
Reincarnate as a universe {due to account being disabled}

(This is a story of how a normal human male one day find himself dead after a train incident and find himself with the option to become a god a Titan a star a planet of the world in the universe taking to be the universe we now see him on his adventures to become the Omniverse) [please note that I am a new author in this site and my writing skills aren't too good so if you find a typo or something just please tell me in the comments so I would be notified and will fix those typo so that your reading experience will be much more enjoyable thank you] {here are a list of stories that I have created that you can check out if you like my book enough} {apocalyptic incarnate} {reincarnated as a world} [and that is it for now hope you like my stories and I'll see you in the next universe chapter...]

shawn_Dorestin · Fantasie
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27 Chs

the DC universe. Isekai?

one moment I was in my cosmic form observing the entire universe and everything in it and the next moment a portal opened up in reality and grabbed form of my angelic body.

I was in my cosmic form taking the appearance of a cherubim. I was flying around in my angelic body using my holy energy that I gained from the other universe to manifest myself inside of some universes to change a few things.

in one particular universe an archangel try to go beyond the boundaries of the universe. me being petty I took the form of a Eldridge abomination and scared the angel to near death.

I destroyed the technology and the knowledge on how to create the technology that the archangel use to go beyond the boundaries of the universe.

and when I finish doing that.

that was when the portal opened up and I got suck (not in a weird way) into that portal.

and here I was traveling to millions and trillions of different realities flying at such speed that if I was a human I would have died due to a heart attack.

and then I was suddenly stopped by a powerful force at a particular place in reality and I suddenly felt the sensation of falling.

no like I was literally falling.

I blink my eyes and I looked around me only to see some other angels falling beside me.

I saw these angels wings burning off.

these angels eyes were glowing a bright golden color before they were turned into these hideous monsters

which can only be described as demons.

and then there was another Angel beside me but this Angel wasn't an ordinary Angel it was an archangel. but unlike all the other fallen angels the archangel wings are still there.

the archangel seems to notice me and looked at me.

the archangel was quietly observing me seeing my unworldly features compared to his.

before he fell to the ground taking the form of lightning.

I felt a strong sensation covering my entire body and I felt the same force that was pulling that glowing energy from these other Angels try to do the same to me.

being in another universe I didn't have 100% of my power and only had 87% of my power but that was still enough to push back The entity that tried to do whatever it was going to do to me away.

before I too took the form of lightning and fell down to the Earth.


(1 weeks later)

a week have passed by since my visit to this universe.

nothing too important happened other than the fact that I figured out that I was in the DC universe.

at first it was shocking to me since I thought DC was just fictional and not real.

only to find out that it actually is real.

so this whole time marvel DC and all of these fictional universes was all real we just thought it was fictional in writing.

I figured it out after I found out the city that I was in Gotham City. and when I saw the huge hulking guy with muscles who can shoot lasers out of his eyes and who has remarkable strength and superhuman abilities.

well actually the circumstance is good for me since I could use my powers what I was being look that is weird or an abomination as I will just be considered another metahuman.

and so I did warping and manipulating logic and reality to my will.

nobody seems to notice when I or reality as how would you know if I did when you're not even aware of what's constantly happening to reality.

but that was until one person recognized the shift and alteration of reality.

and that person was Tori Washington.

she was a reality warper a very powerful one at that and so when she started noticing the world began to warp around her she instantly knew who was doing it.

and it was me.

I met Tori one day when I was in an apartment building that I didn't even rent out while I was on the couch watching TV.

next thing I knew was the whole room around me suddenly became a white empty void.

reality was shipped around me and my couch and I was in pocket dimension that's Tori created.


a thundering voice could be heard throughout the entire void.

before a white American woman with red hair and pale feature appeared in the dimension eyes glowing blue menacingly looking at me.


the American woman said.

"ummmm what did I exactly ruin"


then the woman teleported me to a location where I saw after all the changes in reality I did I severely affected some of the people in reality.

I saw myself talking to a black American man as he was standing behind the counter in a gas station as me and the man were arguing.

"look bro it cost $50 and 99% cents you either pay boy you don't get it at all"

said the Black American man.

"you know what dude just stop existing"

then the man burst into light particles vanishing out of reality.

"that was a nuisance now I'mma just take the stuff and destroy the whole building"

I could see myself saying in an echoing voice before taking what I was arguing with the man for and what up flash of light again the building was gone.


"UMM I remember that"

"so what was that only guy killed"

"are you sure"

the woman said snapping her finger again and I appeared in another area.

this time I was flying in the sky in the form of a cherubim.


I was saying as I was flying.

as I was flying though I saw myself crashing into a plane as the whole entire plane was destroyed and everyone in it died.

but despite everyone else faces being blank I could see a man who appear to look like the reality bending woman two was in the plane.

"oh look that one was an accident"

"can you explain this then"

then I saw myself in outer space in the form of a small boy.

eyes glowing a bright red as my small size became that of a giant towering over the planet.

before the whole observable universe was destroyed by a wave of destruction and chaotic energy.

but that wave of chaotic and destructive energy didn't just vanish after I vanish along with the destroyed universe.

that chaotic and destruction energy went to the DC universe and killed seven different people to which the mysterious reality bending woman was either friends with or family member and one of them was her fiance.


I said irritated.

"you are going to pay that's what I'm going to do"

Dan reality shattered around me and I yet again appeared in the pocket dimension.

and after a long reality bending fight with the both of us were just twisting and manipulating logic.

me obviously being stronger dematerialize myself only to rematerialize myself in front of her and with a strong punch blasted her through our planet nearly killing the girl.

snapping my finger again we appeared in a city.

and I told her while my eyes was glowing that to never mess with me again.

before turning around and vanishing from the site of the area.


(author of the story POV)

so if Tori was a reality Bender why didn't she bring back the people that were killed by our protagonist.

"to that I say are protagonist is a stronger reality better as such Tori cannot undo what the protagonists have done so she tries to get revenge and steal his power so that she could rewind everything that our protagonist did"

will we see Tori again.

"yes because her whole purpose after our protagonist ruined her life is to get revenge so she will go to extreme links to get her revenge"

will we see Jack again.

"yes we will see him but not as often"

why do you like reality bending oc.

"because they're fun and I can get to do whatever I want with the character without limitations and you are genuinely free to do whatever you want so Long as you follow the plot that you place for the character"

will Tori ever forgive the protagonist.


will there be more characters other than Tori.

"yes because I plan on [censored] [censored]"

is there a harem.

"F[censored] No"

how powerful is the protagonist compared to the characters of the DC universe.

"he's powerful enough to destroy an entire multiverse even though he is a multiverse and he's strong enough to rewrite reality to a point where he can manipulate the past present future things that will exist and will never exist and he's strong enough to kill beings like the beyonders [from marvel] The living tribunal and the specter but to show how groundbreaking his abilities are he's infinitely more powerful than Mister Mxyzptlk and all of the cosmic entities from marvel and DC"

can he beat Minecraft Steve in a fight.

"no he can't it's not because Steve is stronger than him it's because of /kill command which can kill anything according to Minecraft so if Steve use that command he would instantly kill our protagonist in his physical form"

why do our protagonists sometimes have other forms rather than his original cosmic form.

"he can shapeshift into anything he can think of"

how old is our protagonist.

"time immemorial {since the beginning of time} when he first reincarnated"

can he defeat the Omni King.

"yes and no depends on which form he's in if he's in his cosmic form then no because he will be physical and his powers will be more limited and he won't be omniscient so he won't know what the Omni King will do but in his multiversal form he knows everything he's everywhere and he's more powerful than the Omni King"

can he defeat alien x.

"no if he's in the Ben 10 universe then would he would be nigh omnipotent like he is in the DC universe so no one would really win the fight both of them won't be able to erase each other out of reality since their power is equal since if a reality Bender is at the same level they can't kill one by erasing each other"

who's more powerful then are protagonist.

"any entity that is omniversal level has the power to kill our protagonist"

how strong was he when he was a universe.

"strong enough to defeat characters like Mister Mxyzptlk and the beyonder [from marvel] though you might argue with this let me keep in mind the beyonder from marvel was a universe before he became known as the beyonder"


(hope you guys enjoy this video keep in mind our protagonist is still in the DC universe and he's going to be exploring the DC universe for a long while so if you're still in the story stay tight...

oh and by the way if you want to support me drop a power Stone I will really appreciate it.

I'll see you in the next multiverse chapter)