
RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 38: So it begins

Author notes:

As much as I loathe myself for saying this, I am asking for a favor.

I have calculated my current income and tried to plan for the months ahead. However, I was surprised and scared when I learned that, in January and February of 2024, I may be in deep trouble. Why those two months in particular? Well, it comes down to Vietnam loves freaking extended holidays. On New Year and Tet holidays, banks will take a break at the beginning of the months/holidays. When this occurs in conjunction with weekend breaks, the matter stands that my monthly income won't be processed! Not until they're done with taking whatever break they need to.

That means, for the first two weeks of these two months, I may fall under the situation that I have money, but I can't withdraw any. As such, the home won't have any actual food, like, nada. While I can survive on instant noodles (if I still have them by then), my mother who is sick, surely can't.

It pains me to say this but I am asking for your favors, your help, and only if you can spare it. My Pa-treon is still there for monthly donations in return for benefits. Current income 508 USD/month out of 800 USD/month goal.


However, I have also set up a Ko-fi (hopefully properly this time) for coffee tips. This is for one-time tippings if you can't afford a monthly subscription. It's my hope that the money from tippings will be used for an advanced withdrawal to procure emergency food. There isn't any benefit for Ko-fi just yet but I am trying to set it up as a NSFW gallery. So you can't read advanced chapters, but you can at least check up on some sexy pics XD


Jokes aside, if you can support me monetarily, I hope that you can boost the popularity of my fiction in any way you can. On behalf of my mother, thank you, for everything!

Two pictures of Bryn for reading this far


Thanks to one of the many abilities I inherited from my Golden Clock eye, I can devour a person's time to extend my own. With enough time, I can do a great many things, including but not limited to creating a temporal clone of myself that has all of my experiences, memories, and abilities, while also acting as a living battery for the main self. The battery part is currently dependent on how much time is dedicated to creating a clone, thus making time a limited resource for the current me. It won't be in the future though.

In short, the clones are free get-out-of-jail tickets for me. Their useability is limited only by my imagination. Currently, I am sitting at a dining table with three other versions of your truly. Most unfortunately, those Crusaders had their will broken by the third day, thus surrendering themselves to a thorough disciplining session with Aponia, cutting off my first source of harvesting additional time and the subjects to take my anger on.

With four versions of myself all chilling and sipping cups of coffee at our leisure, the others are either gazing at the sight with amused interest or exasperation. Finally, unable to contain her curiosity anymore, Mobius raises her hand. "How does it even work? The data we get are either straight-up garbage or just showing that you're, somehow, more than you look."

I smile, letting my clones answer in an attempt to put things into perspective. The first clone says. "The short answer is that we are all Yuki but at the same time, not fully." Pointing her index finger at me, she adds. "Currently, she stands the highest on the pecking order, having the most time among all of, well, us."

The second clone follows up. "We share everything that makes Yuki who she is today. What she will come to experience in her time will also be transferred to us and vice versa."

The third clone interjects. "But with all of us being one and the same, there must exist a hierarchy to determine a 'main body' so that everything doesn't devolve into chaos. So, we came up with the basis that the version with the most time left as a resource for her to use will be given the privilege to act as the Marshal you know and love. In case the current Marshal is booted out of her seat for some reason, the clone with the next highest amount of time will take the title."

"So you are telling me that there's a hivemind named Yuki right in front of me?" Mobius asked with an excited glint. It seems that what she heard surely has tickled her fancy. I wonder, if given time, pun not intended, will Mobius be able to unravel the mystery of my power?

The first clone shrugs. "Pretty much with additional bells and whistles, yeah."

The second one further elaborates. "What number three said about being one and the same wasn't an exaggeration. We literally share everything so each and every single one of us has been, and always will be your lover."

Number three is followed by a half-serious, half-joking statement. "And that includes the Marshal's ability to devour others' time and to make even more clones. So we can just head out right this moment, slaughter some unsavory people, come back with even more time, and you won't be able to realize that the next time you speak with the Marshal, a different clone is the one possessing the title. That does beg the question of at which point the clone becomes the original and vice versa though."

Einstein, being the ever-logical one, raises a question of her own. "Wait, so have the current Marshal been changing without us knowing in the last three days?" She said that while also looking at Dreamer and Nicolae who both shake their heads, now knowing the answer themselves.

Hearing this honest question, the 'I' and 'me-me-me' share a look before collectively looking at them, smirking mischievously. "Do you truly want to know the answer to that question, dear Einstein?"

Einstein raises a finger before curling it down, finally, she settles for just a sigh. "That will be a whole different can of worms to open, so I guess not."

"A smart choice." I giggled.

Seeing our banter, Mobius smiles. "This is like Shoggoth stuff but more temporal mechanics-ky. There are some questions a logical mind can't stomach. I, for one, welcome the challenge of tackling both."

"Ambitious, aren't we?" I commented with a smile.

Nicolae chimes in with a thumb up. "I wish you the best of luck in those endeavors."

"Alright, we can continue our banter later when we're off work." I changed the subject into something more serious. "It's time I enact my response on Sardegna's overt attempt on Elysia in an official capacity. Nothing short of a retaliatory strike will be able to pacify our enraged citizens and I fully intend on giving them that and even more."

It's Nicolae that raises an understandable concern. "But wouldn't that trigger another war? Especially when we still haven't cleaned up Ustio yet."

I just smirk at that. "It won't be a war until I decide it is one. Sardegna can not reach us by any means while we can easily strike them everywhere. Even if Sardegna bitches about our eventual attack on the international community, no one would dare to support them when the one they tried to assault was one of the Miracle Idols. And that's not mentioning the amount of war crimes they have been piling up on their profile. The only possible factions that would seek to undermine us would be Erusea and Ustio Loyalists, both of which can be easily dealt with. Besides, with a bit of clever wordplay, I can just call this a 'Special Military Operation', thus giving the world a plausible reason to ignore my campaign against the Papal State. After all, it's not a war of invasion by any stretch."

"As expected, it's another one of your devious plans." Nicolae commented.

I just shrug at that. "Since when have I not made a devious plan?"

Dreamer decides to interject at this moment. "Master is just like that, she is having fun playing her enemy to death. Though with this upcoming campaign, will we do anything toward Auschwitz, Master?"

I raise a finger at that while saying. "Now that. That I have a dastardly idea in and of itself."


Moving away from Blacksite Atlas and to the very office of Lady Lyssa in Auschwitz, a different kind of conversation is taking place.

"So you are saying that they were all captured and spirited away to Belka a week ago, and we only know about this now?" Lady Lyssa asked in an even tone at the report of an intelligence officer.

"Y-Yes, milady, we couldn't confirm it but official reports from both the Spanish and Belka, do align with our initial suspicion."

"And the objectives of the mission? Any movement from them?"

"I'm afraid not, milady. For unknown reasons, the elven member of the Miracle Duo has somehow been keeping them by her side at all times. And despite we have decided to excommunicate the traitorous Crusaders, all of them still vehemently follow the words of Kallen Kaslana. None of them make any overt attempt at anything."

Hearing that report, even Lady Lyssa can only exhale a sigh before waving her hand. "You're dismissed."

The officer quickly but quietly vacated the office, leaving Lady Lyssa and the other two guests to continue with their discussion.

"Well, that was unexpected." Lady Lyssa lightly said. "To think all eight A-rankers would be captured without as much as causing any damage or even completing their mission. I haven't felt this surprised in a long while."

One of the two other occupants of the room immediately raises her concern. "Lady Lyssa, this is a concerning matter, without Kallen, we won't be-!"

Lady Lyssa raises her hand, stopping Ottile Apocalypse from continuing her rant. "That I know quite well, Ms. Apocalypse. This is without a doubt, my failure. I failed to foresee the full extent of the changes in Kallen Kaslana's behavior. It would seem that the former Saint spending so much time around the Belkans has corrupted her far more than I expected. Even if we send in more of the newest batch, it isn't guaranteed that we will be able to retrieve her, not when Belka itself has taken note of the situation, no doubt they're hawking over the Kaslana right now. And right now, we would have to worry about the international reaction as well. To think that this Elysia can still act after being targeted by eight Crusaders. Just how much protection did Belka place on a singular elf?"

"Surely we can't just give up on Kallen, Lady Lyssa?" Ottile pleaded.

"Of course we can't. But we can't do anything about her matter unless we have the absolute advantage. Our spies are inept at their job, hence we don't have anything of note to act on. Our strengths are easily toppled over if we go in blindly. And our only edge is the fact that our base of operation is untouchable from the rest of the world. I must admit that currently, our hands are tied. Unless..." Lady Lyssa trailed on, looking at the last person in the room. "I must hasten my plan before things develop far beyond my estimation."

The one being gazed at heatedly by Lady Lyssa speaks up hesitatingly. "Do you have a need of me, milady?"

Lady Lyssa just looked at the woman, pondering for a few seconds before clapping her hands together. "Alright, I have decided. Cocolia Rand prepares your kids for immediate enhancement procedures and indoctrination. The matter of utilizing the power of these children has been dragged on for long enough. It's time we gain a few more useful chess pieces to maneuver."

That immediately gets a reaction out of Cocolia. With an alarmed expression, Cocolia says. "But Lady Lyssa, the children is much too young for that! They're barely withstanding the current treatment as is!"

"Then make it so they can stand the enhancement! You're of no use to me if you can't make that happen! Need I remind you that Ottile over here will gladly take over your position and conduct the task at once?" Lady Lyssa sternly commanded, shutting down any further protest from Cocolia.

"Ms. Rand, given your emotional attachment to the kids, perhaps it will be better for me to handle the directive." Ottile jumped at the chance, earning a glare from Cocolia.

Nonetheless, Cocolia is forced to say. "That won't be necessary... I will get the children ready. Please excuse me, Lady Lyssa."

Without further words, Cocolia stands up and vacates the room with hasty, yet, heavy steps. The door closes behind her with a louder bang than usual, prompting Lady Lyssa to comment. "Human, so emotional at times."


The first thing Cocolia does when she arrives back at the orphanage she is in charge of is to seek out the brightest and bravest girl she has ever known... And promptly envelope her in a tearful hug. The girl, despite the initial shock, is soon to reciprocate the embrace, not questioning why.

With barely suppressed sobs, Cocolia says. "I'm sorry... Sirin! I am very, very sorry for being such a useless mother!"

Sirin, her face already has an expression of understanding, replies with the strongest smile she can muster right now. "Don't be, mother Cocolia, don't be. You're the best we could have ever asked for. Thank you, truly, for everything you have done for us!"