
RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Special Chapter: Saint Nicoclaus

Author notes:

Yohoho~! Merry Christmas, everybody! Surprise that this comes out a bit early? Well, it's chiefly because I wanted to honor my two most dedicated Patrons! They're none other than General Dan Nicolae Barzu and General Duke of Coffee! Rightfully so, their depiction are Nicolae herself and the now relevant Duke of Indochina respectively!

Without them, the previous months would have been much, much harder to survive for both my mother and I. I dread the scenario that I hadn't come across either of them and my other Patrons. I would have perished and fade away in a corner somewhere while mother would have no one to take care of her. Truly, I am grateful for them all.

As such, in anticipation of the Holy Night, I have made this Special Chapter as a tribute. There's much good in the world and I am fortunate to have come across them. May peace comes to all of you, my readers and Patrons!

As a bonus gifts, here is the pictures depicting the Duke and Nicolae (4 pictures which may be censored by Webnovel, head to scribble if that's the case) in her Santa form. I swear, the latter reminds me of Padoru Padoru~!


Quite honestly, Nicolae wasn't expecting that the first thing she would hear when she woke up from an afternoon nap would be this.

"I am sorry, Nicolae, but may I trouble you to be a Santa for a night?" This was said by Yggdra while sitting by Nicolae's bedside with a thick tome in her hands.

"Eh... Excuse me?" Being a Shoggoth means that Nicolae is very used to seeing weird stuff all the time. Hell, she's the one making up weird stuff when she has unlimited free time and money as a daily allowance. But for the first time in a long while, Nicolae is confused.

"You heard me right." Yggdra nods while patting the tome she is resting on her lap. "Can you help me perform Santa's duty for this Christmas night? Currently, Saint Nicolas Cage is busy taking care of Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer. The latter has suddenly fallen ill and won't be making a recovery in time for Christmas gift delivery."

Nicolae can easily understand why Yggdra has come to her personally. Aside from Santa and Yggdra herself, she is probably the only one in this universe who can use temporal anomalies to deliver Christmas gifts on time. Nonetheless, this is the first time the Shoggoth is requested to take up the mantle of something like this, as such, Nicolae is having a rare moment of indecision, not knowing whether she can fill in the spot for the larger-than-life figure that is Saint Nicolas Cage.

Knowing the Shoggoth's hesitation at the daunting prospect of becoming a Santa for a day, Yggdra smiles reassuringly. "Don't worry your cute little head over it too much, my dear Nicolae. You're a Shoggoth who can do it all as long as you put your creative heart and soul into it. I can also see to it that you will be well compensated with cosmic cookies when you get back. Consider it your payment for a job well done."

Nicolae immediately perks up at the mention of cosmic cookies. If Yggdra is offering her those tasty treats as a reward, Nicolae can even wipe out a universe or two, much less deliver some wrapped packages for some kids out there.



And that's why she is now in the low orbit of Earth, dressing in a Santa dress with the accompanying hat and riding on a sleigh. The latter, instead of eight reindeer, is pulled by eight Takodachis wearing a Christmas hat. On the back of the sleigh lies a burly white sack, seemingly containing gifts inside, however, it's there mostly for appearance's sake. Rather, the true gift bearers have yet to show themselves.

Unbothered by the lack of oxygen, Nicolae chants innocently. "Hohoho! Happy Halloween!" 

Her voice should have been carried down to the denizens below if not for her to step on the brake and reassess what she had just said. The sudden stoppage prompts the eight Takodachis that are in front of the sleigh to smack into each other.

"Wah!" Shouted the first Takodachi as it was smacked ahead of the formation, only for the reign to pull it back rolling in the air.

"Wah~!?" The second Takodachi was sandwiched by the others.

"Wah." While the third Takodachi that spoke out managed to dodge its brethren, avoiding the same fate.

A fourth Takodachi has just opened its mouth to say something when the fifth and sixth Takodachis slap it on its head, forbidding it from getting the word out.

Ignoring the commotion in front of her sleigh, Nicolae pulls out a parchment from nowhere in particular and reads the words that are written on it. "Oh, it should be Merry Christmas instead. I see, I see!"

Dematerializing the paper, Nicolae controls the sleigh and the Takodachis to continue flying. This time, she chants correctly. "Yohoho~! Merry Christmas, everybody~!"





Behind the sleigh, a trail of magic portals appears, and from it, more and more Takodachis are dropped down to Earth. Each and every single one of them is carrying large rucksacks and wearing the appropriate Christmas hat. Together the Takodachis form an army of gift bringers, and on this holy night, let it be known that no good children go unrewarded and no naughty kids go unpunished.


"Are you seeing this, old Roman?" Said Senator Jeffrey Iverson while interlocking his fingers together and gazing at the scene outside the window.

"Yes, I see it, good Jeffrey." Replied Roman Conti, Jeffrey's stalwart ally in making him a true Senator in power.

Currently, the pair is watching over Irish, Roman's daughter, from the second-floor window of Roman's estate. Earlier, Irish had acted a bit suspiciously, sneaking out into the snowy backyard while wearing the thick jacket that Jeffrey gifted to her for her Christmas gift. And right now, Jeffrey and Roman come to see the eye-boggling sight of Irish bringing out cookies, trading them with a Santa Takodachi for a pony plushie. This happens while both parties look over their shoulders, checking the exchange area out for any potential spies. Yeah, it would have been a truly suspicious matter if not for the fact that cookies and plushies were involved.

Jeffrey can't help but comment. "Since when did Christmas become this bizarre?"

Roman sighs while massaging the bridge of his nose, feeling glad that Irish ends the exchange with both parties leaving satisfied. His daughter with a huggable object and the Takodachi with a bloated form after eating a bunch of cookies. "Since we got our collective asses saved by Santa freaking Claus?"



It's not just worldly items that are being delivered straight to home by the Takodachis, however. Depending on how well has a kid been behaving, some may even have their one true wish granted. Case in point, the young Angela Maria Fesch, sitting in a prayer room dedicated to her own use, is welcomed by the sight of a Takodachi parachuting down the burning fireplace, wholely unconcerned and undamaged by the fire beneath it. Angela, despite feeling wary of the little Santa-wannabe thing, is amused when she sees its wobbly form getting out of the fire, its rucksack still very much intact. She has half-expected for there to be soots and ashes following its... Steps? But she is glad that the thing hasn't made a mess of the room.

Finally, the Takodachi comes to a stop in front of the now crouching Angela. Though she is said to have an intelligent mind far ahead of her peers, the sole daughter of the Ducal House of Fesch is still a pure young girl at heart. Hence, it isn't a surprise for her to be attracted to the cute little Takodachi, watching it curiously as it pulls out a small, finely-made albeit nondescript wooden box from the rucksack. Understanding that it would like for her to take the box, Angel accepts the offering, slowly lifting the cover to see something that truly shocks her to the core.

Hastily closing the lid, Angela holds it securely in one arm before using her free one to pull the surprised Takodachi into a hug. The little slightly regrets that she will be missing this squishy feeling after this but right now, she has a father to cure. After all, she has wished to Heaven above for a miraculous medicine that can treat her father's wicked ailment that has befallen him for months, if not years. And surely enough, her prayers are answered. It may not be Heaven that delivered the cure, but for the current Angela, it most certainly was.

Bidding farewell to the Takodachi, she knows that the little purple octopus can see itself out, Angela rushes through the corridors of her family's Ducal Palace. Running straight into her father's room, Angela barely stops in time to knock thrice. However, she doesn't wait for permission to enter but rather comes right in with haste.

The sight that comes into view is that of her seemingly unconscious father and the mother figure of the entire household. "P-Pardon my intrusion!" Angela barely breathed out the words, tired from the physical activities she wasn't used to doing. It's a matter that she will be jotting down for immediate rectification after her father regains his health.

Understandably for her, her father isn't the one who replied, rather, it's her other mother, Lady Audrey Fesch. "Angela, my daughter, what has gotten you to run like you're being pursued?" Lady Audrey then stands up to help Angela to the bedside.

Audrey is the first wife of Joseph Fesch, the latter is the second bearer of his name and the blessed Duke of Indochina. While Audrey wasn't the one to sire Angela, the honor of that went to the late second wife of Joseph, Camelia Fesch, she treats Angela like her own flesh and blood, the same as her two sons. Angela's mother passed away while giving birth to Angela, hence it has fallen on Audrey to raise the family's little angel. A matter the Lady of the house has treated with utmost importance ever since.

Angela, after taking a breather while sitting by her father's side alongside Audrey, speaks up. "Dearest mother, I come bearing blessings. My prayers, they have been answered!"

Angela then hands over the wooden box to Audrey. The Lady then receives it with grace before uncovering the box, seeing a neatly folded note and three softly glowing orange vials safely stored inside the cushioned box. Picking up the paper and unfolding it, Audrey visibly changes her countenance the more she reads the words written inside.

Nonetheless, Audrey steals her visage, putting away the note without betraying any thoughts on her face. Then, she addresses her daughter. "Angela, I speak for your daughter when I say that your love for him is most cherished. Just the fact that you received this miraculous cure is more than enough of a testament to your pure heart. But I must be the voice of reason here and say that, until the vials are safely tested, I will not allow your father to be subjected to them. You're a smart girl, Angela, surely you will understand where I am coming from."

And Angela is a very smart girl, in her haste, she forgot to consider that the vials may do more harm than good to her sickly dad. Though she understands it now, Angela still deflates after missing out on the important fact.

Seeing her daughter like that, Audrey lets out a smile before patting Angela's hair kindly, saying. "You're smart, Audrey, but you have to remember that haste makes waste. Now, would you kindly fetch apothecary Vu and Bishop Hoang? With them here, we may shed some light on what these vials are."

Angela beams as she receives the head pats. "Yes, mother!" This time, the girl leaves the room with orderly steps.

Once Audrey is sure that her daughter is gone, however, she goes to lock the door, speaking up. "Well, that was something else."

All of a sudden, the supposedly sickly man on the bed jumps down from it, shedding the blanket to reveal a still sprying man despite his apparent age. The Duke of Indochina himself, Joseph Fesch, is a man in his late fifties. A Caucasian man with a grey bushy beard and military-cut hair, the Duke actually has traces of Asian heritage in his blood. Inherited from his his mother before him who was part of the native populace of Indochina.

With strong steps unbefitting of the ailment-inflicted act he has been putting on for years, the Duke speaks with a measured tone, pointing a thumb at the door. "So how do we tell her?"

Audrey raises an eyebrow. "That her father has been putting on an act to host a succession game for the last few years?"

"Blunt, but what you said is also a way." Joseph commented, making Audrey shrug.

"Angela is smart beyond her age, albeit still naive in the way of the world. But that can be rectified, no, it must be rectified." Audrey said. "At the matter stands, she is sincerely hoping that these vials she brought can bring you back. It will be crushing to her if this turns out to be a hoax but from what I can see outwardly, they seem legit. Though I advise waiting for Bishop Hoang to arrive and cast an inspection spell to identify any harmful elements, just in case."

By this time, Joseph had already picked up the note Audrey put away earlier. He then reads the shortened version of the note aloud. "Three vials, rejuvenating effects, increasing lifespan, curing mental and physical ailments... Panacea, the brew of Gods. Stamped with the seal that only three persons in the world can have. The seal of the Belkan royalty."

Audrey raises her fingers up at the last sentence. "So this house has sired two sons and a daughter. My eldest son is smitten with the communist idealogy and is a close friend of Nguyễn Ái Quốc. My second son, however, is even worse by the fact that he is madly in love with a known Japanese influential in Indochina. That leaves Camelia's treasure, Angela, the youngest in the house, and somehow has the mind rivaling that of my sons. She has yet to see the world but still manages to make contact with Belka through unknown means. Though I would still like to investigate this matter more before jumping to a final conclusion."

"That will be the smarter choice." Joseph said while looking at Audrey. "But just from an ideological standpoint alone, the most suitable heir of this house would be Angela. She will make for a loyal aide to the Princess's throne, not to mention being a smart one. Passing the ducal title to any of our sons means that Indochina will either be thrust into a communist revolt or be seized by the Japanese. No offense, by the way."

Audrey shakes her head calmly. "None taken. Somewhere along the line, I must have failed in their education."

"The responsibility lies in us both, my dear Audrey. But we can still salvage the situation by teaching little Angela the truth, and nothing but the truth. She is smart, in a few years' time, she will be leaving her older brothers in the dust. But until then..."

"The ruse must go on." Audrey nodded. "I will be bringing her in for a private talk with us later."

"Perhaps tonight will be a suitable time. Our sons should be committed to their outside taskings." Joseph strokes his beard. "I wonder, if I leave the coffee industry in her hands, won't it be a good test of her mettle? It will surely allow her to build a power base of her own."


Moving away from the Indo in Indochina, inside a reclusive martial sect that is based on a forestry hill on the outskirts of Shanghai, a young girl with average height can be seen meditating beneath a matured Dawn Redwood. She has blueish-purple hair that is tied up in a ponytail, pale skin, and blue eyes. After a martial arts training session, this girl is now training her mental faculty like any good martial artist will do. That is until she is rudely interrupted by an object falling through the branches of the Redwood before bonking her audibly on her head.

"Ouch!" The girl's eyes are shocked open as she raises her hand to nurse the bump on her hair. Consciously, she looks around and spots the thing that has rudely interrupted her meditating session, not seeing a Takodachi who is now flying away with a smug face. The object is a scroll, an old way of passing down information, but is still being used sometimes in her sect.

Picking up the unknown scroll, the girl thinks that someone has misplaced it on the tree, though that would have been very careless of them. That said, she figures that the scroll itself doesn't even belong to her sect, the obvious signs being the material difference. The paper scroll in her hand seems to be of a higher quality than the ones stored in the library. Not to mention the fact that the girl is feeling a strange sense of compulsion, denouncing that the scroll is made just for her alone.

Cautiously, the girl unfurls the scroll. Surprisingly, the pearly white paper scroll shows no pictures or writings. That is until the girl experiences a splitting headache before she comes to see a slideshow of countless drawings, depicting various martial art stances and abilities being used running across the scroll's page. Her eyes struggle to make sense of the information rush but strangely enough, the girl can understand everything being shown heart in her mind. Slowly, she loses herself in a trance, not noticing that the scroll has evaporated after it stops showing her pictures and descriptions.

Her reverie is broken when a voice calls out to her from the building that served at the junior disciples' dormitory. "Fu Hua! It's time for dinner!"

Fu Hua snaps back to reality, turning around to see her closest friends waving at her from the garden patio. "Sushang! Lixue! Xuanyan! You're not gonna believe this!"

The girl, now identified as Fu Hua, rushes to join her fellow martial sisters, excitingly telling them of her recent epiphany. Unknowingly, this holiest of nights will shape their future into something much grander than any of them have ever dreamt of.

As much as I loathe myself for saying this, I am asking for a favor.

I have calculated my current income and tried to plan for the months ahead. However, I was surprised and scared when I learned that, in January and February of 2024, I may be in deep trouble. Why those two months in particular? Well, it comes down to Vietnam loves freaking extended holidays. On New Year and Tet holidays, banks will take a break at the beginning of the months/holidays. When this occurs in conjunction with weekend breaks, the matter stands that my monthly income won't be processed! Not until they're done with taking whatever break they need to.

That means, for the first two weeks of these two months, I may fall under the situation that I have money, but I can't withdraw any. As such, the home won't have any actual food, like, nada. While I can survive on instant noodles (if I still have them by then), my mother who is sick, surely can't.

It pains me to say this but I am asking for your favors, your help, and only if you can spare it. My Pa-treon is still there for monthly donations in return for benefits. Current income 508 USD/month out of 800 USD/month goal.


However, I have also set up a Ko-fi (hopefully properly this time) for coffee tips. This is for one-time tippings if you can't afford a monthly subscription. It's my hope that the money from tippings will be used for an advanced withdrawal to procure emergency food. There isn't any benefit for Ko-fi just yet but I am trying to set it up as a NSFW gallery. So you can't read advanced chapters, but you can at least check up on some sexy pics XD


Jokes aside, if you can support me monetarily, I hope that you can boost the popularity of my fiction in any way you can. On behalf of my mother, thank you, for everything!

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