by Varz actions was once again shocked when she saw the demon running away.

What just happened?

She felt so confused but she would settle that later.

"Stay here, I am going after him." she turned into a red blur and pursued him.

Varz stood in place, silently watching a red blur run into the distance. He was rooted in place because of fear and excitement that filled his heart.

Although he looked calm and steady to the demon, his own thoughts were scrambled and filled with backup plans. He was also glad that he was made out of flames because if not the demon would have seen panic on his face.

Who knew that the battle between laha and the demon would leave some weak spots at different areas on the ground.

It was just his luck that it worked for him rather than against him.

Varz waited for sometime before laha finally returned.

The fire around her seemed to dim, showing that she was tired. Since she was made of fire, she really didn't have any injuries to show that she fought only a dimmer body.

"why did you do that? don't you know how dangerous that was!" She asked

Hearing her words, Varz couldn't help but feel touched

"What if he attacked! do you think I have the strength to fight him off while protecting extra baggage?"

Whatever warmness that Varz felt at the moment suddenly vanished with her next words.

'This vulgar lady really needs to calm down.'

Putting his thoughts away he asked "So did you kill the demon?"

"Sigh! He managed to get away but not before I injured him. What we need to do now is to tell my tribe that demons have entered our territory."

Varz put a hand to his fiery chin before asking

"How far is your tribe from here exactly?"

"If it was only me,.I would say a week. Bit now your added to the mix so presently I don't know.

'She just called be baggage again didn't she!'

"Let's just hurry I have a bad feeling about this."

Unknown to the two of them, turmoil was building up all around the world.